1. Win32lib V0.53 available.

Well at long last, I've got the next Win32Lib release ready. Here is a list
of the modifications.

Changes to Win32Lib.ew  Version 0.53
- -Removed CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL from ComboBox styles " by Wolfagng Fritz"
-- Removed CBS_SIMPLE from SortedComboBox styles " by Wolfagng Fritz"
-- fix bug that destroyed the window_range whenever a control was created "
by Davi Figueiredo"
-- fix bug that allowed an apps windows to be closed while a modal window
was active " by Davi Figueiredo"
-- fix bug in which extended flags were only being used if supplied by the
caller " by Davi Figueiredo"
-- added test for "is Destroyed" when activating contols in a tabitem. " by
Renzo Beggia"
-- fixed getSelf() bug in which the wrong ID was returned after a subsequent
sendmessage(). " by Matt Lewis"
-- changed onClick to fire on left button up (inside same area and < 0.5
secs) rather than on left button down.
-- added setMouseClick() to set the parameters for "click" operations.
-- hotkey activation on buttons, now checks for onClick() handler.
-- Fixed bug. User can no longer set focus to a control that is invisible or
-- onKeyPress can now (optionally) return an alternative key or -1 to ignore
the key.
-- added getHandles(), findParent(), findParentWindow(), and findChildren()
-- made registerHotKey() callable.
-- add changed cursor during a Drag & Drop operation. " by David Cuny"
-- fixed bug which prevented hotkeys being used for tabitems.
-- fix bug. The wrong parameter was being used to set a Progress Bar's
range. " by Wolfgang Fritz"
-- added some error checking for invalid Style flags etc.. when creating a
-- documented validId(), getSelf(), getHandle()
-- The following routines where hidden: ILAddIcon(), ILAdd(), ILAddMasked()
-- Documented (briefly) many ListView and TreeView functions.
-- renamed getParent() to getTVParent()
-- enhanced setWarning() to be able to treat all "warning" messages as abort
-- warnErr() now supports user defined clean up routines like abortErr()
-- Fixed bug. setFont(..., Bold) now sets a true bold character. " by Travis
-- added setFontWeight() to set how dark 'bold' really is.
-- Some minor enhancements to the demo programs.
-- New include file w32keys.e which is required by win32lib.ew
-- Known Bugs
The following are known bugs. They will probably be fixed before the next
major release.
--"Combo controls"
--      "since 0.50?"
--      Subclassing of an edit control is failing if Euphoria TRACE has been
--      But sometimes fails anyway.
--      This causes a warning message to pop up and if the application
--      the TAB key processing for this combo control is ignored.
--      "since 0.50"
--      The image area appears to always be highlight/selected, whenever
--      the cursor is in the edit box.

You can get this at
or via www.rapideuphoria.com user contributions page.

This release is 395.27kB of ZIP file which contains the library, updated
HTML docs, demo programs etc...

WARNING! This release is not stable enough to overwrite your normal win32lib
files. Test this release out before you commit to it.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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2. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Derek Parnell wrote:

> changed onClick to fire on left button up
> (inside same area and < 0.5 secs) rather
> than on left button down.

Urm... no. For example, VB (and many other apps) also consider clicking to
be a left mouse down. I think you are confusing "clicking the mouse" with
"pushing a control".

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Thanks David, I'm not convinced just yet, so I'll research it again.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

> Derek Parnell wrote:
> > changed onClick to fire on left button up
> > (inside same area and < 0.5 secs) rather
> > than on left button down.
> Urm... no. For example, VB (and many other apps) also consider clicking to
> be a left mouse down. I think you are confusing "clicking the mouse" with
> "pushing a control".
> -- David Cuny

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4. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Derek Parnell wrote:

> Thanks David, I'm not convinced just yet,
> so I'll research it again.

I owe you an apology.

I just coded a demo in VBA/Word, and the UserForm_Click event isn't
triggered until the MouseUp. Just a plain MouseUp won't do it - you have to
start the click on the form.

However, there's no time limit between the initial click and release - It
looks like it actually *captures* the mouse on the mousedown, although it's
hard to tell, since the dialog is modal.

A bit more humbly,

-- David Cuny

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5. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

I gave a "nod" to accessibility issues with the time element. It means th=
someone can change the reaction time (and movement tolerances) if they ne=
to. The defaults I used of 0.5 seconds and a 2-pixel box around the initi=
mousedown seem to work well for me. But people are free to change their
setup, of course. I was think of letting people choose to equate
left-mousedown with a mouse click gesture as an option as well. Should we

Here is an extract from the VB docs...

