1. RE: Algorithm Request

Could you define 'equal amounts?'  I assume you don't mean simply splitting
n numbers into k piles, so that each pile k has either int(n/k) or
int(n/k)+1 numbers.  Are you concerned with the sum of the numbers?
Standard deviation?  Product? etc...

Matt Lewis

> From: C. K. Lester [mailto:cklester at yahoo.com]

> Is there an algorithm out there that will take a series of 
> numbers and put
> them in groups of equal amounts? For instance, I have these numbers:
> 377
> 378
> 384
> 387
> 388
> 391
> 396
> 422
> 424
> 425
> 488
> 505
> I need them placed in two groups, as close to being equal in value as
> possible.
> I'm sure there's something out there... if not, I challenge 
> everyone to a
> EUPHORIA programming contest! :)

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2. RE: Algorithm Request

> From: C. K. Lester [mailto:cklester at yahoo.com]

> Howdy, Matt,
> When I said, "as close to being equal in value as possible," 
> I meant their
> sums...
> > Could you define 'equal amounts?'  I assume you don't mean simply
> splitting
> > n numbers into k piles, so that each pile k has either int(n/k) or
> > int(n/k)+1 numbers.
> Right. I don't mean that...
> > Are you concerned with the sum of the numbers?
> Yes!
> So, with this set:
> 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11
> split into two groups, it would create TWO groups of 3 
> numbers each whose
> sums were the closest possible to equal...
> 1, 4, 11 = 16
> 2, 5, 8 = 15

Here's what I came up with real quick.  There's probably a more elegant
solution, but this should work for any number of sets you want to make:

include get.e
include sort.e

function sums(sequence nums)
    sequence sum
    integer add
    sum = repeat(0,length(nums))
    for i = 1 to length(nums) do
        add = 0
        for j = 1 to length(nums[i]) do
            add += nums[i][j]
        end for
        sum[i] = add
    end for
    return sum
end function

procedure main()
    integer mid, ideal, sum, d, rep, max, pick_max, min, pick_min, over,
    sequence buckets, bucket_sums, rnd
    sum = 0
    rnd = repeat( 0, 100 )
    for i = 1 to length(rnd) do
        rnd[i] = rand(1000)
        sum += rnd[i]
    end for

    rnd = sort(rnd)
    ? rnd

    for b = 2 to 5 do
        ideal = floor(sum/b)

        buckets = repeat({},b)

        max = 1
        while max <= length(rnd) do
            for i = 1 to b do
                if max > length(rnd) then exit end if
                buckets[i] &= rnd[max]
                max += 1
            end for

        end while
        bucket_sums = sums(buckets)
        rep = 0
        d = sum
        while d and (rep < 100) do

            max = 0
            pick_max = 0
            min = sum
            for i = 1 to b do
                if bucket_sums[i] > max then
                    max = bucket_sums[i]
                    pick_max = i
                end if
                if bucket_sums[i] < min then
                    min = bucket_sums[i]
                    pick_min = i
                end if
            end for
            -- remove one number from pick_max and give to pick_min
            over = bucket_sums[pick_max] - ideal
            under = ideal - bucket_sums[pick_min]
            -- choose which number to give away
            for i = length(buckets[pick_max]) to 1 by -1 do
                if buckets[pick_max][i] < over + under then
                    buckets[pick_min] = sort( buckets[pick_min] & 
				buckets[pick_max][i] )
                    buckets[pick_max] = buckets[pick_max][1..i-1] & 
                end if
            end for

            bucket_sums = sums( buckets )
            d = 0
            min = 0
            for i = 1 to length(bucket_sums) do
                max = bucket_sums[i] - ideal
                if max < 0 then 
                    max = -max
                end if
                if max > min then
                    min = max
                    d = min 
                end if
            end for

            rep += 1
        end while
        printf(1,"\nbuckets: %d ideal: %d  max: %d  reps: %d\n", 
			{b,ideal,d, rep} ) 
        ? bucket_sums
        for i = 1 to b do
            ? buckets[i]
        end for
    end for
end procedure


if wait_key() then end if

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3. RE: Algorithm Request

Pete and all:
I really liked the problem posed by C. K. Lester, and developed my own code.
I am thinking in using it as a challenge for my students of C/C++ and Java,
to excite competition (a prize for the fastest lgorithm).
Following is my solution, which in many cases takes nearly no time having as
input huge sequences, such as the one in the example (10000 random numbers
between 1 and 10000). It is really strange for a backtracking algorithm,
having several shortcuts.
This is the code:

