1. IDE 0.11.0 patch2
- Posted by Judith <camping at txcyber.com> Dec 11, 2001
If you are having problems reading an Euphoria include module into IDE from a saved PRJ file you need to apply the patch below. in module IDE_proj.ew find and replace the procedure below --11.1 global procedure readModuleFile(sequence fName) integer handle object data, -------------patch for reading file from Eu/include isOk sequence euDir --check the current directory isOk=dir(fName) if atom(isOk) then --11.0 maybe file is in IDE dir? isOk=chdir(the_current_dir) isOk=dir(fName) end if if atom(isOk) then --11.0 maybe file is in project dir? isOk=chdir(projectDir) isOk=dir(fName) end if if atom(isOk) then --11.0 maybe file is an EU include file? euDir=getenv("EUDIR") if atom(euDir) then euDir="C:\\Euphoria" end if isOk=chdir(euDir & "\\include") isOk=dir(fName) end if -------------------------end patch ---------------------- --read the file handle=open( fName, "r" ) if handle = -1 then ok=message_box("can not read:" & fName & ".","",0) return end if while True do data=gets(handle) if atom(data) then --eof exit end if -- remove line feed if data[length(data)] = '\n' then data= data[1..length(data) - 1] end if if length(data) then --grab global routines findRoutineNames(data) end if end while close(handle) end procedure (problem reported by Tony Steward) Judith