Visual Basic Reference

Click Event

Occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an
object. It can also occur when the value of a control is changed.

For a Form object, this event occurs when the user clicks either a blank
area or a disabled control. For a control, this event occurs when the use=

Clicks a control with the left or right mouse button. With a CheckBox,
CommandButton, Listbox, or OptionButton control, the Click event occurs o=
when the user clicks the left mouse button.

Selects an item in a ComboBox or ListBox control, either by pressing the
arrow keys or by clicking the mouse button.

Presses the SPACEBAR when a CommandButton, OptionButton, or CheckBox cont=
has the focus.

Presses ENTER when a form has a CommandButton control with its Default
property set to True.

Presses ESC when a form has a Cancel button - a CommandButton control wit=
its Cancel property set to True.

Presses an access key for a control. For example, if the caption of a
CommandButton control is "&Go", pressing ALT+G triggers the event.
You can also trigger the Click event in code by:

Setting a CommandButton control's Value property to True.

Setting an OptionButton control's Value property to True.

Changing a CheckBox control's Value property setting.

Private Sub Form_Click( )

Private Sub object_Click([index As Integer])

The Click event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To
index An integer that uniquely identifies a control if it's in a control


Typically, you attach a Click event procedure to a CommandButton control,
Menu object, or PictureBox control to carry out commands and command-like
actions. For the other applicable controls, use this event to trigger
actions in response to a change in the control.

You can use a control's Value property to test the state of the control f=
code. Clicking a control generates MouseDown and MouseUp events in additi=
to the Click event. The order in which these three events occur varies fr=
control to control. For example, for ListBox and CommandButton controls, =
events occur in this order: MouseDown, Click, MouseUp. But for FileListBo=
Label, or PictureBox controls, the events occur in this order: MouseDown,
MouseUp, and Click. When you're attaching event procedures for these rela=
events, be sure that their actions don't conflict. If the order of events=
important in your application, test the control to determine the event

Note   To distinguish between the left, right, and middle mouse buttons, =
the MouseDown and MouseUp events.

If there is code in the Click event, the DblClick event will never trigge=
because the Click event is the first event to trigger between the two. As=
result, the mouse click is intercepted by the Click event, so the DblClic=
event doesn't occur.


Send feedback on this article.  Find support options.

=A9 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

I think the win32lib's use of Click is more consistent. The sequence is
always MouseDown, Click and MouseUp, and DoubleClicks are always possible
(unless a specific control traps them first).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

> Derek Parnell wrote:
> > Thanks David, I'm not convinced just yet,
> > so I'll research it again.
> I owe you an apology.
> I just coded a demo in VBA/Word, and the UserForm_Click event isn't
> triggered until the MouseUp. Just a plain MouseUp won't do it - you hav=
> start the click on the form.
> However, there's no time limit between the initial click and release - =
> looks like it actually *captures* the mouse on the mousedown, although
> hard to tell, since the dialog is modal.
> A bit more humbly,
> -- David Cuny

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6. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

> I gave a "nod" to accessibility issues with the time element. It means that
> someone can change the reaction time (and movement tolerances) if they need
> to. The defaults I used of 0.5 seconds and a 2-pixel box around the initial

If I understand your concerns about 'accessibility issues'...
How about setting the time to the ( current ) user's defaults:
...just using GetDoubleClickTime()


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7. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Hi Matt,
Your absolutely correct. Don't just love documenting!

The Drag & Drop mouse shape changing ability was supplied by Matt Lewis.

Sorry about that, Matt.

I'll fix up the "leaving the window" problem too.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Lewis" <MatthewL at KAPCOUSA.COM>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

> Just to be nit-picky...
> > From: Derek Parnell
> > -- add changed cursor during a Drag & Drop operation. " by David Cuny"
> I think this was really me (maybe Dave did something, too)...But on a
> further note, the drag and drop code in win32lib should probably capture
> mouse.  As it stands, if you release the left button outside of the window
> during a drag, win32lib doesn't realize it, and things act strangely...
> Matt Lewis

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8. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Just to be nit-picky...

