1. Another Error

Well, I hit another snag, if anyone would be gracious enough to help!!!

Here's the code:

function AddFactions(integer C)

    sequence FactionName, FactionPassword, Correct
    integer ReturnCode

    while C do

        FactionName = prompt_string("Input the name of the new Faction\n")
        FactionPassword = prompt_string("Input the Factions password\n")

        puts(1, "\n")
        puts(1, "The Faction name is: ")
        puts(1, FactionName)
        puts(1, "\nThe Password is: ")
        puts(1, FactionPassword)
        puts(1, "\n")
        Correct = prompt_string("Is this correct? y/n")

        if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
            return ReturnCode = 1   
        end if

    end while

end function

The problem is in the last if/then statement, if the user inputs 'y' then it
returns to the main program, if not I want it to fall thru and the user
the correct data.  I get the following error:

H:\test1.ex:24 in function AddFactions() 
true/false condition must be an ATOM 
    C = 1
    FactionName = "asdf"
    FactionPassword = "asdf"
    Correct = "n"
    ReturnCode = <no value>

... called from H:\test1.ex:62 

I know I'm missing something easy here...sorry I'll get the hang of this yet!!


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2. Re: Another Error

Rich Klender wrote:
>         Correct = prompt_string("Is this correct? y/n")
>         if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
>             return ReturnCode = 1   
>         end if
> The problem is in the last if/then statement, if the user inputs 'y' then it
> returns to the main program, if not I want it to fall thru and the user
> re-inputs
> the correct data.  I get the following error:
> H:\test1.ex:24 in function AddFactions() 
> true/false condition must be an ATOM 
>     C = 1
>     FactionName = "asdf"
>     FactionPassword = "asdf"
>     Correct = "n"

You're trying to compare an atom (the 'y' and 'Y') and a sequence
(Correct, which is "n"); that is a no-no in Euphoria. Use either:

    if find(Correct,"Yy") then


    if Correct[1] = 'Y' or Correct[1] = 'y' then

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3. Re: Another Error

c.k.lester wrote:
> You're trying to compare an atom (the 'y' and 'Y') and a sequence
> (Correct, which is "n"); that is a no-no in Euphoria. Use either:
>     if find(Correct,"Yy") then

Oops. That might require match() or something totally different. :)
>     if Correct[1] = 'Y' or Correct[1] = 'y' then

This should work just fine.

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4. Re: Another Error

Rich Klender wrote:
> Well, I hit another snag, if anyone would be gracious enough to help!!!
> Here's the code:

I've reduced it to the problem area ... 

>     sequence Correct
>     if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
> true/false condition must be an ATOM 

This has been one of my few disappointments with Euphoria. Robert Craig, the
creator of the language, has defined the 'if' statement in a manner which most
other languages do not. Bear with me please, as I understand that this is your
first real programming effort - I may get a little technical here blink

Euphoria defines the IF statement as 

   IF ::  'if' ATOMEXPRESSION 'then' 
            [ STATEMENTBLOCK ] 
            [ ELSEPHRASE ] 
          'end if'

but most other languages define it as 

            [ STATEMENTBLOCK ] 
            [ ELSEPHRASE ] 
          'end if'

The difference is that Euphoria evaluates the expression that follows the 'if'
keyword in a manner that is not expected by nearly everyone else except Robert.
Taking your example code, this is what happens...

  if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then

Let's assume that the user entered "Y" into the variable Correct. Euphoria will
first evaluate

     "Y" = 'y'

which is a sequence operation, meaning for each element in the sequence it will
apply the  " = 'y' " fragment. Remember that strings are sequences so the value
in Correct is equivalent to


so the result of this first sequence operation is 
  {'Y'} = 'y'   ===>  {0}
because the operation compares each element in Correct with 'y' and replaces the
result with either 1 or 0 depending on the comparision result. 1 means true and 0
means false.

