1. aCircle.ex

Here's an interesting little demo of drawing a circle with draw_line.
Have fun with it.
James Powell

<-- Begin Cut Here -->
-- program ACIRCLE.EX by James Powell  {wizard at djo.com}
-- ACIRCLE.EX is derived from a heavily modified version
-- of ACIRCLE.X, which was distributed by BASMARK with
-- their Windows xBASIC compiler.
-- (I decided to include this disclaimer to point out that    )
-- (the circle generation routine is not my work.  I thought  )
-- (that passing it off as mine would be unethical.  All other)
-- (parts of ACIRCLE.EX are modifications that I made to the  )
-- (original source.                                          )
-- modify the variables to expirement with different shapes,
-- sizes, etc.
-- Have fun!

include graphics.e

constant PI = 3.141592653589793                -- Pi, of course
constant TWOPI = PI * 2                        -- Duh!
constant GMode = 19                            -- 320*200*256 VGA
constant SCREEN = 1

atom s1, s2, a1, a2, key, rad, prad
integer cW, cH, xdir, ydir, looper, dx, dy

procedure aCircle()
    integer p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y

    if (a1 >= TWOPI) then
        a1 = a1 - TWOPI
    end if
    if (a2 >= TWOPI) then
        a2 = a2 - TWOPI
        looper = looper + 1
    end if
    p1x = floor(sin(a1) * rad + dx)            -- Line segment endpoints
    p1y = floor(cos(a1) * rad + dy)            -- when drawn, forms a line
    p2x = floor(sin(a2) * rad + dx)            -- from xcenter - xradius,
    p2y = floor(cos(a2) * rad + dy)            -- ycenter - yraduis to
    draw_line(WHITE, {{p1x, p1y},{p2x, p2y}})  -- xcenter + xradius,
    a1 = a1 + s1                               -- ycenter + xradius
    a2 = a2 + s2
    s2 = 1.0002 * s2
    if (s2 > TWOPI) then
        s2 = s2 - TWOPI
    end if
end procedure

s1 = PI / 256
s2 = 4.9 * s1
a1 = 0
a2 = PI / 4

cW = 50                                        -- circle width diameter
cH = 50                                        -- circle height diameter
dx = 158                                       -- x center
dy = 98                                        -- y center

xdir = 1                                       -- x direction |  1 = --> or \/
ydir = 1                                       -- y direction | -1 = <-- or /\

if cW < cH then
    rad = floor(cW / 2)                        -- radius of the circle
    rad = floor(cH / 2)
end if

prad = rad                                     -- we want the polygon to erase
rad = rad - 6                                  -- the whole circle

if graphics_mode(GMode) then
    puts(SCREEN, "You need 320 X 200, 256 color VGA")
end if

key = get_key()                                -- draw a box to erase the
while key = -1 do                              -- lines
    polygon(BLACK, 1,{{dx - prad, dy - prad},{dx + prad, dy - prad},
                    {dx + prad, dy + prad}, {dx - prad, dy + prad}})
        looper = 0
    while looper <= 35 do
        aCircle()                              -- draw 35 staggered lines
        looper = looper + 1                    -- neato! makes a circle shape
    end while
    dx = dx + xdir                             -- now, lets move the center
    dy = dy + ydir                             -- coordinates
    if (dx > (320 - (floor(cW / 2) + 2))) or (dx < (floor(cW / 2) + 2)) then
        xdir = -xdir                           -- are we at the edges?
    end if
    if (dy > (200 - (floor(cH / 2) + 2))) or (dy < (floor(cH / 2) + 2)) then
        ydir = -ydir                           -- are we at the top or bottom?
    end if
    key = get_key()                            -- keep going as long as no
end while                                      -- key was pressed

if graphics_mode(-1) then
    puts(SCREEN, "I couldn't reset to text mode")
end if
<-- End Cut Here-->

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