--Group numbers into two groups such that their sums are as close as
--R. M. Forno 2003/04/10
include sort.e
include get.e
include misc.e
include machine.e

integer Last, Lendata, Bestlast
atom Lowgoal, Highgoal, Val, Bestval, Totval, Limit
sequence Data, Index, Accum, Bestind


function readseq()
--Read a sequence of integers from the keyboard or from a redirected file
    sequence s, r
    s = {}
    while 1 do
 r = get(0)
 if r[1] != GET_SUCCESS or not integer(r[2]) then
 end if
 s &= r[2]
    end while
    return s
end function

procedure outputresult()
--Output resulting partitions
    sequence aux
    aux = repeat(0, Lendata)
    for i = 1 to Lendata do
 aux[i] = i
    end for
    for i = 1 to Bestlast do
 aux[Bestind[i]] = 0
    end for
    printf(1, "Best solution values: %d %d\n", {Bestval, Totval - Bestval})
    puts(1, "Partition 1:\n")
    for i = 1 to Bestlast do
 printf(1, "%d ", Data[Bestind[i]])
    end for
    puts(1, '\n')
    puts(1, "Partition 2:\n")
    for i = 1 to Lendata do
 if aux[i] then
     printf(1, "%d ", Data[aux[i]])
 end if
    end for
    puts(1, '\n')
end procedure

function recurse()
    integer ind, r, dat, i1
    if Val > Highgoal then --Impossible to get better values
 return 0
    elsif Val < Lowgoal then --Try to go ahead
 if Val > Bestval then --Test for better value
     Bestval = Val --Update best value and corresponding indexes
     Bestlast = Last
     Bestind = Index
 end if
 if Val > Limit then --Impossible to get better values
     return 0
 end if
 ind = Index[Last] --Go to next data item
 while 1 do
     i1 = ind --Previous
     ind += 1
     if ind > Lendata then --End of data vector
  return 0
     end if
     if Val + Accum[ind] <= Bestval then --Impossible to get better value
  return 0
     end if
     dat = Data[ind]
     if dat != Data[i1] or Index[Last] = i1 then --Skip repetition
  Last += 1 --Try next index
  Index[Last] = ind
  Val += dat
  r = recurse()
  if r then --Best possible value found
      return 1
  end if
  Val -= dat --Restore previous value
  Last -= 1
     end if
 end while
 Bestval = Val --Either Val = Lowgoal or Val = Highgoal
 Bestlast = Last
 Bestind = Index
 return 1 --Indicate best possible value found
    end if
end function

procedure optim()
    integer r
    Bestval = 0
    Last = 1
    Bestlast = 1
    Index[1] = 1
    Val = Data[1]
    Limit = Highgoal - Data[Lendata]
    Bestind = Index
    r = recurse()
end procedure

function genrand(integer n, integer m)
    sequence s
    s = rand(repeat(n, m))
    return s
end function

procedure main()
    atom t
    integer a, b
    a = 10000
    b = 10000
--  Data = readseq()
    Data = genrand(a, b)
    Lendata = length(Data)
    Index = repeat(0, Lendata)
    t = time()
    if Lendata = 0 then
 Bestlast = 0
 Totval = 0
 Bestval = 0
    elsif Lendata = 1 then
 Bestlast = 1
 Bestind = {1}
 Totval = Data[1]
 Bestval = Totval
 Data = reverse(sort(Data))
 Accum = Data
 for i = Lendata to 2 by -1 do
     Accum[i - 1] += Accum[i]
 end for
 Totval = Accum[1]
 Lowgoal = floor(Totval * 0.5)
 Highgoal = - floor(- Totval * 0.5)
    end if
    printf(2, "n = %d m = %d Time: %f\n", {a, b, time() - t})
end procedure


----- Original Message -----
From: Pete Lomax <petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk>
To: EUforum <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: Algorithm Request

On Mon, 7 Apr 2003 16:01:45 -0500, "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com>

Over ten years ago I wrote a best fit algorithm in COBOL, no less,
without recursion (and plenty of goto statements). I've wanted to
recode it in Euphoria for ages, and now I have.

-- Optimised best-fit algorithm
-- Pete Lomax 7th April 2003
include sort.e

integer required

sequence sizes

sequence includeset

integer lowbest, lowlevel, highbest, highlevel, worktot, level, item
sequence lowset, highset

procedure display(sequence dtext, integer dtot, sequence dset, integer
integer ib
printf(1,"%s %d\n",{dtext,dtot})
for b=1 to dlevel do
printf(1,"%d  %d\n",{ib,sizes[ib]})
end for
if getc(0) then end if
end procedure

procedure find_combination()
-- This section tries to find a set of sizes which add up to the
-- required amount exactly.
while 1 do
if worktot=required then -- Found exact fit
end if
if worktot<required and worktot > lowbest then
end if
if item > 1 -- More to be tested
and worktot<required then
level+=1 -- Leave item in table;
if worktot>required and worktot < highbest then
end if
while 1 do
-- Now we need to backtrack;  remove item from running
-- total and look at the next instead.
if item > 1 then -- More to be tested
item-=1 -- Look at next (overwrite item in table)
end if
-- We have exhausted all possibilities at this level;
-- backtrack to a previous level.
if level=0 then return end if -- All done
end while
end if
end while
end procedure

procedure main()

for i=1 to length(sizes) do
end for
printf(1,"Required: %d\n",{required})

if lowbest=required then
display("Exact fit",lowbest,lowset,lowlevel)
display("Lower figure",lowbest,lowset,lowlevel)
display("Higher figure",highbest,highset,highlevel)
end if
end procedure


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