The second sequence operation is 

   Correct = 'Y'

which is the same as 

   {'Y'} = 'Y'

which results in {1}

The final sequence operation is then
   {0} or {1}
which results in {1}

The net result of this is that your IF statement is equivalent to 

   if {1} then

but this is wrong as Euphoria requires the expression to result in an atom value
and not a sequence. This is why Euphoria doesn't like things like

  if "yes" then

But back to most other languages...

  if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then

they would evaluate the expression as a comparision instead.

   Correct = 'y'  ===> false
   Correct = 'Y'  ===> true
   false or true  ===> true

and thus your statement is equivalent to

   if true then

which makes a lot more common sense than Robert's concept of an IF statement.

However, as Robert's philosophy on this is never going to change, the only safe
way to code equality tests in IF statements in Euphoria is this ...

  if equal(Correct, 'y') or equal(Correct, 'Y') then

which is not an intuitive alternative.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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5. Re: Another Error

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Rich Klender wrote:
> > Well, I hit another snag, if anyone would be gracious enough to help!!!
> > 
> > Here's the code:
> I've reduced it to the problem area ... 
> >     sequence Correct
> >     if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
> > true/false condition must be an ATOM 
> This has been one of my few disappointments with Euphoria. Robert Craig, the
> creator of the language, has defined the 'if' statement in a manner which most
> other languages do not. 

Which languages are you including in your list of 
"most other languages"? I know Basic works the way you would like, 
but C/C++ (a more popular language) does not. People who come to 
Euphoria from a Basic background are often confused by this, 
but many other people, such as myself, who are used to C/C++, 
think it's fine to require a function call to compare strings or 
arrays in this way. This is not something that Robert Craig invented, 
all on his own, just to annoy the rest of the world. 

> Bear with me please, as I understand that this is your
> first real programming effort - I may get a little technical here blink
> Euphoria defines the IF statement as 
>    IF ::  'if' ATOMEXPRESSION 'then' 
>             [ STATEMENTBLOCK ] 
>             [ ELSEPHRASE ] 
>           'end if'
> but most other languages define it as 
>    IF ::  'if' COMPARISIONEXPRESSION 'then' 
>             [ STATEMENTBLOCK ] 
>             [ ELSEPHRASE ] 
>           'end if'
> The difference is that Euphoria evaluates the expression that follows the 'if'
> keyword in a manner that is not expected by nearly everyone else except
> Robert.
> Taking your example code, this is what happens...
>   if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
> Let's assume that the user entered "Y" into the variable Correct. Euphoria
> will
> first evaluate 
>      "Y" = 'y'
> which is a sequence operation, meaning for each element in the sequence it
> will
> apply the  " = 'y' " fragment. Remember that strings are sequences so the
> value
> in Correct is equivalent to 
>   {'Y'}
> so the result of this first sequence operation is 
>   {'Y'} = 'y'   ===>  {0}
> because the operation compares each element in Correct with 'y' and replaces
> the result with either 1 or 0 depending on the comparision result. 1 means
> true
> and 0 means false.
> The second sequence operation is 
>    Correct = 'Y'
> which is the same as 
>    {'Y'} = 'Y'
> which results in {1}
> The final sequence operation is then
>    {0} or {1}
> which results in {1}
> The net result of this is that your IF statement is equivalent to 
>    if {1} then
> but this is wrong as Euphoria requires the expression to result in an atom
> value
> and not a sequence. This is why Euphoria doesn't like things like 
>   if "yes" then
> But back to most other languages...
>   if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
> they would evaluate the expression as a comparision instead.
>    Correct = 'y'  ===> false
>    Correct = 'Y'  ===> true
>    false or true  ===> true
> and thus your statement is equivalent to
>    if true then
> which makes a lot more common sense than Robert's concept of an IF statement.
> However, as Robert's philosophy on this is never going to change, 

Yeah, I guess I'm just a stubborn old fool. smile

> the only safe
> way to code equality tests in IF statements in Euphoria is this ...
>   if equal(Correct, 'y') or equal(Correct, 'Y') then
> which is not an intuitive alternative.

