1. Getting the Error code

How can I retrieve the error code of a DOS pgm invoked by
a euphoria pgm.  E.g.

   if ErrorLevel=2 then

I have a DOS pgm that will only communicate back to me via error
code.  I can do something kludgy like invoking the DOS pgm from
a BAT & checking the errorlevel there - then writing a DOS file
that my E-pgm can find.  I am hoping for something a bit more

Thanks for the help

John Kinne

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2. Re: Getting the Error code

On June 27, John Kinne wrote:
> How can I retrieve the error code of a DOS pgm invoked by
> a euphoria pgm.  E.g.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this at present. The WATCOM C
routine that system() calls does not return a useful error code to Euphoria.

> I have a DOS pgm that will only communicate back to me via error
> code.  I can do something kludgy like invoking the DOS pgm from
> a BAT & checking the errorlevel there - then writing a DOS file
> that my E-pgm can find.  I am hoping for something a bit more
> elegant.

This is probably your best bet.

I'll make a note of this problem. I don't
see any  "quick fix" for this one.

    Rob Craig
    Rapid Deployment Software

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