1. Assigning values to bitmaps in a sequence :)

Hello all,
This stuff is finally starting to make since to me. Just a little problem.
I am working on my first program, Black Jack. I have 52 bitmaps named
"1-52.bmp". These are loaded into a sequence Deck. Now how do assign values
to the elements in Deck. Lets say the ace of hearts is loaded into
Deck[1] how do I assign it a value of 1 and still keep the bitmap loaded
into that element. Or would I use another element like Deck[2] for the
value of the card. Basicaly I need to have a value associated with a Bitmap
in a sequence. Any help would be greatly apriciated.

roachd_76 at yahoo.com

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2. Re: Assigning values to bitmaps in a sequence :)

David Roach wrote:
>Hello all,
>This stuff is finally starting to make since to me. Just a little problem.
>I am working on my first program, Black Jack. I have 52 bitmaps named
>"1-52.bmp". These are loaded into a sequence Deck. Now how do assign values
>to the elements in Deck. Lets say the ace of hearts is loaded into
>Deck[1] how do I assign it a value of 1 and still keep the bitmap loaded
>into that element. Or would I use another element like Deck[2] for the
>value of the card. Basicaly I need to have a value associated with a Bitmap
>in a sequence. Any help would be greatly apriciated.


My suggestion would be to use a second sequence for your
values. If your card is stored in Deck[1], put the value
of it in DeckValue[1]. For a game like yours, this is
probably the most efficient way to do it.

If for some reason you need to have them together, you
can take this approach...

    -- instead of
   Deck[1] = {...} -- bitmap of the card

    -- use
   Deck[1] = {value, {...}} -- value, AND the bitmap

    -- now you access the value with Deck[1][1],
    -- and the bitmap with Deck[1][2]. You can use
    -- constants to simplify things: VALUE=1, BITMAP=2
    -- so that you access Deck[1][VALUE] and
    -- Deck[1][BITMAP]

Rod Jackson

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3. Re: Assigning values to bitmaps in a sequence :)

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 17:46:09 -0500, David Roach <roachd_76 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

>Hello all,
>This stuff is finally starting to make since to me. Just a little problem.
>I am working on my first program, Black Jack. I have 52 bitmaps named
>"1-52.bmp". These are loaded into a sequence Deck. Now how do assign values
>to the elements in Deck. Lets say the ace of hearts is loaded into
>Deck[1] how do I assign it a value of 1 and still keep the bitmap loaded
>into that element. Or would I use another element like Deck[2] for the
>value of the card. Basicaly I need to have a value associated with a Bitmap
>in a sequence. Any help would be greatly apriciated.
>roachd_76 at yahoo.com

It is the first element of deck and may be referred to by deck[1]. In general,
if you use any of the algorithms on this list that produce a shuffled
sequence whose content is the numbers 1 thru 52 in no particular order, you
will have the index into the deck sequence.

If shuffled is the sequence representing the shuffled deck,  then

warning: untested code

atom card
object image
sequence deck,shuffled
for x = 1 to 52 do
card = shuffled[x]                    -- take a card
image = deck[card]                 -- select an image related to that card
...                            --- do what ever you need to display the image
end for                     -- do it again

This would display the 52 shuffled cards.

The confusion you have seems to be between the index and the contents of
the sequence. Though both have the range 1 thru 52, the index is merely a
pointer to the currently referred to element of the sequence that contains
one of the values 1 thru 52.

If that doesn't confuse you further, nothing will.

Everett L.(Rett) Williams
rett at gvtc.com

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4. Re: Assigning values to bitmaps in a sequence :)

This pretty much what I have and what I think i can do with it.

sequence Deck, cards
 Deck  = {}                                 -- make theDeck empty
 cards = {}

 for i = 1 to 52 do

            cards = sprintf( "%d.bmp", {i} )       -- build the cards
            Deck &= loadBitmapFromFile( cards )    -- append the bitmap
handle to the list
        end for
I didn't write this code Dave Cunny did. I understand what it does I think.
When all the cards are loaded into Deck I have something like this...
The way I have my bmp names is that 1.bmp is a ace of hearts 2.bmp is the
2 of hearts all the way up to the king of hearts and then it starts again
for a differnt suit. I believe I can add another element to the first in
Deck named "value" or something. and use that to proces the cards value.
I hope this is right. So this is what I would end up with.
Deck[1(AH)][2(1 or 11)]
And so on up to the 52nd card. If this is right someone let me know. I'm
about get this stuff under my belt. Then I won't be asking so many
Thanks for all your help.

roachd_76 at yahoo.com

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5. Re: Assigning values to bitmaps in a sequence :)

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999 22:15:37 -0500, David Roach <roachd_76 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

>This pretty much what I have and what I think i can do with it.
>sequence Deck, cards
> Deck  = {}                                 -- make theDeck empty
> cards = {}
> for i = 1 to 52 do
>            cards = sprintf( "%d.bmp", {i} )       -- build the cards
>            Deck &= loadBitmapFromFile( cards )    -- append the bitmap
>handle to the list
>        end for
>I didn't write this code Dave Cunny did. I understand what it does I think.
>When all the cards are loaded into Deck I have something like this...