I assume you meant:

    if equal(Correct, "y") or equal(Correct, "Y") then

Anyway, thanks for the tutorial. I know there are newbies
who are confused by this feature.

For what it's worth, I'd probably code it as:

   if find('Y', upper(Correct)) then ...

which will allow the user to type any of:

rather than insisting that he type precisely "y" or "Y"
(with no extra characters, leading or trailing blanks etc.).

Or perhaps something like:

   if find(upper(Correct), {"Y", "YES", "OK", "OUI", "JA", "SI"}) then  

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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6. Re: Another Error

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Euphoria defines the IF statement as 
>    IF ::  'if' ATOMEXPRESSION 'then' 
>             [ STATEMENTBLOCK ] 
>             [ ELSEPHRASE ] 
>           'end if'
> but most other languages define it as 
>    IF ::  'if' COMPARISIONEXPRESSION 'then' 
>             [ STATEMENTBLOCK ] 
>             [ ELSEPHRASE ] 
>           'end if'

Most languages, including Euphoria define an if construct as
      'end if'

Your beef is with how Eu deals with relational expressions. Not conditional
The fact that ("Y" = 'y') != TRUE has nothing to do with conditionals.
I used to think that Eu's vector operations were nifty, but I've been realizing
that it's nothing more than code reduction and convenience (maybe more of an
inconvenience). However you are arguing the wrong point. It just happens that the
problem with relational expressions surfaces most within conditional expressions.

I only mention this because I know your desire to change how relationals work
within conditionals and I don't entirely disagree, but I do disagree that we
should create some exceptional behaviour specifically for conditions. Vector
operations should probably be eliminated entirely in favour of a more universal
boolean evaluation.

> The difference is that Euphoria evaluates the expression that follows the 'if'
> keyword in a manner that is not expected by nearly everyone else except
> Robert.

I expect it to work the way it does. Knowing the mechanics of the language it
makes sense, but I agree that it's unintuitive.

Even if we could evaluate a boolean result with sequence relations, we would
still be using equal() and find() etc in alot of cases where we would deal with a
sequence in the expression.

Personally, I don't really care either way, but I think it would probably be
just as confusing. The advantage would be almost purely aesthetic.

Chris Bensler
~ The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra ~
http://empire.iwireweb.com - Empire for Euphoria

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7. Re: Another Error

Rob, I understand your response but I agree more with Derek.

I think almost all other scripting languages that Euphoria competes with work
the way he describes. I believe that Pascal works that way (but I'm not sure...
maybe not).

"Any programming problem can be solved by adding a level of indirection."
"Any performance problem can be solved by removing a level of indirection."
--M. Haertel
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare

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8. Re: Another Error

I see nothing wrong with the current if statement.

On 1/31/07, Jason Gade <guest at rapideuphoria.com> wrote:
> posted by: Jason Gade <jaygade at yahoo.com>
> Rob, I understand your response but I agree more with Derek.
> I think almost all other scripting languages that Euphoria competes with work
> the way he describes. I believe that Pascal works that way (but I'm not sure...
> maybe not).
> --
> "Any programming problem can be solved by adding a level of indirection."
> --anonymous
> "Any performance problem can be solved by removing a level of indirection."
> --M. Haertel
> "Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
> --C.A.R. Hoare
> j.

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9. Re: Another Error

Rich Klender wrote:
> Well, I hit another snag, if anyone would be gracious enough to help!!!
> Here's the code:
> function AddFactions(integer C)
>     sequence FactionName, FactionPassword, Correct
>     integer ReturnCode
>     while C do
>         FactionName = prompt_string("Input the name of the new Faction\n")
>         FactionPassword = prompt_string("Input the Factions password\n")
>         puts(1, "\n")
>         puts(1, "The Faction name is: ")
>         puts(1, FactionName)
>         puts(1, "\nThe Password is: ")
>         puts(1, FactionPassword)
>         puts(1, "\n")
>         Correct = prompt_string("Is this correct? y/n")
>         if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
>             return ReturnCode = 1   
>         end if
>     end while
> end function
> The problem is in the last if/then statement, if the user inputs 'y' then it
> returns to the main program, if not I want it to fall thru and the user
> re-inputs
> the correct data.  I get the following error:
> H:\test1.ex:24 in function AddFactions() 
> true/false condition must be an ATOM 
>     C = 1
>     FactionName = "asdf"
>     FactionPassword = "asdf"
>     Correct = "n"
>     ReturnCode = <no value>
> ... called from H:\test1.ex:62 
> I know I'm missing something easy here...sorry I'll get the hang of this yet!!
> Thanks!
> Rich

