1. Mailing list

Hello everybody -

Somebody recently raised a question about a separate mailing list in
addition to or in place of the regular Euphoria listserv.  He generally got
dumped on for making this suggestion.

I don't want to get dumped on, but I'd like to remark that sometimes
dividing up a list makes sense.  I don't think the Euphoria listserv has
reached that point yet, but it will, sooner or later.

This past winter I subscribed to another listserv, dedicated to WordPerfect.
It was interesting and informative, but I eventually cancelled my
subscription, because of two factors:

1.      Most of the messages pertained to newer versions of WordPerfect than
the one I am using.  I might find those newer versions useful in one way or
another, but my old version does pretty much what I want it to, and my bank
account won't stand adding new stuff unless it is badly needed.

2.      Every day I would check for e-mail, and I would find 60, 80, 100 or
more messages.  Just going through them would take two or three hours,
saving the ones with information useful to me and dumping the others.  I'd
rather spend my time on the computer doing something more fruitful than
winnowing the mail.

In that particular case, a separate listserv or alternative list for various
versions of WP, various applications, or various something else, would have
saved me a lot of time.  I complained about it on-line a couple of times,
and received answers like "Oh, just do this, or do that" utilizing features
that are not available to me.  Perhaps they are "ordinary" on later
versions, but I couldn't find them on my machine.

I don't view this as being "rude" to anybody, or deprecating anybody's
efforts on the listserv.  I just want to use my computer for the things I
bought it for.  Going through tons of mail that contains no information
useful to me isn't one of those things.

Please, no hard feelings.

Wally Riley
wryly at mindspring.com

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2. Re: Mailing list

Hi Wallace:
I just joined the LISTSERV, and what you say makes sense.  I'm with you on this.


Wallace B. Riley wrote:

> Hello everybody -
> Somebody recently raised a question about a separate mailing list in
> addition to or in place of the regular Euphoria listserv.  He generally got
> dumped on for making this suggestion.
> I don't want to get dumped on, but I'd like to remark that sometimes
> dividing up a list makes sense.  I don't think the Euphoria listserv has
> reached that point yet, but it will, sooner or later.
> This past winter I subscribed to another listserv, dedicated to WordPerfect.
> It was interesting and informative, but I eventually cancelled my
> subscription, because of two factors:
> 1.      Most of the messages pertained to newer versions of WordPerfect than
> the one I am using.  I might find those newer versions useful in one way or
> another, but my old version does pretty much what I want it to, and my bank
> account won't stand adding new stuff unless it is badly needed.
> 2.      Every day I would check for e-mail, and I would find 60, 80, 100 or
> more messages.  Just going through them would take two or three hours,
> saving the ones with information useful to me and dumping the others.  I'd
> rather spend my time on the computer doing something more fruitful than
> winnowing the mail.
> In that particular case, a separate listserv or alternative list for various
> versions of WP, various applications, or various something else, would have
> saved me a lot of time.  I complained about it on-line a couple of times,
> and received answers like "Oh, just do this, or do that" utilizing features
> that are not available to me.  Perhaps they are "ordinary" on later
> versions, but I couldn't find them on my machine.
> I don't view this as being "rude" to anybody, or deprecating anybody's
> efforts on the listserv.  I just want to use my computer for the things I
> bought it for.  Going through tons of mail that contains no information
> useful to me isn't one of those things.
> Please, no hard feelings.
> Wally Riley
> wryly at mindspring.com

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3. Re: Mailing list

At 07:55 AM 6/1/98 -0700, Frank Atry wrote:

>Hi Wallace:
>I just joined the LISTSERV, and what you say makes sense.  I'm with you on
>Wallace B. Riley wrote:
>> Hello everybody -
>> Somebody recently raised a question about a separate mailing list

Mr. Riley's points are well taken. There are a couple of
things that might help, however:

 One requires the cooperation of the posters to this list:
 that is to include some kind of code in the subject line
 to identify the "category" the message belong in.
 Then anyone who wants can use their e-mail program to
 sort the stuff into different mailboxes (including the
 trash). Other lists do this, with varying degrees of

 The second solution: Use the web interface to the list.
 It already sorts by subject (or sender, or date...)
 and you only have to read the ones you are interested
 in. Drawback here: the person who has the actual answer
 to your question may never see it.

There's no free lunch, I guess.


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4. Re: Mailing list

You're right.  It *would* require people's cooperation.  To tell the truth, at
this time I'm too much of a novice for this issue to make a great impact on me
one way or another.  I did, however, get 75 messages in my e-mail box just this
morning!  But, I guess I would rather get 75 than none at all!
You guys go ahead and decide the issue.
Regards to everyone.

Irv wrote:

> At 07:55 AM 6/1/98 -0700, Frank Atry wrote:
> >Hi Wallace:
> >I just joined the LISTSERV, and what you say makes sense.  I'm with you on
> this.
> >
> >Frank
> >
> >Wallace B. Riley wrote:
> >
> >> Hello everybody -
> >>
> >> Somebody recently raised a question about a separate mailing list
> Mr. Riley's points are well taken. There are a couple of
> things that might help, however:
>  One requires the cooperation of the posters to this list:
>  that is to include some kind of code in the subject line
>  to identify the "category" the message belong in.
>  Then anyone who wants can use their e-mail program to
>  sort the stuff into different mailboxes (including the
>  trash). Other lists do this, with varying degrees of
>  success.
>  The second solution: Use the web interface to the list.
>  It already sorts by subject (or sender, or date...)
>  and you only have to read the ones you are interested
>  in. Drawback here: the person who has the actual answer
>  to your question may never see it.
> There's no free lunch, I guess.
> Irv

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5. Mailing list

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