1. GUI Update

The update to my GUI interface is now available on Robert's page. New
features include:

   - More examples
   - Updated help files
   - Support for mode 18 (graphics)
   - The following user interfaces in graphics mode:

         Windows 3.1
         Windows 95
         Macintosh Copland

I didn't *intend* to add this graphic stuff, but I "took a wrong turn and I
just kept goin'..." ;)

It's still in Alpha, and not all the features are complete. Known bugs

   - Menus still "old style"
   - Radio button are buggy (can turn more than one on)
   - Cursor in MLE not always refreshed

On the other hand, I think that it's interesting enough for people to look
at. All it takes to change to graphic mode is to set the RESOLUTION variable
in SCREEN.E to 1 instead of 0, and un-commenting the user interface of your
choice in GUI.E.

Comments? Questions? Concerns? Criticisms?

Gimme feedback, please.


 -- David Cuny

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