1. COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

The color codeing scheme needs to be re designed to reflect the programs
that will run on multiple platforms. A LINUX visitor to the site will get
the impression that only the "green" coded listings will run on LINUX - and
they are a precious few.  As of this posting it appears to me that six (6)
of the first fourteen (14) postings will run on LINUX - none of these
listings have any color green color code to indicate that they will run on
LINUX.  And only one or two have any indication in the written description
that they will run on LINUX.

The color coding scheme needs to be revised - perhaps with some type of
rainbow bar.   The color code bar can be updated upon reports from users
that the code works on LINUX or other operating systems.

>  we've had requests to add a check box to select
>  DOS or Windows or Linux or any combination,
>  but I didn't feel it was that useful, since many of the
>  programs labelled as DOS will actually work on 2 or
>  3 platforms, not just DOS, plus

>  it's not hard to visually
>  filter the colors in the search results.

>     Rob Craig
>     Rapid Deployment Software
>     http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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2. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

Hello again,

>The color codeing scheme needs to be re designed to reflect the programs
>that will run on multiple platforms. A LINUX visitor to the site will get
>the impression that only the "green" coded listings will run on LINUX - and
>they are a precious few.  As of this posting it appears to me that six (6)
>of the first fourteen (14) postings will run on LINUX - none of these
>listings have any color green color code to indicate that they will run on
>LINUX.  And only one or two have any indication in the written description
>that they will run on LINUX.
>The color coding scheme needs to be revised - perhaps with some type of
>rainbow bar.

A rainbow  bar might be a bit much to ask for considdering
that it couldn't be done with a simple
<tr bgcolor="#COLOR"> statement. At least I don't think you
can do multiple colors that way. I think a gray color would
be good for totally generic code. But what about code that
runs on 2 platforms but not the third?
A purple color for Dos/Win? And what about
Dos/Linux? I know this is rather unlikely but there might be
something that fits this description. Would we use a mixture
of red and green which would be yellow? or Brown?
I think it is obvious that there is no simple easy solution
to this problem. And I for one won't feel too bad if nothing
changes for a while but it is a problem that needs to be
adressed eventually.

>The color code bar can be updated upon reports from users
>that the code works on LINUX or other operating systems.
> >  we've had requests to add a check box to select
> >  DOS or Windows or Linux or any combination,
> >  but I didn't feel it was that useful, since many of the
> >  programs labelled as DOS will actually work on 2 or
> >  3 platforms, not just DOS, plus
> >  it's not hard to visually
> >  filter the colors in the search results.
> >
>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I wouldn't call it really inacurate. I think the green color
is just for Linux ONLY items. But I agree, it's not really
obvious what code will work on which platforms.
Perhaps it wouldn't be infeasable to make the search engine
search a database instead of the HTML document. This could
make more specific searches possible. Now that we have EDS
this wouldn't be too hard would it?


Lewis Townsend
keroltarr at hotmail.com
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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3. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

> A purple color for Dos/Win? And what about
> Dos/Linux? I know this is rather unlikely but there might be
> something that fits this description. Would we use a mixture
> of red and green which would be yellow? or Brown?
> I think it is obvious that there is no simple easy solution
> to this problem.
        Why? It should be very easy to prepend a set of flags, D for dos, W
for win$, L for linux.

        Riwal Raude
        rauder at thmulti.com

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4. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

Hello Raude,

>Why? It should be very easy to prepend a set of flags, D for dos, W for
>win$, L for linux.
>         Riwal Raude
>         rauder at thmulti.com

Yes, but I was talking about the color coding: how to
show it on the website, not how to keep track of it.
Deciding which color to use if an item runs on exactly
two platforms. Do you go with the more common one:
  if it_runs_on (Win) then
    color = Win_color -- Blue
  elsif it_runs_on (Dos) then
    color = Dos_color -- Pink
  elsif it_runs_on (Linux) then
    color = Lin_color
  end if

the least comon one: just backwards from above,
or in the order the platforms were implemented?
or different colors for the combinations:
  Dos = Pink    -- same as now
  Win = Blue    -- same as now
  Linux = Green -- same as now
  Dos_Win = Purple
  Dos_Linux = Orange --or Yellow?
  Win_Linux = Cyan

or Kenneth's rainbow color scheme idea which would be a bit
dificult I think but more intuitive for the user.


