1. More Wish List

Here's a wish for the 'while' and 'for' loops:

[for loop]

   for <var> = <start> to <end> [by <step>] do
   end for

[while loop]

   while <test> do
   end while


This instruction causes the code to jump to the top of the loop. It's
standard with most languages, and always puzzled me that Euphoria hasn't got
one yet.


I found this one in Python, and it's pretty cool. If the loop is exited
*without* encountering an 'exit' statement, the 'else' branch is taken. So
instead of having to write this sort of thing to handle exceptions:

   integer found

   found = False
   for i = 1 to length( s ) do
      ... code goes here ...
      if test then
         flag = True
      end if
   end for

   if not found then
      ... exception processing ...
   end if

you could use the 'else' to handle the exception:

   for i = 1 to length( s ) do
      ... code goes here ...
      if test then
      end if
      ... exception processing ...
   end for

It not only makes the code shorter, but it binds the exception code to the
loop construct, which is where it logically belongs.

-- David Cuny

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2. Re: More Wish List

Derek Parnell wrote:

>    for i = 1 to length( s ) do
>       ... code goes here ...
>       if test1 then
>          exit code1
>       end if
>       ... more code can go here ...
>       if test2 then
>          exit code2
>       end if
>       ... more code can go here ...
>    when code1
>       exception processing ...
>    when code2
>       exception processing ...
>    end for

I'm not entirely clear what's happening here. If the intent is to allow the
user to jump to the bottom of the loop, run the exception processing, and
exit, this will accomplish the same thing, with no new construct and the
same amount of code.

   for i = 1 to length( s ) do
      ... code goes here ...
      if test1 then
         code1 exception processing
      end if
      ... more code can go here ...
      if test2 then
         code2 exception processing
      end if
      ... more code can go here ...
   end for

Am I missing something?

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: More Wish List

Derek Parnell wrote:

> How about ...

OK, I'm clear on it now.

-- David Cuny

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