Back to the origtinal question
true/false condition must be an ATOM 
 if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then(line24)
sequence FactionName, FactionPassword, Correct

Correct here is definately not an atom but a sequence.

Don Cole

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10. Re: Another Error

I'm not really interested in contributing to this waste of time, but in spite of
that I will respond a bit...

Robert Craig wrote:
> Which languages are you including in your list of 
> "most other languages"? 

Those languages that have a String datatype as a built-in one.

> I know Basic works the way you would like, 
> but C/C++ (a more popular language) does not. People who come to 
> Euphoria from a Basic background are often confused by this, 
> but many other people, such as myself, who are used to C/C++, 
> think it's fine to require a function call to compare strings or 
> arrays in this way. 

I agree with you. Basic knows about strings and C/C++ does not. Strings in C/C++
are emulated as 'char' arrays that have a final char zero to mark the end of the
string. Because strings are not native to C/C++ it has been required to use
functions to implement string functionality.

However, why is the C/C++ history rather than the Basic history a better way to
compare strings; from the point of view of the writer/reader of code?

In other words, why is 

   "if equal(stringA, stringB) then" 

better than 

   "if stringA = stringB then"

> This is not something that Robert Craig invented, 
> all on his own, just to annoy the rest of the world. 

I fully realize that and I hope no-one assumed I meant otherwise. The annoyance
is merely an accidental side-effect of your design decision.

> > However, as Robert's philosophy on this is never going to change, 
> Yeah, I guess I'm just a stubborn old fool. smile

Yeah, me too.
> > the only safe
> > way to code equality tests in IF statements in Euphoria is this ...
> > 
> >   if equal(Correct, 'y') or equal(Correct, 'Y') then
> > 
> > which is not an intuitive alternative.
> I assume you meant:
>     if equal(Correct, "y") or equal(Correct, "Y") then

Thanks, that is what I meant to write.
> Anyway, thanks for the tutorial. I know there are newbies
> who are confused by this feature.

You're welcome. But is it better to let newbie confusion continue or to remove
the root cause of the confusion?

> For what it's worth, I'd probably code it as:
>    if find('Y', upper(Correct)) then ...
> which will allow the user to type any of:
>  Y
>  y  
>  yes
>  Yes
>  YES 
>  yeah
> etc.

As well as "Nay" and "No way" blink

> rather than insisting that he type precisely "y" or "Y"
> (with no extra characters, leading or trailing blanks etc.).
> Or perhaps something like:
>    if find(upper(Correct), {"Y", "YES", "OK", "OUI", "JA", "SI"}) then  

I would probably tend to write this as ...

     Correct = upper(trim(Correct)) & "N" -- Default to No.
     if find(Correct[1], "YOJS") then

but now we are dealing with User Interface issues and not the issue of the
semantics of the IF statement.

My position is clear, in my mind anyhow, that the expression in an IF statement
is intended to discover if something is true or not. And if a coder writes 'if
sequenceA = sequenceB then' they are trying to discover if its true that two
sequences contain the same value. The coder is not trying to derive a third
sequence containing 0/1 elements.

But this is where we differ. I feel that you are favouring the ease writing an
interpreter over the easy of coding in the langugage. But let's not bicker yet
again over this point. I concede that I'm not going to be able to change

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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11. Re: Another Error

don cole wrote:
> Back to the origtinal question
> true/false condition must be an ATOM 
>  if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then(line24)
> sequence FactionName, FactionPassword, Correct
> Correct here is definately not an atom but a sequence.

