1. Eu2C translator batch file
- Posted by Ken Rhodes <ken_rhodes30436 at yahoo.com> Apr 02, 2003
-- just for fun, in case anyone is interested: --#!/home/kenneth/euphoria/bin/exu -- file : ecx.exu -- author : Kenneth Rhodes, derived from replace.ex --- 1.10 by jiri babor -- email : ken_rhodes30436 at yahoo.com -- project : adapt ecu generated emake file to use -- : gcc-3.2 in place of gcc(-2.96) -- : automate ecu translation of code, -- : execute emake, compile and -- : compress executable file using UXP -- : removes - "cleans up" files generated -- : by ecu -- tool : euphoria 2.4 -- platform: Linux -- date : 03-01-2003 -- version : 1.0 ---------< this code adapted from Jiri -- Babor'sreplace.ex >------------ include file.e sequence buffer, fn, cl, new_text, old_text, operation integer exit_code procedure help(sequence error_message) puts(1,"Error : " & error_message & "\n") puts(1,"Syntax: exu ecx.exu filename.exu.\n") abort(1) end procedure procedure read() integer f, len, n f=open("emake","rb") if f=-1 then help("Couldn't open " & fn & " !\n") end if n=seek(f, -1) -- go to end of input file len=where(f) -- get length of input file in bytes n=seek(f, 0) -- go back to beginning of input file buffer = repeat(0, len) -- init buffer for i=1 to len do buffer[i] = getc(f) -- read file into buffer end for close(f) end procedure -- read procedure replace_and_write() integer f, i, lo, ln f=open("emake", "wb") -- open output file lo = length(old_text) ln = length(new_text) i = match(old_text, buffer) while i do puts(f, buffer[1..i-1]) puts(f, new_text) buffer = buffer[i+lo..length(buffer)] i = match(old_text, buffer) end while puts(f, buffer) close(f) -- close output file end procedure -- replace_and_write ---------< code adapted from Jiri Babor's replace.ex >------------------------- -- main constant COULD_NOT_RUN = -1, SUCCESSFUL = 0, SCREEN = 1 procedure report_exit_codes() if exit_code = COULD_NOT_RUN then puts(SCREEN, "\n" & operation & " failed") elsif exit_code = SUCCESSFUL then printf(SCREEN,"\n%s SUCCESSfUL", {operation}) elsif exit_code = 256 then printf(SCREEN, "\n%s FAILED with code %d \n(file not found)", {operation, exit_code}) else printf(SCREEN, "\n%s FAILED with code %d", {operation, exit_code}) end if end procedure old_text = "gcc" new_text = "gcc-3.2" cl=command_line() if length(cl) < 3 then help("Insufficient number of arguments!") end if fn = cl[3] operation = ("translation of " & fn & " to c_code ") exit_code = system_exec("ecu " & fn, 0) report_exit_codes() read() replace_and_write() operation = ( "running emake ") exit_code = system_exec("./emake", 0) report_exit_codes() operation = ("removing c files ") exit_code = system_exec("rm *.c *.h emake", 0) report_exit_codes() operation = "Compressing executable with UPX " fn = fn[1..match(".", fn)-1] exit_code = system_exec("upx --best " & fn, 0) report_exit_codes() puts(1, "\nDone!\n")