1. IDE step-by-step - function Run & Back to Edit
- Posted by Alain Sellier <sellier at PANDORA.BE> Apr 04, 2000
The search engine atop the Euphoria Archives Web Page is a very welcome tool indeed. When I used it to sieve on "IDE or PDE" and got 501 answers (or weirdly 254 only three days later), it seemed from even the most recent entries that there still is no solution so far, and that the need for an IDE is often referred to as crucial. Is my search too superficial? I'd not be so much surprised that there's none: it is a huge endeavour, the kind of which a commercial company would probably assign a full-time crew to, while we are not organized as such. I suppose others than myself also see it as a pharaonic task, not compatible with a family life. I'm willing to address the issue however, breaking down the task antlike into separate functionalities, and getting down at them one at a time. That's why I restricted the subject of this message to the one function I would personally begin with, and for which I am seeking advice and tutoring. I have no practice of graphic mode, and rather leave it for later. With a lesser ambition I'm going to try and progressively build-up a text-mode PDE similar to the qBasic's I am familiar with. Anyone for tennis? I'm a beginner. When I once tried to run qBasic from a disquette, I noticed that it demands the presence of edit.com on the same boot. Both have a very similar look and behaviour indeed, with somewhat different task bars. QB's working on two screens: F5 (Run) executes on screen 2 (in text mode), while Ctrl-C brings back to the editor on screen1. Hence my idea to build upon ED.EX, adding it another task bar and progressively additional functions. But the question is open whether is it better to build my gismo from ED.EX up or to call an original version of ED by default from within a new PDE mantle. Any advice on that? Then when I'll command to run on screen 2 the file under development, will it be possible to pass to EXW (or EX or EXU) as parameter the address or name of the "live" code in RAM (how to get it?) or do I have, or is it safer to first save it on disk as a temporary file and execute the copy, which I would kill as soon as I come back to ED on screen 1 (or keep stacked for "undo" purpose)? I first have to get some practice with Euphoria at my slow pace, then understand fully how ED, syncolor and some other staple files work, and then have a try. I would gratefully accept more tutoring once I am ready. Or simply follow, learn and give credit. Probably better for the quality and delays of the work. PS: I acknowledge the recent announcement for an IDE with a coming compiler and am eager to see it, although I am not even close to a beta-tester, and am not sold to the compiling idea, possibly by ignorance. Yours, Alain
2. Re: IDE step-by-step - function Run & Back to Edit
- Posted by Mike Sabal <MikeS at NOTATIONS.COM> Apr 04, 2000
I've been using "Mike's Editor" (medit) found on the main Euphoria web = site. It's a Windows-based IDE, which is mostly pretty good,except for a = few small bugs. I think the main complaint with this one is that is = wasn't written in Euphoria. Michael J. Sabal >>> sellier at PANDORA.BE 04/04/00 10:39AM >>> The search engine atop the Euphoria Archives Web Page is a very welcome = tool indeed. When I used it to sieve on "IDE or PDE" and got 501 answers (or weirdly = 254 only three days later), it seemed from even the most recent entries that there still is no solution so far, and that the need for an IDE is often referred to as crucial. Is my search too superficial? I'd not be so much surprised that there's none: it is a huge endeavour, = the kind of which a commercial company would probably assign a full-time crew to, while we are not organized as such. I suppose others than myself also see it as a pharaonic task, not compatible with a family life. I'm willing to address the issue however, breaking down the task antlike into separate functionalities, and getting down at them one at a time. That's why I restricted the subject of this message to the one function I would personally begin with, and for which I am seeking advice and = tutoring. I have no practice of graphic mode, and rather leave it for later. With a lesser ambition I'm going to try and progressively build-up a text-mode = PDE similar to the qBasic's I am familiar with. Anyone for tennis? I'm a beginner. When I once tried to run qBasic from a disquette, I noticed that it = demands the presence of edit.com on the same boot. Both have a very similar look = and behaviour indeed, with somewhat different task bars. QB's working on two screens: F5 (Run) executes on screen 2 (in text mode), while Ctrl-C brings back to the editor on screen1. Hence my idea to build upon ED.EX, adding it another task bar and progressively additional functions. But the question is open whether is = it better to build my gismo from ED.EX up or to call an original version of = ED by default from within a new PDE mantle. Any advice on that? Then when I'll command to run on screen 2 the file under development, will it be possible to pass to EXW (or EX or EXU) as parameter the address or name of the "live" code in RAM (how to get it?) or do I have, or is it = safer to first save it on disk as a temporary file and execute the copy, which I would kill as soon as I come back to ED on screen 1 (or keep stacked for "undo" purpose)? I first have to get some practice with Euphoria at my slow pace, then understand fully how ED, syncolor and some other staple files work, and = then have a try. I would gratefully accept more tutoring once I am ready. Or simply follow, learn and give credit. Probably better for the quality and delays of the work. PS: I acknowledge the recent announcement for an IDE with a coming = compiler and am eager to see it, although I am not even close to a beta-tester, and am not sold to the compiling idea, possibly by ignorance. Yours, Alain