Actually, this is a minor point but important point. All the file handles to the
bmp's are loaded into Deck rather than the bmp's themselves.

>Deck[1]   ---file handle for the ace of hearts
>Deck[2]   ---file handle for the two of hearts
>.....              --- no idea what your suit order is
>Deck[51]  ---file handle for the queen of spades
>Deck[52]  ---file handle for the king of spades

>The way I have my bmp names is that 1.bmp is a ace of hearts 2.bmp is the
>2 of hearts all the way up to the king of hearts and then it starts again
>for a differnt suit. I believe I can add another element to the first in
>Deck named "value" or something. and use that to proces the cards value.
>I hope this is right. So this is what I would end up with.

Since you are going to have an alternate value for aces, it would be wise to
balance the array, by providing alternate values for all cards. It will make it
easier to refer to the regular values of other cards when referring to the
alternate value of an ace.


sequence card_values,deck      -- build value sequence

deck = repeat(0,52)
card_values = repeat({0,0},13) -- initialize
card_values[1] = {1,11}        -- set ace to 1 or 11

for x =2 to 9 do
card_values[x] = {x,x}         -- set cards 2 thru 9 to (2 or 2) thru (9 or 9)
end for

card_values[10..13] = repeat({10,10},4)  -- set 10 thru king to 10 or 10

for c = 1 to 52 do               -- set a sequence into deck that represents
deck[c] = c                    -- bmp loading - the bmp loading
end for                        -- program should be put here in place of this
for loop

  --- fill in deck with sequences  that look like this
  --- ((1,1,11},{2,2,2}...{13,10,10},{14,1,11}...{51,10,10},{52,10,10))
  --- where the first value of each triplet is the bitmap handle, the
  --- second value is the primary value, and the third value is the
  --- alternate value of the card

for c = 1 to 13 do
deck[c] &= card_values[c]
deck[c+13] &= card_values[c]
deck[c+26] &= card_values[c]
deck[c+39] &= card_values[c]
end for

print(1, deck[1..13])
print(1, deck[14..26])
print(1, deck[27..39])
print(1, deck[40..52])

 -- Run this code with ex.exe to see the output


>Deck[1(AH)][2(1 or 11)]
>And so on up to the 52nd card. If this is right someone let me know. I'm
>about get this stuff under my belt. Then I won't be asking so many
>Thanks for all your help.
>roachd_76 at yahoo.com

Everett L.(Rett) Williams
rett at gvtc.com

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6. Re: Assigning values to bitmaps in a sequence :)

On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Hello all,
> This stuff is finally starting to make since to me. Just a little problem.
> I am working on my first program, Black Jack. I have 52 bitmaps named
> "1-52.bmp". These are loaded into a sequence Deck. Now how do assign values
> to the elements in Deck. Lets say the ace of hearts is loaded into
> Deck[1] how do I assign it a value of 1 and still keep the bitmap loaded
> into that element. Or would I use another element like Deck[2] for the
> value of the card. Basicaly I need to have a value associated with a Bitmap
> in a sequence. Any help would be greatly apriciated.

You'll need to keep track of each card's suit as well as its face value.
This is best done with a structure. You can simulate a structure as follows:

constant BMP_ERR = -- stuff to help when loading files
{"Cannot open %d.bmp","Unexpected EOF in%d.bmp","Unsupported format in %d.bmp"}

-- our deck of cards "structure" looks like this:
     constant VALUE = 1, SUIT = 2, GRAPH = 3,
                 HEARTS = 1, DIAMONDS = 2,  SPADES = 3, CLUBS = 4,
                 ACE = 1, JACK = 11, QUEEN = 12, KING = 13

   object cardrec
         cardrec = { 0, 0, {} } -- storage for value, suit,  and graphic data
   object deck
          deck = repeat(cardrec ,52) -- 52 instances of cardrec
-- end structure

-- Now, load the card values and the actual bitmap (not the bmp. filename)
-- into the deck.

object temp -- must be object
integer count

count = 1
for suit =  HEARTS to CLUBS do
 for card = ACE to KING do
  temp = read_bitmap(sprintf("%d.bmp", count )) -- read and store the bitmap
  -- if that doesn't work try: sprintf("\"%d.bmp\"",count)

  if atom(temp) then                               -- error reading file
     sprintf (1, BMP_ERR[temp],  count )   -- display a diagnostic msg

  else                                                 -- store the card data
    deck[count] [VALUE] = card
    deck[count] [SUIT]     = suit
    deck[count] [GRAPH] = temp[2]         -- discard the palette
  end if

 count += 1
 end for -- card
end for -- suit

Don't bother storing multiple values for the Ace, or other cards, that can
be handled within your  scoring logic. ( if card[VALUE] = ACE then count it as
either 1 or 11 whichever is better)


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