1. Strategy Game
- Posted by William Eiten <atompunk at ROF.NET> Mar 28, 1996
Okay, for all of you who are wondering about my game. It is going to start out as a turn-based strategy game. It will be similar to C&C where you build a base, collect resources, build units, and kill the other guy or whatever the goal is. After I have that completed I will take many of the design elements and transfer them into a real-time version of the game. Right now I have some of the design for starting to actually play the game already worked most of the way out. If any of you have ideas, hints, source code, or anything else that you think would be helpful, please send them to me. I am hoping to make this a project that all of us can help design. I think that it would be something that would help us out as a whole. I have sent some basic stuff on the game to The Reaper, but am not willing to let it out just yet to everyone though. So if you have any comments/hints, please send them. Thank you. William
2. Strategy Game
- Posted by Mike Fowler <stoner at NELSUN.GEN.NZ> Apr 06, 1997
-> Okay, for all of you who are wondering about my game. It is going to -> start out as a turn-based strategy game. It will be similar to C&C -> where you build a base, collect resources, build units, and kill the -> other guy or whatever the goal is. <SNIP> what happened to this game? we never heard boo about it since this message, and if we're meant to help, please keep us informed :) Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at nelsun.gen.nz o__ --- _,>/'_ --- (_) \(_) --- Tips for the month: Bill your dentist for your time in surgery.
3. Re: Strategy Game
- Posted by William Eiten <atompunk at ROF.NET> Apr 07, 1997
Mike Fowler wrote: > what happened to this game? > > we never heard boo about it since this message, and if we're meant to > help, please keep us informed :) Sorry, I haven't been able to get on for the past 4 days. Tomorrow I am going to post some more info and a small program. If any of you have any ideas to input on the program, go right ahead and change it. William
4. Strategy Game
- Posted by William Eiten <atompunk at ROF.NET> Apr 03, 1997
- Last edited Apr 04, 1997
I now have a better version of a selection screen (thanks to The Reaper) that will be similar to the final version of the game, I hope. If anyone would like to have it, just reply and I'll try to get it to you. Feel free to make any changes, for the better of course, and add any comments about it. Thank you. William
5. Re: Strategy Game
- Posted by Michael Cripps <michael.cripps at JUNO.COM> Apr 20, 1997
>I now have a better version of a selection screen (thanks to The Reaper) >that will be similar to the final version of the game, I hope. If anyone >would like to have it, just reply and I'll try to get it to you. I would love to have a copy. Late Warrior