Lewis Townsend
keroltarr at hotmail.com

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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5. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lewis Townsend" <keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

> Hello Raude,
> >Why? It should be very easy to prepend a set of flags, D for dos, W for
> >win$, L for linux.
> >
> >         Riwal Raude
> >         rauder at thmulti.com
> Yes, but I was talking about the color coding: how to
> show it on the website, not how to keep track of it

Umm, wouldn't the text show? Plus it can track it. I'm not going to bother
remembering 8 or 9 or more colors when the only purpose of the color is to
make the page pretty. Use the letters, it's simple to remember, smaller on
the page, and easier to code.

L = Linux
B = Be
W = Windoze
D = Dos
et cetera


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6. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

Or how about a "pseudo listing" for each additional platform. Only the three
present colors would be needed. And the download links could point to the
same file.

Failing that I suggest that each file listing begin with:

PLATFORMS: DOS, WINDOWS, LINUX  - file description

PLATFORMS: DOS, LINUX  -- file description

but not
PLATFORM: WINDOWS  - the color code alone would indicate a single platform

I am thinking of bundling files some old files for whichthere is no
indication of LINUX compatibility together and submitting them in a package
to be listed under the LINUX color code.  For example all the compression
routines posted will run under LINUX.

Ken Rhodes

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000 15:42:53 GMT, Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS wrote:

>  Hello Raude,
>  >Why? It should be very easy to prepend a set of flags, D for dos, W for
>  >win$, L for linux.
>  >
>  >         Riwal Raude
>  >         rauder at thmulti.com
>  Yes, but I was talking about the color coding: how to
>  show it on the website, not how to keep track of it.
>  Deciding which color to use if an item runs on exactly
>  two platforms. Do you go with the more common one:
>    if it_runs_on (Win) then
>      color = Win_color -- Blue
>    elsif it_runs_on (Dos) then
>      color = Dos_color -- Pink
>    elsif it_runs_on (Linux) then
>      color = Lin_color
>    end if
>  the least comon one: just backwards from above,
>  or in the order the platforms were implemented?
>  or different colors for the combinations:
>    Dos = Pink    -- same as now
>    Win = Blue    -- same as now
>    Linux = Green -- same as now
>    Dos_Win = Purple
>    Dos_Linux = Orange --or Yellow?
>    Win_Linux = Cyan
>  or Kenneth's rainbow color scheme idea which would be a bit
>  dificult I think but more intuitive for the user.
>  later,
>  Lewis Townsend
>  keroltarr at hotmail.com
>  http://geocities.com/keroltarr/
>  ______________________________________________________
>  Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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7. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

Ken Rhodes writes:
> I am thinking of bundling files some old files for which
> there is no indication of LINUX compatibility together
> and submitting them in a package to be listed under the
> LINUX color code.  For example all the compression
> routines posted will run under LINUX.

Just tell me the names of the
programs that you have tested.

How about this proposal.
I will create a 4th color. I think gray was mentioned.
It will indicate generic code that should (probably) work on all
platforms. EDS is a good example (it has actually been *tested*
on all platforms), or the compression routines that you mentioned.
Right now Junko and I are labelling all this generic code as DOS.

I will go back and recolor some of the old files as gray.
I will also recolor any files as gray that someone
reports to work with little or no change
on all platforms.

When a file works on two platforms only, I will
list it with the color of the platform that it
was tested on, and I will try to say "should also work on xxx".
Remind me if I miss something.