> From: Derek Parnell
> -- add changed cursor during a Drag & Drop operation. " by David Cuny"

I think this was really me (maybe Dave did something, too)...But on a
further note, the drag and drop code in win32lib should probably capture the
mouse.  As it stands, if you release the left button outside of the window
during a drag, win32lib doesn't realize it, and things act strangely...

Matt Lewis

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9. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Hi Dan,
The RDS link actually takes you to the Sourceforge FTP site, where you can
see all the releases. V0.50 is the most recent "official" release. You can
still use the RDS link to pick up an "bleeding" edge version.

Derek Parnell
>Derek, Rob,
>The RDS site, recent contributions, says it's v 0.50??

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10. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

Derek, Rob,

The RDS site, recent contributions, says it's v 0.50??


----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Parnell" <dparnell at BIGPOND.NET.AU>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 6:21 AM
Subject: Win32lib V0.53 available.

> Well at long last, I've got the next Win32Lib release ready. Here is a
> of the modifications.
> -------------------------------------
> Changes to Win32Lib.ew  Version 0.53
> -------------------------------------
> - -Removed CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL from ComboBox styles " by Wolfagng Fritz"
> -- Removed CBS_SIMPLE from SortedComboBox styles " by Wolfagng Fritz"
> -- fix bug that destroyed the window_range whenever a control was created
> by Davi Figueiredo"
> -- fix bug that allowed an apps windows to be closed while a modal window
> was active " by Davi Figueiredo"
> -- fix bug in which extended flags were only being used if supplied by the
> caller " by Davi Figueiredo"
> -- added test for "is Destroyed" when activating contols in a tabitem. "
> Renzo Beggia"
> -- fixed getSelf() bug in which the wrong ID was returned after a
> sendmessage(). " by Matt Lewis"
> -- changed onClick to fire on left button up (inside same area and < 0.5
> secs) rather than on left button down.
> -- added setMouseClick() to set the parameters for "click" operations.
> -- hotkey activation on buttons, now checks for onClick() handler.
> -- Fixed bug. User can no longer set focus to a control that is invisible
> disabled.
> -- onKeyPress can now (optionally) return an alternative key or -1 to
> the key.
> -- added getHandles(), findParent(), findParentWindow(), and
> -- made registerHotKey() callable.
> -- add changed cursor during a Drag & Drop operation. " by David Cuny"
> -- fixed bug which prevented hotkeys being used for tabitems.
> -- fix bug. The wrong parameter was being used to set a Progress Bar's
> range. " by Wolfgang Fritz"
> -- added some error checking for invalid Style flags etc.. when creating a
> control.
> -- documented validId(), getSelf(), getHandle()
> -- The following routines where hidden: ILAddIcon(), ILAdd(),
> -- Documented (briefly) many ListView and TreeView functions.
> -- renamed getParent() to getTVParent()
> -- enhanced setWarning() to be able to treat all "warning" messages as
> messages.
> -- warnErr() now supports user defined clean up routines like abortErr()
> does.
> -- Fixed bug. setFont(..., Bold) now sets a true bold character. " by
> Beaty"
> -- added setFontWeight() to set how dark 'bold' really is.
> -- Some minor enhancements to the demo programs.
> -- New include file w32keys.e which is required by win32lib.ew
> ----------------------------------------------
> -- Known Bugs
> ----------------------------------------------
> The following are known bugs. They will probably be fixed before the next
> major release.
> --"Combo controls"
> --      "since 0.50?"
> --      Subclassing of an edit control is failing if Euphoria TRACE has
> activated.
> --      But sometimes fails anyway.
> --      This causes a warning message to pop up and if the application
> continues,
> --      the TAB key processing for this combo control is ignored.
> --ComboBoxEx
> --      "since 0.50"
> --      The image area appears to always be highlight/selected, whenever
> --      the cursor is in the edit box.
> --
> You can get this at
> or via www.rapideuphoria.com user contributions page.
> This release is 395.27kB of ZIP file which contains the library, updated
> HTML docs, demo programs etc...
> WARNING! This release is not stable enough to overwrite your normal
> files. Test this release out before you commit to it.
> -----------------
> cheers,
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia

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11. Re: Win32lib V0.53 available.

I don't know if this is one of the known bugs in Win32lib or something
introduced by v0.53 but I am getting the following crash when I use ide.exw.

When I select the Class drop down list in the Properties window for any
control the whole program crashes with a stack fault in Kernel32.dll.

Anybody got any clues to the cause of the crash?


                Mark Smith
          Mark's Leisure Zone

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