Agreed, but the statement in question is not

  if Correct then

also the expression 'equal(Correct, "Y")' is also not an atom but it works
because it is evaluated and returns an atom.

My problem is that 

   Correct = "Y" 

evaluates to a sequence rather than to an atom, in the context of an IF
statement. If the rules were changed so that it did what it looks like its trying
to do, no existing code would be broken and future code would be easier to write
and read.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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12. Re: Another Error

Rich Klender wrote:

> Well, I hit another snag, if anyone would be gracious enough to help!!!
> Here's the code:
> function AddFactions(integer C)
>     sequence FactionName, FactionPassword, Correct
>     integer ReturnCode
>     while C do
>         FactionName = prompt_string("Input the name of the new Faction\n")
>         FactionPassword = prompt_string("Input the Factions password\n")
>         puts(1, "\n")
>         puts(1, "The Faction name is: ")
>         puts(1, FactionName)
>         puts(1, "\nThe Password is: ")
>         puts(1, FactionPassword)
>         puts(1, "\n")
>         Correct = prompt_string("Is this correct? y/n")
>         if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then
>             return ReturnCode = 1   
>         end if
>     end while
> end function
> The problem is in the last if/then statement, if the user inputs 'y' then it
> returns to the main program, if not I want it to fall thru and the user
> re-inputs
> the correct data.  I get the following error:
> H:\test1.ex:24 in function AddFactions() 
> true/false condition must be an ATOM 
>     C = 1
>     FactionName = "asdf"
>     FactionPassword = "asdf"
>     Correct = "n"
>     ReturnCode = <no value>
> ... called from H:\test1.ex:62 
> I know I'm missing something easy here...sorry I'll get the hang of this yet!!
> Thanks!
> Rich

Hi Rich,

Yes, that *error message* itself is not as clear
as it could be:

"true/false condition must be an ATOM"

What is it ?

Your real mistake is just *comparing* an ATOM aginst a
SEQUENCE with the '=' operator, which acts for atoms only.
The 'Correct' variable is a sequence, 'y' and 'Y' are the
atoms, but for objects (atoms & sequences) we have two
special functions - compare() and equal(), not the '=' operator.

Read please once more that *error message*, it seems to me that
thing about comparing is just clear, but the message about
mistake is something cryptic and requires to be changed or
better explained in docs, at least.

The EU docs haven't a full list of the error and warning
messages of interpreter, binder and translator with their
explanations. It may be just one of the future steps in
development of Euphoria.

Just my $0.02.

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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13. Re: Another Error

c.k.lester wrote:
> c.k.lester wrote:
> > You're trying to compare an atom (the 'y' and 'Y') and a sequence
> > (Correct, which is "n"); that is a no-no in Euphoria. Use either:
> > 
> >     if find(Correct,"Yy") then
> Oops. That might require match() or something totally different. :)

Not necessarily:
if find( 'y', lower(Correct) ) then

A better way would be to not use prompt_string() for this, but get_key():
Correct = get_key()
    if find( Correct, "yY" ) then
    end if


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14. Re: Another Error

Derek Parnell wrote:
> don cole wrote:
> > Back to the origtinal question
> > true/false condition must be an ATOM 
> >  if Correct = 'y' or Correct = 'Y' then(line24)
> > sequence FactionName, FactionPassword, Correct
> > 
> > Correct here is definately not an atom but a sequence.
> Agreed, but the statement in question is not
>   if Correct then
> also the expression 'equal(Correct, "Y")' is also not an atom but it works
> because
> it is evaluated and returns an atom.
> My problem is that 
>    Correct = "Y" 
> evaluates to a sequence rather than to an atom, in the context of an IF
> statement.
> If the rules were changed so that it did what it looks like its trying to do,
> no existing code would be broken and future code would be easier to write and
> read.
> -- 
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
> Skype name: derek.j.parnell

Then let's just solve the problem.

