1. Euphoria To C -- I\'m Back!

So I said I was going to return after Euphoria to C translator was released (I'm
a busy...lesbian).
And here I am.

I also said that if the translator was crap, I would release and market U4IA++,
wich includes a translator and interpretter for over 70 compiler, hardware and OS
I installed the Translators for both DOS and Windows after messing around with
the incorrect library include  paths a bit, and here is what I found of it;


I'ts HUGE!
The executable produced by Watcom is actually even BIGGER than the interpretter!
170kb for a small program containing only a single loop and including graphics.e
and get.e!
And that's not even half of it! 170Kb is the size of the executable ALONE, let's
not talk about the 260Kb DOS4GW required to actually run the executable!


It's SLOW!
I wrote a small graphics benchmark program wich consisted out of the following

include get.e
include graphics.e

if graphics_mode(256) then end if
for ix = 1 to 50000 do
end for

if wait_key() then end if

and guess what?
The COMPILED version runs 4 times slower than the interpretted one!
This is probably (read: not likely) due to DOS4GW, but a hell of a lot of people
will want to use DOS4GW so it doesn't matter.
Try it.
Translate above code to C and run emake.bat in the Binw directory of Watcom, and
you'll see it runs slow as hell!
I used Watcom v 1.1 to compile the code, BTW.

The code generated is less than non-readable!
It'll give you a stroke just attempting to make out what is being done!

No new features?
And there never will be, unless you figure out a way to speed up the slow
graphics code produced.
Let's not even talk about the shitty restrictions the free edition has...

People, people...
What a piece of flying shit!
Be 100% sure I will release, market and publish my personal U4IA++ package
within the next months,
and release a public domain version within a week.
My package outperforms pure and clean ANSI C with a few percent through
conditional Inline ASM, let alone Euphoria, compiled or not.
Hundreds of libraries, thousands, if not millions of lines of documentation
including windows, graphics and console programming, support for the TooL
Playstation II development platform through CodeWarrior, PsyQ-kit based
Playstation MIPS 3000 support using the free GNU C for MIPS, PsyQ-kit based N64
MIPS4000 support with Reality chip specific graphics optimisations, Dreamcast
Windows CE support through Visual C++, etc. ad infinitum, run-time error
checking, crash protection, tracing, DeBug onscreen Joystick controlled tracing
for console platforms, OOP, NightShade (tm) portable machine language,
DLL/OCX creation, ASM to C translation, dynamic interprettation, portable DLL
format, and a crapload of shrink-wrapped freeware and custom C/C++ compilers to
go with everything.

Forget about this home-made slow POS, get your hand on the fastest high-level
programming language in history: U4IA++.

Mike The Spike
PS. I'll be back soon. First a public domain version of U4IA++ will be given to
you alone, as I planned earlier, because you are the only people that know the
Euphoria language and can provide quick feedback when possible bugs are found.
I'm making arrangements as of now to get U4IA++ out t ehe door as soon as
possible. The idea was for me to help out RDS and convince them to start work on
a translator, and if they failed, I would release my own system. They failed.

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2. Re: Euphoria To C -- I\'m Back!

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike The Spike <mikethespike at FREEZE.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 11:49 PM
Subject: Euphoria To C -- I\'m Back!

> I also said that if the translator was crap, I would release and market
U4IA++, wich includes a translator and interpretter for over 70 compiler,
hardware and OS  platforms...

Would that be before or after you master "hello world"?


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3. Re: Euphoria To C -- I\'m Back!

> The executable produced by Watcom is actually even
> BIGGER than the interpretter!

The interpreter is a compressed executable.
The .exe's that you create with the translator are not,
unless you choose to compress them yourself.

> for ix = 1 to 50000 do
>     pixel(rand(16),{rand(640),rand(400)})
> end for
> The COMPILED version runs 4 times slower than the
> interpretted one! This is probably (read: not likely)
> due to DOS4GW,

I just tried this benchmark.
First, I cranked the iterations up to 500000 to get something
measureable, then I added time() calls to get an accurate
measurement. Then I tried it using the DOS4GW extender.
(To substitute DOS4GW for Causeway, just change
"system Causeway" to "system DOS4g" in objfiles.lnk.
objfiles.lnk is created automatically by the
DOS32 translator, ec.exe.

Anyway, the times were within 1% of each other whether
I used the interpreter, the translator with CauseWay or
the translator with DOS4GW.

This is what I expected since almost all the time is spent
in the 3 calls to rand() and the call to pixel().

In general, you can expect somewhat smaller and somewhat
faster .exe's in the next release.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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4. Re: Euphoria To C -- I\'m Back!

Rob writes..
>In general, you can expect somewhat smaller and somewhat
>faster .exe's in the next release.

Think before you flame Mike, it's only an alpha release.

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5. Re: Euphoria To C -- I\'m Back!

OK, this is the first I've responded the drivel of our local K00k, but I
can't resist any more...

Mike The Spike spewed (only he really knows why):


> I'ts HUGE!


> It's SLOW!


> I used Watcom v 1.1 to compile the code, BTW.

Jeez, how old is that?  The latest version is what, 10.6 or something?  For
a guy who claims to be so interested in new technology, this sure makes you
look pretty lame, but you already knew that.

Not that I'm at all familiar with Watcom C/C++, but I'm surprised it
actually compiled and linked under 1.1 (tho' I'm not convinced that you
actually did anything other than complain to the listserv and blow some more
vaporware around).

It won't work, of course, but I have to ask:  Please go away and talk about
your Incredible Feats of Programming somewhere else.  I'm sure there's
someone on usenet at your level.  Even if U4IA++ is real, I don't think it's
worth all the randomness that you create around here.


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