I don't want to create a lot of work for Junko and myself.
I can't afford to read through the code line by line,
nor can I afford to reboot into Linux and test all contributions.
I imagine that in many cases, a trivial change, like
changing a backslash to a slash will be necessary to
actually make it work. I don't have time to do that, but if
someone tells me that something works on another platform
with little or no change required, then I will add that fact to
the Web site.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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8. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page


>Just tell me the names of the
>programs that you have tested.
>How about this proposal.
>I will create a 4th color. I think gray was mentioned.
>It will indicate generic code that should (probably) work on all
>platforms. EDS is a good example (it has actually been *tested*
>on all platforms), or the compression routines that you mentioned.
>Right now Junko and I are labelling all this generic code as DOS.
>I will go back and recolor some of the old files as gray.
>I will also recolor any files as gray that someone
>reports to work with little or no change
>on all platforms.
>When a file works on two platforms only, I will
>list it with the color of the platform that it
>was tested on, and I will try to say "should also work on xxx".
>Remind me if I miss something.
>I don't want to create a lot of work for Junko and myself.
>I can't afford to read through the code line by line,
>nor can I afford to reboot into Linux and test all contributions.
>I imagine that in many cases, a trivial change, like
>changing a backslash to a slash will be necessary to
>actually make it work. I don't have time to do that, but if
>someone tells me that something works on another platform
>with little or no change required, then I will add that fact to
>the Web site.
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

Thanks Rob, this proposal suits me fine.
I don't really want another field added to the text
because then it takes up too much room.

     __      _____  __    __    __    __    _____
    /\ \    /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \
   /  \_\  /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\
  /   / / /   / ___/ |  |  / |   / /   / /\  /  __ \
/   / / /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/
/   / / /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \
\  / /_\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /
\/____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/
Lewis Townsend
keroltarr at hotmail.com

PS: How does everyone like my new SIG? I know
it is remeniscant of Pete's old one but I just
wanted to spice my email up a bit. :)

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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9. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

Lewis wrote:

> later,
>      __      _____  __    __    __    __    _____
>     /\ \    /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \
>    /  \_\  /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\
>   /   / / /   / ___/ |  |  / |   / /   / /\  /  __ \
> /   / / /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/
> /   / / /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \
> \  / /_\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /
> \/____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/
> Lewis Townsend
> keroltarr at hotmail.com
> http://geocities.com/keroltarr/

> PS: How does everyone like my new SIG? I know
> it is remeniscant of Pete's old one but I just
> wanted to spice my email up a bit. :)

Since you asked, it took Pete the best part of three years to realize
what an irritating waste of space a twelve line signature could be.
Can we trust you? ;) jiri

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10. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

What happens if a user is color blind ?

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11. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lewis Townsend" <keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

>      __      _____  __    __    __    __    _____
>     /\ \    /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \
>    /  \_\  /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\
>   /   / / /   / ___/ |  |  / |   / /   / /\  /  __ \
> /   / / /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/
> /   / / /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \
> \  / /_\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /
> \/____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/
> Lewis Townsend
> keroltarr at hotmail.com
> http://geocities.com/keroltarr/
> PS: How does everyone like my new SIG? I know
> it is remeniscant of Pete's old one but I just
> wanted to spice my email up a bit. :)

Well, it looks to me about what this prolly looks to you:
> \/____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/
> \  / /_\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /
> /   / / /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \
>     /\ \    /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \
>    /__/\  \/  _____> __ < # ^__ [ | [ __ ]\| ~ __    _____
>    /  \_\  /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\
> /   / / /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/

What is it? What font is it best viewed in?


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12. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page


>Well, it looks to me about what this prolly looks to you:
> > \/____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/
> > \  / /_\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /
> > /   / / /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \
> >     /\ \    /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \
> >    /__/\  \/  _____> __ < # ^__ [ | [ __ ]\| ~ __    _____
> >    /  \_\  /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\
> > /   / / /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/
>What is it? What font is it best viewed in?

