1. Hi.

I just looked through the Euphoria demos.  Very nice.  It appears to be 
a very good rapid-prototyping language.  Debugging anything over 400 
lines must be a b-tch though...

I'm not used to it yet, but I've had familiarity with other languages 
such as C, so it's easy to modify the source code.  I made some tweaks 
to one of the samples; it tends to work smoother now.  Here it is, if 
anyone's interested.  Changes are marked in "--CHANGE: "

 - - -

file c:\euphoria\demos\dos32\mouse.ex

 - - -

        -- mouse test --
-- This is a very simple program to demonstrate the get_mouse() built-in
-- function. No call is made to mouse_events(), so by default all events are
-- reported by get_mouse().

include mouse.e
include graphics.e

sequence vc
vc = video_config()
if graphics_mode(17 + vc[VC_COLOR]) then -- 640x480 (16 colors)
    puts(1, "Can't get good graphics mode\n")
end if
vc = video_config()
constant origin = {vc[VC_XPIXELS]/2, vc[VC_YPIXELS]/2}
constant MAX_LINE = 5

procedure beep(integer pitch) --CHANGE: This was irritating, so I 
commented out the entire thing...
   -- atom t --CHANGE
   -- sound(pitch) --CHANGE
   -- t = time() --CHANGE
  --  while time() < t+0.07 do --CHANGE
   -- end while --CHANGE
   -- sound(0) --CHANGE
end procedure

procedure try_mouse()
    integer color, line, eventNo, oldx, oldy, newx, newy --CHANGE
    object event
    sequence movement, str

    color = 14
    eventNo = 0
    line = 1
    oldx = 0 --CHANGE
    oldy = 0 --CHANGE
    newx = 0 --CHANGE
    newy = 0 --CHANGE
    while 1 do
    event = get_mouse()
    if sequence(event) then
        eventNo += 1
        movement = "- -- -- --"
                                oldx=newx --CHANGE: previous line is 
blacked out...
                                oldy=newy --CHANGE
                                newx=event[2] --CHANGE
                                newy=event[3] --CHANGE

        if and_bits(event[1], MOVE) then
        movement[1] = 'M'
        draw_line(BLACK, {origin, {oldx, oldy}}) --CHANGE: the blacking 
        draw_line(color, {origin, {newx, newy}})  --CHANGE
        end if

        if and_bits(event[1], LEFT_DOWN) then
        movement[3] = 'D'
        color += 1
        if color > 15 then
            color = 0
        end if
        end if

        if and_bits(event[1], LEFT_UP) then
        movement[4] = 'U'
        end if
        if and_bits(event[1], MIDDLE_DOWN) then
        movement[6] = 'D'
        end if
        if and_bits(event[1], MIDDLE_UP) then
        movement[7] = 'U'
        end if
        if and_bits(event[1], RIGHT_DOWN) then
        movement[9] = 'D'
        color -= 1 --CHANGE: right-click now cycles colors backwards.
        if color < 0 then --CHANGE
            color = 15 --CHANGE
       end if --CHANGE
        end if
        if and_bits(event[1], RIGHT_UP) then
        movement[10] = 'U'
        end if
        if eventNo > 1 then
        puts(1, str)
        line += 1
        if line > MAX_LINE then
            line = 1
        end if
        position(line, 1)
        end if
        str = sprintf("event# %4d: %s, x:%d, y:%d       \r",
           {eventNo, movement, event[2], event[3]})

        puts(1, str)
        puts(1, '\n' & repeat(' ', length(str)))
        position(line, 1)
    end if
    if get_key() != -1 then
    end if
    end while
end procedure


if graphics_mode(-1) then
end if

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2. Re: Hi.

Hi Jesse,


You wrote:

> From: Jesse Duke <dark at cyax.com>
> To: EUforum at topica.com
> Subgect: Hi.
> Sent: 2 aug 2004 y. 11:39
> I just looked through the Euphoria demos.  
> Very nice. It appears to be  a very good 
> rapid-prototyping language.  Debugging 
> anything over 400 lines must be a b-tch
> though...

Debugging is the easiest thing in EU  blink

> I'm not used to it yet, but I've had 
> familiarity with other languages 
> such as C, so it's easy to modify the source
> code.  I made some tweaks 
> to one of the samples; it tends to work 
> smoother now.  Here it is, if 
> anyone's interested.  
> Changes are marked in "--CHANGE: "
>  - - -
> file c:\euphoria\demos\dos32\mouse.ex


> procedure beep(integer pitch) --CHANGE: This was irritating, so I 
> commented out the entire thing...
>    -- atom t --CHANGE
>    -- sound(pitch) --CHANGE
>    -- t = time() --CHANGE
>   --  while time() < t+0.07 do --CHANGE
>    -- end while --CHANGE
>    -- sound(0) --CHANGE
> end procedure


Too many extra job...

You can do, for example:

procedure beep(integer pitch)
    atom t
      return -- CHANGE
             t = time()
             while time() < t+0.07 do
             end while
end procedure

And Euphoria will remind you about your
change, when program is finished.
Then you can  
-- return -- CHANGE
to restore old good procedure.
See, 'return' stands after 'atom t', this is
an important thing about procedures 
and functions.

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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