1. Fw: enumerating all the combinations

Can anybody decode this into EUPHORIA?

> #include <malloc.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <assert.h>
> int** binom; /* after initialization, binom[i][j] is (i+j)!/i!j! */
> static int** binomInit(int size)
> {
>   int i;
>   int** binom = 1 + (int**) malloc((size+1) * sizeof(int*));
>   binom[-1] = 1 + (int*) malloc((size+1) * (size+1) * sizeof(int));
>   binom[0] = binom[-1] + size + 1;
>   binom[-1][-1] = binom[-1][0] = binom[0][-1] = 0;
>   binom[0][0] = 1;
>   for (i = 1; i < size; ++i)
>     {
>       int j, t;
>       binom[i] = binom[i-1] + size + 1;
>       binom[i][-1] = binom[-1][i] =
>  t = 0;
>       for (j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
>  binom[i][j] = binom[j][i] =
>    t += binom[i-1][j];
>     }
>   return binom;
> }
> #define insertElt(array, t) ((array) |=  (1<<(t)))
> #define removeElt(array, t) ((array) &= ~(1<<(t)))
> #define containsElt(array, t) (((array) >> (t)) & 1)
> int comb_to_int(int s, int u, unsigned long element)
> {
>   int answer = 0;
>   while (--s)
>     {
>       answer += binom[u-s][s];
>       while ((element & 1) == 0)
>  {
>    element >>= 1;
>    --u;
>  }
>       answer -= binom[u-s][s];
>       element >>= 1;
>       --u;
>     }
>   return answer;
> }
> unsigned long int_to_comb(int s, int u, int i)
> {
>   unsigned long element = 0;
>   int k = 0;
>   while (s > 0)
>     {
>       if (i < binom[u-s][s-1])
>  {
>    insertElt(element, k);
>    --s;
>  }
>       else
>  i -= binom[u-s][s-1];
>       ++k;
>       --u;
>     }
>   assert(i == 0);
>   return element;
> }
> void print_elements(unsigned long array)
> {
>   unsigned t;
>   for (t = 0; array!=0; ++t)
>     {
>       if (containsElt(array, t))
>  printf(" %d", t);
>       removeElt(array, t);
>     }
>   printf("\n");
> }
> int main()
> {
>   int u,s;
>   unsigned long array;
>   printf("Enter maximum universe size and maximum set size: \n");
>   scanf("%d%d", &u, &s);
>   binom = binomInit(1+u);
>   for (;;)
>     {
>       char c;
>       int i;
>       getchar();
>       printf("'i', 'c', 'e', 'u', 's', 'q', or '?' (help): \n");
>       c = getchar();
>       switch(c)
>  {
>  case 'i':
>    {
>      printf("Enter %d items from 0 to %d: \n", s, u-1);
>      array = 0;
>      for (i = 0; i < s; ++i)
>        {
>   int t;
>   scanf("%d", &t);
>   insertElt(array, t);
>        }
>      i = comb_to_int(s,u,array);
>      printf("Index is %d\n", i);
>    } break;
>  case 'c':
>    {
>      int t;
>      printf("Enter an index: \n", i);
>      scanf("%d", &i);
>      array = int_to_comb(s, u, i);
>      printf("The corresponding combination is: \n");
>      print_elements(array);
>    } break;
>  case 'e':
>    {
>      printf("An enumeration of all combinations:\n");
>      /*for (i = 0; i < binom[s][u-s]; ++i)*/
>      for (i = 0; i < binom[s][u-s]; ++i )
>        {
>   printf("%4d: ", i);
>   print_elements(int_to_comb(s, u, i));
>        }
>      break;
>    }
>  case 'u':
>    {
>      printf("Enter a new value for the number of distinct elements: \n",
>      scanf("%d", &u);
>    } break;
>  case 's':
>    {
>      printf("Enter a new value for the set size: \n", i);
>      scanf("%d", &s);
>    } break;
>  case 'q':
>    return 0;
>  case '?':
>    {
>      printf("Type 'i' to convert a combination to an index.\n");
>      printf("Type 'c' to convert an index to a combination.\n");
>      printf("Type 'e' to enumerate the combinations.\n");
>      printf("Type 'u' to change the size of the universe of items.\n");
>      printf("Type 's' to change the size of the sets of items.\n");
>      printf("Type 'q' to quit.\n");
>      printf("Type '?' to get this explanation.\n");
>    } break;
>  default:
>    break;
>  }
>     }
> }
> For some fortran see:
>  http://ftp.cac.psu.edu/pub/ger/fortran/hdk/
> For Code Snippets:
>  http://remus.rutgers.edu/~rhoads/Code/code.html
> For more info:
>  http://www.caam.rice.edu/~dougm/twiddle/EnumComb.html
>  http://www.caam.rice.edu/~dougm/twiddle/

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