1. CGI table print works great, except, unusual white spac

The script below does the expected except that the browser display
skips about (2) screens of white space between the 'heading' line,
(the <H1></H1> tags).....

and the start of the table 'header' print. The table 'detail' print
follows immediately the table 'header' as expected.

The <H1> tag is closed with its end tag ---> </H1> 
I've never seen such a thing; two screens of white space follow
the HTML heading !!


   include machine.e	
   without warning
-- build html page:
   integer fn 	
   sequence line 	
   if fn > 0 then
  	line = gets(fn)
   	puts(1,"Unable to open the disk file\n")
   end if 	
	"Content-type: text/HTML\n\n" & 
   	"<html LANG=EN><head>" &
   	"<title>BCH Remittance Splitter</title></head>" &
   	"<body text=blue>" &
   	"<center>" &
   	"<H1>BCH Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>" &  <-------- big space
                                                  <-------- after this
   	"<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=pink>" & 
   	"<tr><th nowrap>Received Date</th>" &
   	"<th nowrap>Provider</th>" &
   	"<th nowrap>Svc Year</th>" &	
   	"<th nowrap>Account #</th>" &
   	"<th nowrap>Last Name</th>" & 
   	"<th nowrap>First Name</th>" & 
   	"<th nowrap>Mid Init</th>" & 
   	"<th nowrap>Sub Last Name</th>" & 
   	"<th nowrap>Sub First Name</th>" &
   	"<th nowrap>Sub Mid Init</th>" & 
   	"<th nowrap>Date of Birth</th>" &
   	"<th nowrap>HIC Number</th>" &
   	"<th nowrap>Location</th>" & 
   	"<th nowrap>Fin Class</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Admit Date</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Dschg Date</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Pat Type</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Omega Pat Type</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>TOB</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Reference Number</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Pymt Status</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Rej Code</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>DRG</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Total Charges</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>CAS Amount</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Deductible Amt</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Co-Ins Amount</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Payment Amount</th>" &
	"<th nowrap>Pat ResP Amt</th>" &

   for i = 1 to 100 do
	"<tr>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[1..10] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[11..20] & "</td>" &
        "<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[21..24] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[25..36] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[37..64] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[65..92] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[93..93] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[94..121] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[122..149] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[150..150] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[151..160] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[161..175] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[176..177] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[178..179] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[180..189] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[190..199] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[200..200] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[201..201] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[202..203] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[204..227] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[228..229] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[230..234] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[235..237] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[238..251] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[252..269] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[270..284] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[285..299] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[300..314] & "</td>" &
	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" & line[315..328] & "</td>" &
	puts (1,"<br>")
        line = gets(fn)
   end for

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2. Re: CGI table print works great, except, unusual white spac

John F Dutcher wrote:
> The script below does the expected except that the browser display
> skips about (2) screens of white space between the 'heading' line,
> (the <H1></H1> tags).....
> and the start of the table 'header' print. The table 'detail' print
> follows immediately the table 'header' as expected.
> The <H1> tag is closed with its end tag ---> </H1> 
> I've never seen such a thing; two screens of white space follow
> the HTML heading !!
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#330033">#!c:\Euphoria\Bin\exw.exe</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   include </font><font
> color="#330033">machine.e	</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   without </font><font color="#330033">warning</font>
> <font color="#330033">   crash_file(</font><font
> color="#00A033">"error-messages.txt"</font><font color="#330033">)</font>
> <font color="#FF0055">-- build html page:</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">   integer </font><font color="#330033">fn 	</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">   sequence </font><font color="#330033">line 	</font>
> <font color="#330033">   fn=</font><font color="#FF00FF">open</font><font
> color="#330033">(</font><font color="#00A033">"bcare_remit.txt"</font><font
> color="#330033">,</font><font color="#00A033">"r"</font><font
> color="#330033">)</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   if </font><font color="#330033">fn > 0 </font><font
> color="#0000FF">then</font>
> <font color="#330033">  	line = </font><font color="#FF00FF">gets</font><font
> color="#330033">(fn)</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   else</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">   	puts</font><font color="#330033">(1,</font><font
> color="#00A033">"Unable to open the disk file\n"</font><font
> color="#330033">)</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">        abort</font><font color="#330033">(1)</font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   end if 	</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">   puts</font><font color="#330033">(1,</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"Content-type: text/HTML\n\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#330033">      </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<html LANG=EN><head>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<title>BCH Remittance Splitter</title></head>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<body text=blue>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<center>" </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<H1>BCH Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&  <</font><font color="#FF0055">-------- big space</font>
> <font color="#330033">                                                 
> <</font><font color="#FF0055">-------- after this</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=pink>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<tr><th nowrap>Received Date</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Provider</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Svc Year</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&	</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Account #</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Last Name</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>First Name</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Mid Init</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Sub Last Name</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Sub First Name</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Sub Mid Init</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Date of Birth</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>HIC Number</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Location</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<th nowrap>Fin Class</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Admit Date</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Dschg Date</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Pat Type</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Omega Pat Type</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>TOB</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Reference Number</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Pymt Status</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Rej Code</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>DRG</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Total Charges</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>CAS Amount</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Deductible Amt</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Co-Ins Amount</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Payment Amount</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<th nowrap>Pat ResP Amt</th>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"</tr>"</font>
> <font color="#330033">   )</font>
> <font color="#330033">   </font>
> <font color="#330033">   </font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#0000FF">   for </font><font color="#330033">i = 1 </font><font
> color="#0000FF">to </font><font color="#330033">100 </font><font
> color="#0000FF">do</font>
> <font color="#330033">	</font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">        puts</font><font color="#330033">(1,</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<tr>" </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[1..10] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[11..20] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">        "<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[21..24] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[25..36] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[37..64] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[65..92] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[93..93] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[94..121] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[122..149] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[150..150] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[151..160] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[161..175] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[176..177] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[178..179] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[180..189] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[190..199] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[200..200] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[201..201] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[202..203] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[204..227] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[228..229] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[230..234] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"<td nowrap bgcolor=yellow>" </font><font
> color="#330033">& line[235..237] & </font><font color="#00A033">"</td>"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>

Your page does not show extra whitespace on my browser.  Could you post a
portion of the actual HTML code instead of the CGI?


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