1. Proseq


Some month ago, I wrote to this list about a language, named Kafka,
that I had invented, that would translate into Euphoria code; and some
peopled showed interest in commenting on a description of Kafka.

What's happened since then is that I've abandoned Kafka. But not
primarily because something went wrong with it, but because I found
another, better approach of accomplishing the same things as with

This new approach became, in the end, another language, called Proseq.
Proseq will translate into Euphoria just like Kafka. So it can be viewed
as sort of a very advanced preprocessor.

I haven't begun coding the translator yet, but have instead writted a
very extensive documentation of Proseq, that can be found at


So this is my contribution to the somewhat inflammated discussion about
"improving" Euphoria.

I would appreciate lots and lots of comments.


Martin Nilsson

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2. Re: Proseq

>> (In Euphoria you can only override built-in names.). My solution

  Martin: How can you override built-in names ???

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3. Re: Proseq


> >> (In Euphoria you can only override built-in names.). My solution
>   Martin: How can you override built-in names ???

In Euphoria, you can "overload" built-in routine names by declaring another
routine by the same name. A good example I can think of is in Pete
Eberlein's Neil, he overloads the "puts()" routine to work in his graphics
modes. I hope this explains.

Lewis Townsend
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4. Re: Proseq


Please resist Rob's attempts to bribe you into silence. Nostradamus's quite
right, finally. jiri

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5. Re: Proseq

Jiri Babor wrote:
>Please resist Rob's attempts to bribe you into silence. Nostradamus's quite
>right, finally. jiri

I'm not sure if you're serious or if you're just trying to do
me a favour by making people curious of my document. But anyway:

I have no time or lust for intrigues.

I invented Proseq, and that was very fun to do. And I'm going to
create the translator, sooner or later.

And if Rob or other interpreter/compiler producers would like to
borrow Proseq or parts thereof into their languages, I would just
be very happy (because I haven't got the knowledge needed to make
such an interpreter myself).

But I won't try to push him to do something like that.

And, regarding Proseq, most of its features could probably not be
introduced into Euphoria without breaking
backwards-compability. So it would be up to the Eu community
whether you wish to do such a language-jump or not.

And it appears to me that the best way to show request for
Proseqish features would simply be if many people used the Proseq
translator when it gets ready.

So, to be concise: I just invented the nuclear bomb; that doesn't
mean that I'm responsible for what people do with it.  (Or does it?)

Btw, I have a lot of things to catch up with now, and
probably I won't be able to start the coding before June.
So nobody should get paranoid if I disappear for a while...


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6. Re: Proseq

Martin Nilsson wrote:

>Jiri Babor wrote:
>>Please resist Rob's attempts to bribe you into silence. Nostradamus's
>>quite right, finally. jiri
>I'm not sure if you're serious or if you're just trying to do
>me a favour by making people curious of my document. But anyway:

No and yes.

>I have no time or lust for intrigues.

Nice sentence, nicely spaced too. But a damn lie coming from someone
who just hit us with 35 pages of them :).

>And, regarding Proseq, most of its features could probably not be
>introduced into Euphoria without breaking backwards-compability.

Almost all programming languages reach a stage, if they live long
enough, when a major surgery, not just a facelift, is required to
prolong their lives. Rob has been particularly careful with his
embellishments, but I am sure even he now regrets some of his
earlier decisions. (Look at M$ Windows, if you want to know what
mere tinkering and 'backward-compatibility' can do to you...)

>And it appears to me that the best way to show request for
>Proseqish features would simply be if many people used the Proseq
>translator when it gets ready.

One day *you will* realize there are always so many "best" ways to do
the same thing, it's not worth worrying about. Just do it. ;)

>So, to be concise: I just invented the nuclear bomb; that doesn't
>mean that I'm responsible for what people do with it.  (Or does it?)

Perhaps you should add Oppenheimer's quote to the list of

>Btw, I have a lot of things to catch up with now, and
>probably I won't be able to start the coding before June.
>So nobody should get paranoid if I disappear for a while...

I'll be waiting. Thanks. jiri

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