1. buttons...

How do I make a button's background a different color?
Patrick Barnes
Information Systems Group
201 Elizabeth St, Sydney
Patrick.Barnes at tg.nsw.gov.au
Ext: 91-3583
Ph:(02) 9284-3583
Mob: 0410 751 044



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2. Re: buttons...


For this you're best off just drawing the button. ie use owner-drawn
buttons, the problem with global classes is that u can never get the perfect
time to paint them. below is an example that shows how to make owner drawn
buttons. u are responsible for drawing the border(use DrawEdge)
--File   : Owner Drawn Button
--Version: 0.0.1
--Date   :
--Author : Jordah Ferguson

include win32lib.ew

    BS_OWNERDRAW        = #0000000B,
    WM_DRAWITEM         = #002B,
    ODT_BUTTON          = 4

   xPatBlt =

    CtlType      = 00,
    CtlID        = 04,
    itemID       = 08,
    itemAction   = 12,
    itemState    = 16,
    hwndItem     = 20,
    hDC          = 24,
    RECT_top     = 28,
    RECT_left    = 32,
    RECT_right   = 36,
    RECT_bottom  = 40,
    itemData     = 44

    Win = create(Window,"Owner drawn Button
    Btn = create(Button,"Renzo",Win, 20,20,120,25,BS_OWNERDRAW )

  clrs = {BrightRed,BrightBlue,BrightGreen,Red,Blue,White,Yellow},
  pushed = Gray

atom HDC,junk,Brush,OldBrush,lParam

procedure w32HEven_Paint(atom id,atom event,sequence params)
   if params[1] = WM_DRAWITEM then
      lParam = params[3]
      if peek4u(lParam + CtlType) = ODT_BUTTON then
         HDC = peek4u(lParam+hDC)
         if HDC then
             Brush = w32Func(xCreateSolidBrush,{clrs[rand(length(clrs))]})
             OldBrush = w32Func(xSelectObject,{HDC,Brush})
             junk = w32Func(xPatBlt,{HDC,peek4u(lParam + RECT_top),
                    peek4u(lParam + RECT_left),   peek4u(lParam +
                                     peek4u(lParam + RECT_bottom),
             junk = w32Func(xDeleteObject,{Brush})
             junk = w32Func(xReleaseDC,{getHandle(Btn),HDC})
         end if
      end if
   end if
end procedure


Jordah Ferguson
----- Original Message -----
From: <Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 1:11 AM
Subject: buttons...

> How do I make a button's background a different color?
> =======================
> Patrick Barnes
> Information Systems Group
> 201 Elizabeth St, Sydney
> Patrick.Barnes at tg.nsw.gov.au
> Ext: 91-3583
> Ph:(02) 9284-3583
> Mob: 0410 751 044
> ***********************************************************************
> ***********************************************************************

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3. Re: buttons...

----- Original Message -----
From: <Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: RE: buttons...

> Or, if possible:
> copy the way that MS Word and wordpad handle colours..
> |------------|--|
> | |\         |  |
> |  \\        |  |
> | __\\_____  |  |
> ||   |_|   | |__|
> ||---------| |\/|
> |------------|--|
> (marvel at my ascii skills)
> A button that looks like this, (that odd-shaped thing in the middle is a
brush, btw), where the rectangle in the main window is a certain colour, and
you can click on the down arrow to choose a different color. On choosing it,
a new colour is selected, and that is reflected in the colour of the
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barnes Patrick
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 December 2002 12:12
> To: EUforum
> Subject: buttons...
> How do I make a button's background a different color?
> =======================
> Patrick Barnes
> Information Systems Group
> 201 Elizabeth St, Sydney
> Patrick.Barnes at tg.nsw.gov.au
> Ext: 91-3583
> Ph:(02) 9284-3583
> Mob: 0410 751 044
> ***********************************************************************
> ***********************************************************************
> ***********************************************************************
> ***********************************************************************

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4. Re: buttons...

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:34:46 +1100, Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au

>copy the way that MS Word and wordpad handle colours..
>How do I make a button's background a different color?

Use an xpm with a solid background, eg
sequence test test =3D {
"24 24 13 1",
" 	c None",
"B	c #808080",	-- the background
".	c #000000",
"+	c #E4E4DC",
"@	c #BE7579",
"#	c #C67D81",
"$	c #2D2D2D",
"%	c #8A4D4F",
"&	c #9E575B",
"*	c #A75E5F",
"=3D	c #AF6668",
"-	c #B66D71",
";	c #CD8689",
">	c #080808",
"BBBBBBBB. at .++++++..BBBBB",
"BBB...... at #.++$.+..BBBBB",
"BBB.%&*=3D- at #;.+.$+..BBBBB",
"BBB.%&*=3D- at #;.++++..BBBBB",
"BBB...... at #.+++++..BBBBB",
"BBBBBBBB. at .++++++..BBBBB",

change the background colour, eg
test[3][7..12]=3D"FF0000"	-- Red

and stick it on the button


I would imagine that the drop-down is just a very narrow button next
to the normal sized button.

There is a simple palette I inherited in the editor, see options.ew

Apparently someone is going to post about 2,500 xpm files real soon


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5. Re: buttons...

Fails for me on click the down button & either select or cancel color

Test\buttons\butt1.exw:57 in procedure getColor()
slice ends past end of sequence (13 > 11)

Dan Moyer

----- Original Message -----
From: <Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: RE: buttons...

