1. Input Routines

My take on input routines.  Nothing special; the only claim to fame is
clearing the input field after an error.  Not having to type over a
previous mistake is less confusing, at least for me.

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-- Input Routines
-- Warren Evans
-- Begin input.e

include graphics.e
include get.e

global function input(sequence prompt)     -- Print prompt, get a sequence
    -- Use: sequence=input("Put your prompt here: ")
    sequence buffer  puts(1,prompt)  buffer=gets(0)
    return buffer[1..length(buffer)-1]  -- Remove trailing newline
end function

global function inputx(sequence prompt)    -- Print prompt, get a number
    -- Returns an atom or a one-element sequence
    -- Accepts numbers only; clears input field on an error
    -- use: sequence=inputx("Put your prompt here: ")
    -- or       atom=inputx("Put your prompt here: ")

    sequence pos,buffer
    object x
    buffer={1}                      -- Set to dummy value
    x={1,0}                         -- Set to error value for while loop
    -- The x=value(string) function converts a sequence to a number.
    -- x[1] holds error status.  x[2] holds the value.
    -- x must be a sequence, not an atom.
    puts(1,prompt)                  -- Show the prompt
    pos=get_position()              -- Remember reply position
    while atom(x) or x[1]!=GET_SUCCESS do     -- Repeat while invalid number
        position(pos[1],pos[2])     -- Set cursor to input position
        for i=1  to length(buffer) do   -- Clear input field
            puts(1," ")
        end for
        position(pos[1],pos[2])     -- Set cursor to input position
        buffer=gets(0)              -- Accept keystrokes
        x=value(buffer)             -- Convert input to number
    end while
    return x[2]                     -- Valid input back to calling routine
end function
-- end input.e

-- Test of input functions
-- include input.e

sequence line, lineout
object x, count

line="Typical prompt"  x=1 count=0

-- Test regular alphanumeric input
puts(1,"Input some strings (sequences); enter 'quit' to quit.\n\n")

while compare(line,"quit")!=0 and count<10 do
    line=input("Type something: ")
    lineout="\nYou entered: >> " & line & " <<\n\n"
end while

puts(1,"\n\nNow try entering numbers; '99' to quit.\n")
puts(1,"Note that <Enter> with no other keystrokes is invalid.\n\n")

-- Test numeric input
while x!=99 and count<10 do
    x=inputx("Enter a number: ")
    puts(1,"\nYou entered: >> ") print(1,x) puts(1," <<\n\n")
end while

puts(1,"End of input routines test..\n\n")
-- End input routines test

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