1. newbie's video problem

I'm new to Euphoria and new to this list.  After playing with the PD
version, I am very impressed with Euphoria, but I've encountered a
problem that has me stymied.

I run Euphoria 1.4 programs in a DOS window under Windows 95.  The
first time EX runs, it forces the window to full-screen mode.
Alt-enter will restore the DOS session to a window, and subsequent
runs of EX in that session do not maximize it.  But every DOS
session suffers from this problem when EX runs the first time, and
it's a significant obstacle to the way I want my programs to run.

Has anyone else encountered this problem, and is there a known fix?

Robb Holmes
Robb Holmes
holmesr at ilinks.net
"Did God ever build a wall?" -- Duke Ellington
Rude Interlude, a Duke Ellington home page: http://www.ilinks.net/~holmesr/duke.

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2. Re: newbie's video problem

On June 30, Robb Holmes wrote:

> I run Euphoria 1.4 programs in a DOS window under Windows 95.  The
> first time EX runs, it forces the window to full-screen mode.
> Alt-enter will restore the DOS session to a window, and subsequent
> runs of EX in that session do not maximize it.  But every DOS
> session suffers from this problem when EX runs the first time, and
> it's a significant obstacle to the way I want my programs to run.
> Has anyone else encountered this problem, and is there a known fix?

Yes, this is the behaviour that I see on win95 as well. I
think it happens the first time you run *any* DOS program - no?. I have
always assumed there was some setting in win95 to change this behaviour,
but I have not tried very hard to find it. Unfortunately I won't
be able to investigate it for a couple of days - maybe someone else on
this list has the answer already. I'll let you know if I find out more.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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