> I managed this:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> include win32lib.ew
> constant win = create(Window, "Test", 0, Default, Default, 100, 100, 0),
> color_button = create(PictureButton, "", win, 30, 10, 24, 24,0),
> more_button = create(PictureButton, "", win, 53, 10, 8, 24,0)
> function bgr( atom col)
> return rgb( and_bits(col, #0000FF), and_bits(col, #00FF00) / 256,
and_bits(col, #FF0000) / (256*256) )
> end function
> sequence fontxpm fontxpm ={"24 24 4 1",
> "2   c #C0C0C0",
> "3   c #000080",
> "4   c #808080",
> "5   c #000000",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222223222222222222",
> "222222222243422222222222",
> "222222222233322222222222",
> "222222222433342222222222",
> "222222222332332222222222",
> "222222224322334222222222",
> "222222223333333222222222",
> "222222243222233422222222",
> "222222233222243322222222",
> "222222432222243342222222",
> "222223333222333333222222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222225555555555555555222",
> "222225555555555555555222",
> "222225555555555555555222",
> "222225555555555555555222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222222222222222222",
> "222222222222222222222222"}
> global constant downxpm ={"7 20 2 1",
> "2   c #C0C0C0",
> "3   c #000000",
> "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> "2333332","2233322","2223222",
> "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> "2222222","2222222"}
> atom nowcolor nowcolor = #000000
> procedure getColor(integer ID, integer Event, object params)
> nowcolor = bgr( getColorDialog(win, nowcolor) )
> fontxpm[5][8..13] = sprintf( "%06x", nowcolor)
> setBitmap(color_button,createDIB(xpmToEuBmp(fontxpm)))
> end procedure
> procedure setColor(integer ID, integer Event, object params)
> setWindowBackColor(win, nowcolor)
> end procedure
> setBitmap(color_button,createDIB(xpmToEuBmp(fontxpm)))
> setBitmap(more_button,createDIB(xpmToEuBmp(downxpm)))
> setHandler(more_button, w32HClick, routine_id("getColor"))
> setHandler(color_button, w32HClick, routine_id("setColor"))
> WinMain(win, Normal)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Lomax [mailto:petelomax at blueyonder.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 December 2002 21:12
> To: EUforum
> Subject: Re: buttons...
> On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:34:46 +1100, Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au
> wrote:
> >copy the way that MS Word and wordpad handle colours..
> ...
> >How do I make a button's background a different color?
> Use an xpm with a solid background, eg
> sequence test test = {


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6. Re: buttons...

Yes, it does; I ususally scan "inline" email programs for mangling, didn't
notice any, must have not looked close enough!

----- Original Message -----
From: <Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: RE: buttons...

> Does this code work?
> It's in an attachment because I think the last one got mangled by the
email system.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Moyer [mailto:DANIELMOYER at prodigy.net]
> Sent: Thursday, 12 December 2002 14:59
> To: EUforum
> Subject: Re: buttons...
> Fails for me on click the down button & either select or cancel color
> selection,
> Test\buttons\butt1.exw:57 in procedure getColor()
> slice ends past end of sequence (13 > 11)
> Dan Moyer
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au>
> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 5:44 PM
> Subject: RE: buttons...
> > I managed this:
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > include win32lib.ew
> >
> > constant win = create(Window, "Test", 0, Default, Default, 100, 100, 0),
> > color_button = create(PictureButton, "", win, 30, 10, 24, 24,0),
> > more_button = create(PictureButton, "", win, 53, 10, 8, 24,0)
> >
> >
> > function bgr( atom col)
> > return rgb( and_bits(col, #0000FF), and_bits(col, #00FF00) / 256,
> and_bits(col, #FF0000) / (256*256) )
> > end function
> >
> > sequence fontxpm fontxpm ={"24 24 4 1",
> > "2   c #C0C0C0",
> > "3   c #000080",
> > "4   c #808080",
> > "5   c #000000",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222223222222222222",
> > "222222222243422222222222",
> > "222222222233322222222222",
> > "222222222433342222222222",
> > "222222222332332222222222",
> > "222222224322334222222222",
> > "222222223333333222222222",
> > "222222243222233422222222",
> > "222222233222243322222222",
> > "222222432222243342222222",
> > "222223333222333333222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222225555555555555555222",
> > "222225555555555555555222",
> > "222225555555555555555222",
> > "222225555555555555555222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222",
> > "222222222222222222222222"}
> >
> > global constant downxpm ={"7 20 2 1",
> > "2   c #C0C0C0",
> > "3   c #000000",
> > "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> > "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> > "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> > "2333332","2233322","2223222",
> > "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> > "2222222","2222222","2222222",
> > "2222222","2222222"}
> >
> >
> > atom nowcolor nowcolor = #000000
> > procedure getColor(integer ID, integer Event, object params)
> > nowcolor = bgr( getColorDialog(win, nowcolor) )
> > fontxpm[5][8..13] = sprintf( "%06x", nowcolor)
> > setBitmap(color_button,createDIB(xpmToEuBmp(fontxpm)))
> > end procedure
> >
> > procedure setColor(integer ID, integer Event, object params)
> > setWindowBackColor(win, nowcolor)
> > end procedure
> >
> > setBitmap(color_button,createDIB(xpmToEuBmp(fontxpm)))
> > setBitmap(more_button,createDIB(xpmToEuBmp(downxpm)))
> > setHandler(more_button, w32HClick, routine_id("getColor"))
> > setHandler(color_button, w32HClick, routine_id("setColor"))
> >
> >
> > WinMain(win, Normal)
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------


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