1. HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

Here is CGI script code that produces the start of a table (the headings)
(still more headings to come, but already it wraps instead of scrolling):
	"Content-type: text/HTML\n\n" & 
   	"<html><head>\n" &
   	"<title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>\n" &
   	"<body text=blue>\n" &
   	"<center>\n" &
   	"<H1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>\n" & 
   	"<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=pink>\n" & 
   	"<tr><td>Received Date</td>\n" &
   	"<td>Provider</td>\n" &
   	"<td>Svc Year</td>\n" &	
   	"<td>Account #</td>\n" &
   	"<td>Last Name</td>\n" & 
   	"<td>First Name</td>\n" & 
   	"<td>Mid Init</td>\n" & 
   	"<td>Sub Last Name</td>\n" & 
   	"<td>Sub First Name</td>\n" &
   	"<td>Sub Mid Init</td>\n" & 
   	"<td>Date of Birth</td>\n" &
   	"<td>HIC Number</td>\n" &
   	"<td>Location</td>\n" & 
   	"<td>Fin Class</td>\n" &

Here is the 'source' sent to the browser after the CGI has run as seen in 
the browser menu 'view' - 'source' options with I.E. 6.0:

<title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>
<body text=blue>
<H1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
<tr><td>Received Date</td>
<td>Svc Year</td>
<td>Account #</td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Mid Init</td>
<td>Sub Last Name</td>
<td>Sub First Name</td>
<td>Sub Mid Init</td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td>HIC Number</td>
<td>Fin Class</td>

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2. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

You are not closing the head tag after title, before body.

On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 07:31:10 -0700
John F Dutcher <guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

> Here is the 'source' sent to the browser after the CGI has run as seen in 
> the browser menu 'view' - 'source' options with I.E. 6.0:
> <html><head>
> <title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>
> <body text=blue>
> <center>
> <H1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
> <tr><td>Received Date</td>
> <td>Provider</td>
> <td>Svc Year</td>
> <td>Account #</td>
> <td>Last Name</td>
> <td>First Name</td>
> <td>Mid Init</td>
> <td>Sub Last Name</td>
> <td>Sub First Name</td>
> <td>Sub Mid Init</td>
> <td>Date of Birth</td>
> <td>HIC Number</td>
> <td>Location</td>
> <td>Fin Class</td>
> </tr></table>

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3. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

John F Dutcher wrote:
> Here is the 'source' sent to the browser after the CGI has run as seen in 
> the browser menu 'view' - 'source' options with I.E. 6.0:
> <html><head>
> <title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>

Need a closing </head> here. Maybe it's there but Euforum killed it.

> <body text=blue>
> <center>
> <H1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
> <tr><td>Received Date</td>
> <td>Provider</td>
> <td>Svc Year</td>
> <td>Account #</td>
> <td>Last Name</td>
> <td>First Name</td>
> <td>Mid Init</td>
> <td>Sub Last Name</td>
> <td>Sub First Name</td>
> <td>Sub Mid Init</td>
> <td>Date of Birth</td>
> <td>HIC Number</td>
> <td>Location</td>
> <td>Fin Class</td>
> </tr></table>

Need a closing </body> here.

Viewing the code above in Mozilla Firefox displays it fine. It's a very
wide table and barely fits across my 1024x768 screen. When I reduce the
size of the browser window, the table conforms to the new size (gets
squished). You are indicating you want the column sizes to be static,
right? If so, you need to specify static column widths. Probably something
like <td width=PIX> where PIX is the pixel size.

"Programming in a state of EUPHORIA."

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4. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

John F Dutcher wrote:
> Here is CGI script code that produces the start of a table (the headings)
> (still more headings to come, but already it wraps instead of scrolling):
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> <font color="#FF00FF">puts</font><font color="#330033">(1,</font>
> <font color="#00A033">	"Content-type: text/HTML\n\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<html><head>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>\n"
> </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<body text=blue>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<center>\n" </font><font color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<H1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>\n"
> </font><font color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=pink>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<tr><td>Received Date</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Provider</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Svc Year</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&	</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Account #</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Last Name</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>First Name</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Mid Init</td>\n" </font><font color="#330033">&
> </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Sub Last Name</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Sub First Name</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Sub Mid Init</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">& </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Date of Birth</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>HIC Number</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Location</td>\n" </font><font color="#330033">&
> </font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"<td>Fin Class</td>\n" </font><font
> color="#330033">&</font>
> <font color="#00A033">   	"</tr></table>\n"</font>
> <font color="#330033"></font>
> Here is the 'source' sent to the browser after the CGI has run as seen in 
> the browser menu 'view' - 'source' options with I.E. 6.0:
> <html><head>
> <title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>
> <body text=blue>
> <center>
> <H1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
> <tr><td>Received Date</td>
> <td>Provider</td>
> <td>Svc Year</td>
> <td>Account #</td>
> <td>Last Name</td>
> <td>First Name</td>
> <td>Mid Init</td>
> <td>Sub Last Name</td>
> <td>Sub First Name</td>
> <td>Sub Mid Init</td>
> <td>Date of Birth</td>
> <td>HIC Number</td>
> <td>Location</td>
> <td>Fin Class</td>
> </tr></table>

It doesn't wrap for me.  I use IE 6.0 as well.