When you perform string comparison, you, the coder, know that you are doing 
so, and the semantics of this operation won't likely change often. And it
is desirable that ayone reading the code understands it at first sight.

So, if you don't like
if compare(you,me) then -- ...

to test whether you and me are different sequences, perhaps would it help to
be able to write

if_sequence you != me then -- ...

This is just syntactic sugar. It would toggle a flag that tells rexpr() to
map relational operators to relations with compare() results. Otherwise, 
it would behave exactly like an ordinary if statement. You'd need an
elsif_sequence too, and the two brands could be freely interleaved.
Perhaps allow end if_sequence, but it would be an exact equivalent of end if.

I don't come fom Basic (haven't used it for 25 years), but from Pascal, which,
like Basic, knows about string comparison, since it knows about strings. Yet 
I think the current way of doing things is more intuitive and consistent:
extend atomic operaions to sequences, and use specific methods to deal with 
sequences as atomic objects. Perhaps my being familiar with the 6-letter 
word oriented programming ways (gotta be careful on this list).

But if if_sequence, or whatever you call it, is supposed to alleviate some 
newbie confusion, it would be easy to tuck it in the front end.

One thing which I find missing in Eu is the ability to perform element wise 
operations that might apply to sequences as a whole. I'd like to 
be able to write 


(or anything just as little obstrusive), in order to get a sequence of true 
and false values which tell which, if any, of the elements of the sequence 
x are atoms. Of course, you can do this

function has_atoms(sequence s)
object x    
for i=1 to length(s) do
    end for
    return s
end function

and use s=has_atoms(x). Fine, you have to define one such helper finction 
for each function you'd like to use in this way. A real pain. In a nutshell,
functional operators are missing.


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15. Re: Another Error

CChris wrote:
> One thing which I find missing in Eu is the ability to perform element wise
> operations that might apply to sequences as a whole. I'd like to 
> be able to write 
> }}}
> s=atom(`x)
> </eucode>

I have a psqop.e file which wraps some 35 such functions like you showed, if
that helps. The above is available as sq_atom(x).

>In a nutshell, functional operators are missing.
Are you talking about routine_id not working on builtins? Again, you could write
a standard include to solve this, eg:

function _atom(object o)
    return atom(o)
end function

function Routine_ID(sequence name)
integer r
    r = routine_id(name)
    if r=-1 then
    end if
    return r
end function


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16. Re: Another Error

See, this right here is what I love about Euphoria!!  You guys are great at
helping!!  Thanks for all the input, it really is educational and helps
with understanding the underlying logic.


p.s. You know, I'll by the time I get this program written I'll probably need
a seperate file just for all the thank yous and credits!! ;)

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17. Re: Another Error

Pete Lomax wrote:
> CChris wrote:
> > One thing which I find missing in Eu is the ability to perform element wise
> > operations that might apply to sequences as a whole. I'd like to 
> > be able to write 
> > 
> > }}}
> > s=atom(`x)
> > </eucode>

> > 
> I have a psqop.e file which wraps some 35 such functions like you showed, if
> that helps. The above is available as sq_atom(x).
> >In a nutshell, functional operators are missing.
> Are you talking about routine_id not working on builtins? Again, you could
> write
> a standard include to solve this, eg:
> }}}
> function _atom(object o)
>     return atom(o)
> end function
> function Routine_ID(sequence name)
> integer r
>     r = routine_id(name)
>     if r=-1 then
>         r=routine_id('_'&name)
>     end if
>     return r
> end function
> </eucode>

> Regards,
> Pete

Actually, I have done this myself, see the routines.e and seqop.e files from 
oedoc.free.fr/Fichiers/ESL . atom(`x) would translate to 
apply_func(routine_id("atom"),x) (needs both include files).
However, it seems obvious that using them incurs some performance penalty 
that would mostly go away if implemented in the backend.

routines.e gives you various examples of what I call functional operators.
routine ids for builtins are only a related topic there.


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