1. RE: memory?
- Posted by Bernie Ryan <xotron at localnet.com> Jun 11, 2001
John McAdam wrote: > hi all > > wait a moment please... your program has run out of memory. > > ugh. JOHN: You may be running out of hard drive swap space. Bernie
2. RE: memory?
- Posted by John McAdam <johnmcadam at clix.pt> Jun 13, 2001
>Hi John, Hi Igor >> wait a moment please... your program has run out of memory. >> ugh. >If you run Eu dos32 program in the win window (DOS session), >Windows doesn't allow swapping of your program's code and >data into the system swap-file. Windows swaps only *own* >code and data to release only all RAM for your Eu dos32 >program. So, run dos32 program on plain DOS 7.1 >to use Euphoria's *own* swap-file. Let me see if I understand this: If I run my euphoria program with windows in the background I can't use all my system's memory, just whatever windows allotted my program. To use all my memory I must reboot in msdos mode, no windows. Correct? And I still don't know how much memory I have available using a euphoria dos program under (over) windows. >If you run Eu win32 program, this program use the system >swap-file. If your system swap-file is limited of size, >you may get this message above. I was just writing a euphoria dos program, not a euphoria windows program, so, if I change it into a euphoria windows program I can get to use more of my system's memory. Correct? Unless the swap-file is a limited size. How can I check that? Is this the same thing Bernie was suggesting by "You may be running out of hard drive swap space."? >If you run DJGPP compiler, you must run it on plain DOS 7.1 >and load *own* DJGPP's DPMI server to have swap-file. No, no compiler, just regular interpreted euphoria. >Regards, >Igor Kachan >kinz at peterlink.ru Thanks Igor and Bernie JOHN begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(C8*`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0 at 36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`G $```$````1`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````0P`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0!33510 M`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P M`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```,`%0P!`````P#^#P8````> M``$P`0```!4````G155F;W)U;4!T;W!I8V$N8V]M)P`````"`0LP`0```!@` M``!33510.D551D]254U 5$]024-!+D-/30`#```Y``````L`0#H!`````P!Q M.@`````>`/9?`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```(!]U\!```` M0P````````"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O M;0!33510`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0```P#]7P$````#`/]?``````(! M]@\!````! ````````+ 4 at $$@ $`# ```%)%.B!M96UO<GD_`,D#`06 `P`. M````T0<&``H`"@`[`!@```!%`0$@@ ,`# at ```-$'! at `*``H`.@``````+ $! 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3. RE: memory?
- Posted by Matthew Lewis <matthewwalkerlewis at YAHOO.COM> Jun 13, 2001
> From: John McAdam [mailto:johnmcadam at clix.pt] > I got this error message after processing 86 out of 766 items. <SNIP> > Hate the idea of rewriting everything to process in little chunks > and bits. Storing to files. in and out. slow slow slow. I'm curious as to what these 'items' are. I wrote a program a while back to do a very large dynamic programming problem (something like 1000 variables and with some unusual constraints). I'd first tried to solve it as a knapsack, since that was easy, but it was very slow--and eventually ran out of memory. So I went to DP. Even though it was a lot faster, it ate up a ton of memory, and never got close to a solution. So I changed my tactic. I broke it up into three different DP problems, and combined them using a tabu search. The result was very good solutions very quickly (typically less than a minute), depending on the starting guess I used to initialize the search. It took some time to rewrite the algorithms, but was definitely worth it. Of course, without knowing what sort of processing you're doing, I don't know if there's any way to do something similar, but maybe it will give you some ideas. Or, if you're willing to share some more about what you're doing, we could come up with some other solutions. Matt Lewis