By the way, the TH element means the cell contains header information.
The TD element means the cell contains data.

See http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.6 and
http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/#tech-table-headers for info on this.


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5. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

Here is the browser menu -view-source display after adding the closing 
'head' tag.......for me, no change in the results occurred.

<title>BCH Remittance Splitter</title></head>
<body text=blue>
<H1>BCH Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
<tr><td>Received Date</td>
<td>Svc Year</td>
<td>Account #</td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Mid Init</td>
<td>Sub Last Name</td>
<td>Sub First Name</td>
<td>Sub Mid Init</td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td>HIC Number</td>
<td>Fin Class</td>

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6. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

If you want it to validate, you'll need a few more things.
I don't know if the following html will make it thru to the 
list, but let's try:

You'll need to add a doctype, need a closing tag for the head, 
a closing tag for center, closing tags for body and html,
plus I think those are supposed to be table headers th, not td's.

Let's see how much of this corrected html gets thru: Here goes:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBliC "-//W3C//DTD html 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<html lang="en">
  <title>Blues Remits Splitter</title>
<body text="blue">
<h1>Blues Remittances for 7/28/04</h1>
<table border="1" bgcolor="pink">
  <th>Received Date</th>
  <th>Svc Year</th>
  <th>Account #</th>
  <th>Last Name</th>
  <th>First Name</th>
  <th>Mid Init</th>
  <th>Sub Last Name</th>
  <th>Sub First Name</th>
  <th>Sub Mid Init</th>
  <th>Date of Birth</th>
  <th>HIC Number</th>
  <th>Fin Class</th>

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7. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

Here is the browser menu view-source display after adding the 'head' tag.

No change in the resulting page can be observed, however.

<title>BCH Remittance Splitter</title></head>
<body text=blue>
<H1>BCH Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
<tr><td>Received Date</td>
<td>Svc Year</td>
<td>Account #</td>
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Mid Init</td>
<td>Sub Last Name</td>
<td>Sub First Name</td>
<td>Sub Mid Init</td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td>HIC Number</td>
<td>Fin Class</td>

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8. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

John F Dutcher wrote:
> Here is the browser menu view-source display after adding the 'head' tag.
> No change in the resulting page can be observed, however.

Not closing tags such as center, body, and html can affect some 
browsers in strange ways, while others can handle it with no prob.


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9. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

I am wondering if 'not wrapping for you' includes the fact that, 
the headings fit on the screen...but they are 'stacked' within
the cell....I was expecting the entire phrase between the <th>...</th>
(I'm using 'th' now)....to display 'horizontally', as the data to be
placed in the table underneath the headings will require all the horizontal
cell width that these 'unstacked' headings would provide and more besides.

My browser is showing them 'stacked' in (3) lines within the cells.

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10. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

John F Dutcher wrote:
> I am wondering if 'not wrapping for you' includes the fact that, 
> the headings fit on the screen...but they are 'stacked' within
> the cell....I was expecting the entire phrase between the <th>...</th>
> (I'm using 'th' now)....to display 'horizontally', as the data to be
> placed in the table underneath the headings will require all the horizontal
> cell width that these 'unstacked' headings would provide and more besides.
> My browser is showing them 'stacked' in (3) lines within the cells.

Of course they will stack if the text is longer than the available space.
That may be unavoidable, because with a web browser the user, not you, 
have the final say as to what fonts/sizes, etc to use. That's the way 
it is supposed to work. 

So no matter what you do, if someone choses, say 48pt type for her table
headers, then
there's no way to avoid wrapping. The best you can do is to specify a very 
small font that fits on a given screen size 
(but realize it may be overridden), 
or make your headers into images 
(people will dislike you for doing that).


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11. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

irv mullins wrote:

> there's no way to avoid wrapping. The best you can do is to specify a very 
> small font that fits on a given screen size 
> (but realize it may be overridden), 
> or make your headers into images 
> (people will dislike you for doing that).

By the way, I can get all the headers to display as a single line:

Received Date

as opposed to:


by reducing the font size to a nearly unreadable 4 pts or so. If you 
use jpegs, then that 4 pt type will be fixed and your users won't 
be able to do anything about it. That's why they will hate you.


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12. Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

&nbsp;  Non-Breaking SPace


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John F Dutcher" <guest at RapidEuphoria.com>
To: <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: HTML table 'rows' wrapping instead of scrolling.....

> posted by: John F Dutcher <John_Dutcher at urmc.rochester.edu>
> Here is the browser menu view-source display after adding the 'head' tag.
> No change in the resulting page can be observed, however.
> <html><head>
> <title>BCH Remittance Splitter</title></head>
> <body text=blue>
> <center>
> <H1>BCH Remittances for 7/28/04</H1>
> <tr><td>Received Date</td>
> <td>Provider</td>
> <td>Svc Year</td>
> <td>Account #</td>
> <td>Last Name</td>
> <td>First Name</td>
> <td>Mid Init</td>
> <td>Sub Last Name</td>
> <td>Sub First Name</td>
> <td>Sub Mid Init</td>
> <td>Date of Birth</td>
> <td>HIC Number</td>
> <td>Location</td>
> <td>Fin Class</td>
> </tr></table>

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