1. spirals
- Posted by Vic <cybrgod at IBM.NET> Feb 22, 1997
- Last edited Feb 23, 1997
Hello, Check out this program...neat spiral effect and a good example of palette rotation. Sorry, but I don't have many comments in the program... -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- include graphics.e constant PI=3.14159265359 --pi --the following constant: the Red, Green, and Blue values of colors constant shades={{ 0, 0, 0}, --color 16={0,0,0} BLACK { 5, 5, 5}, --color 17={5,5,5} { 8, 8, 8}, --18 {11,11,11}, --19 {14,14,14}, --20... {17,17,17}, {20,20,20}, {24,24,24}, {28,28,28}, {32,32,32}, {36,36,36}, {40,40,40}, {45,45,45}, {50,50,50}, {56,56,56}, {63,63,63}} --color 31 WHITE integer mode mode=graphics_mode(19) --320x200x256 function rad(atom theta) --convert radians to degrees return ((theta*PI)/180) end function --======== procedure spiral() --makes the neat spiral integer x,y atom deg, radius for loop1=31 to 16 by -1 do deg=0 radius=loop1+30 --this value controls how big the circle is, big number leave holes in the --circles, wonder why? while radius>= 0 do x=floor(radius*cos (rad (deg))) --get the cos in degrees y=floor(radius*sin (rad (deg))) --get the sin in degrees pixel (loop1,{x+160,y+100}) deg=deg+0.4 radius=radius-0.0175 --increase or decrease this number! end while end for end procedure --========= integer useless useless=16 --=============== procedure Pal() --fades all the colors to a lower color, ex:20 becomes 19... object change_palette useless=16 for loop1=16 to 31 by 1 do change_palette=palette(loop1,shades[useless]) useless=useless-1 end for useless=1 end procedure --=============== procedure Pal2() --opposite of Pal() object change_palette useless=1 for loop2=16 to 31 by 1 do change_palette=palette(loop2,shades[useless]) useless=useless+1 end for useless=16 end procedure spiral() --make the spiral integer key --==========EXECUTION stars here while 1 do text_color(BRIGHT_WHITE) position(1,8) puts(1,"You are getting sleepy...") key=get_key() if key !=-1 then if key=27 then mode=graphics_mode(-1) abort(1) end if end if Pal() --rotate palette Pal2() --rotate palette, reversed --one thing I hate: the flashing WHITE border!, works fine in mode 257 though end while ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- end------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- :) /.ViC./ ______________________________________________________________________ | http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/8858/home.htm | | Veni vidi, vici. Fiat lux. | |______________________________________________________________________|