Well, any fixed-width font should work fine.
I think "fixedsys" is one that will work.
Part of the problem is that either hotmail or
the listserver removed some space from strategic
places so that it messed up the alignment.
Check it out now.

If a few more people complain about the length,
I'll try to shorten it. :(


|     __       _____  __    __    __    __    _____   |
|    /\ \     /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \  |
|   /  \_\   /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\ |
|  /   / /  /   / ___/ |  |  / |   / /   / /\  /  __ \|
| /   / /  /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/|
|/   / /\ /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \  |
|\  / /__\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /  |
| \/_____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/   |
|Lewis Townsend                  |
|keroltarr at hotmail.com           |
|http://geocities.com/keroltarr/ |

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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13. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

Hello Bernie

>What happens if a user is color blind ?

I guess we could do it all in grayscale. :)
but then it would be harder for the rest us
You have a point but it's not any better than that now.
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14. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie Ryan <xotron at BUFFNET.NET>
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

>What happens if a user is color blind ?

I'm color bliind.. and it doesn't work that way!..
I can still discern different colors..just have trouble identifying what
color it actually IS.
Ie. if you TOLD me to point out a certain blue for eg. I would be lost ..but
if you show me the color, then tell me to point out that color, I wouldn't
have a problem.

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15. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

See below

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kat [SMTP:gertie at ZEBRA.NET]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 7:04 PM
> Subject:      Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lewis Townsend" <keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 10:42 AM
> Subject: Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page
> > Hello Raude,
> >
> > >Why? It should be very easy to prepend a set of flags, D for dos, W for
> > >win$, L for linux.
> > >
> > >         Riwal Raude
> > >         rauder at thmulti.com
> >
> > Yes, but I was talking about the color coding: how to
> > show it on the website, not how to keep track of it
> Umm, wouldn't the text show? Plus it can track it. I'm not going to bother
> remembering 8 or 9 or more colors when the only purpose of the color is to
> make the page pretty. Use the letters, it's simple to remember, smaller on
> the page, and easier to code.
> L = Linux
> B = Be
> W = Windoze
> D = Dos
> et cetera
> Kat
And you can access to the information from a text-mode browser like lynx.
Stupid? maybe, but fast...


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16. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

> <snip>
        From:   Lewis Townsend [SMTP:keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM]

> I don't really want another field added to the text
> because then it takes up too much room.
> later,
>      __      _____  __    __    __    __    _____
>     /\ \    /\    \|\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\ \  /\    \
>    /  \_\  /  \____\ \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \_\/  \____\
>   /   / / /   / ___/ |  |  / |   / /   / /\  /  __ \
> /   / / /   / /_\ | |  | /  |  / /   / /\_\/  /_ \/
> /   / / /   / ___/ | |  |/   | / /   / /\ \ \__  \
> \  / /_\\  / /__\  \ |    /| |/ /\  / /  \/\_\/  /
> \/____/ \/_____/   \|___/\|___/  \/_/    \_____/
> Lewis Townsend
> keroltarr at hotmail.com
> http://geocities.com/keroltarr/
> PS: How does everyone like my new SIG? I know
> it is remeniscant of Pete's old one but I just
> wanted to spice my email up a bit. :)
        Just as you said: "it takes up too much room". Much more than "DWL"
before a contribution name.


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17. Re: COLOR CODEING on RDS recent user contributions page

A simple suggestion would add checkboxs for each supported langaguge

  next to the search entry. Then there would be 1 field for each entry

  which would be the OR'ed value of the supported languages.

  DOS   = 1
  WIN   = 2
  Linux = 4
  Be    = 8

  A program that supports DOS and WIN would have it's field set to 3

  A program that supports DOS and Linux would have it's field set to 5

  Then the search engine would search and test for the bits that were

  indicated by the checkboxs next to search entry.


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