1. Easy way to calculate text width!! no matter what font

i have just encountered some MFC C++ code that will save a few pple the
hassle of finding text width. here is the routine;

static int _CalcTextWidth(const CString& strText)
 CWindowDC dc(NULL);
 CRect rcText(0, 0, 0, 0);
 CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(&_fontHorzMenu);
 dc.DrawText(strText, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT);

 return rcText.Width();

What is basically happening is that the RECT structure is passed to the
drawText() function with null values for all its elements. The drawText()
function, on noticing this fills the structure with the text width. It
calculates the width based on the font currently selected in the DC.

I Hope this helps those out there who have once had to calculate text width
the difficult way.


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2. Re: Easy way to calculate text width!! no matter what font

>From: jordah at btopenworld.com
>Subject: Easy way to calculate text width!! no matter what font
>i have just encountered some MFC C++ code that will save a few pple the
>hassle of finding text width. here is the routine;
>static int _CalcTextWidth(const CString& strText)
>  CWindowDC dc(NULL);
>  CRect rcText(0, 0, 0, 0);
>  CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(&_fontHorzMenu);
>  dc.DrawText(strText, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT);
>  dc.SelectObject(pOldFont);
>  return rcText.Width();
>What is basically happening is that the RECT structure is passed to the
>drawText() function with null values for all its elements. The drawText()
>function, on noticing this fills the structure with the text width. It
>calculates the width based on the font currently selected in the DC.

  Well, it's not doing this because the RECT is full of 0's, but because of 
the DT_CALCRECT flag. You can also find the height of the text as well. You 
may want to fill in the top and left parts of the structure if you want to 
get the bottom and right parts.... DrawText will not actually draw the text 
though, if DT_CALCRECT is specified.

>I Hope this helps those out there who have once had to calculate text width
>the difficult way.

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