1. RE: IDE version .10.1 now available

Judith wrote:
> Bug fix IDE version .10.1 is at 

Works GREAT!!!!!  Thanks a bunch!


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2. RE: IDE version .10.1 now available

>From http://users.bigpond.net.au/homepage/euphoria/euphoria.htm

Be sure to get v0.55 files first, then the v0.55.1 patch files.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tjsnyders at HOME.COM [mailto:tjsnyders at HOME.COM]
> Sent: Friday, 2 March 2001 9:22 AM
> To: EUforum
> Subject: Re: IDE version .10.1 now available
> Hi!
> Where can I get Win32lib.ew version .55.1
>                         Ted

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3. RE: IDE version .10.1 now available

> -----Original Message-----
> From: behaviorself at netzero.net [mailto:behaviorself at netzero.net]
> (BTW,
> like I said, I am having other problems with ListViews, so if 
> anyone can
> give me a hint on how to use them, I'd really appreciate it.  
> I'm trying to
> list items in seperate columns, with some being 
> left-justified, and some
> being right justified.)

Unfortunately, there is no way for win32lib to 'automatically' do this right
now.  Here's what you can do:

lvcol = struct_LVCOLUMN( LVCF_FMT, -- mask: this tells win to only look at
the format
                         LVCFMT_LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER, -- the format for the
                         0, "",  -- width, text
                         colnum-1 ) -- column number.  This is zero-based.

VOID = sendMessage( myListView, LVM_SETCOLUMN, colnum-1, lvcol )

release_mem( lvcol )

There's all sorts of neat things that can be done that aren't wrapped into
win32lib.  You can either visit msdn.microsoft.com, or download win32.hlp
from RDS' site (about 8 megs, I think), which is a little old, but gives you
a lot of great information about the win32 API that's really invaluable.

Matt Lewis

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4. RE: IDE version .10.1 now available

behaviorself at netzero.net wrote:
> Hi Judith,
> I've been using your IDE for a few weeks now, and I wanted to tell you 
> that
> it's great!

Thank you.

>  It's really been a big help (along with Win32.lib, of course).

<snip > 
> Oh, I almost forgot.  I downloaded your latest IDE, and I'm getting a
> message that says an error occured in my program every time I try to 
> open
> certain projects.  Could this be because of something different in the 
> IDE,
> or possibly because I'm using a newer version of Win32.lib?

Let me know what version of IDE is listed at the top of the PRJ file you 
are trying to load, what version of win32lib.ew you use and what error 
you are getting. It could be that there has been a change that is 
affecting you. I've tried hard to allow older PRJ files to work with 
each release of IDE but it is inevitable that something might break.

The latest releases (v.10+) work only with win32lib.ew 55.1 although 
unless I hear something from Derek/Matt, IDE should work on the next 

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5. RE: IDE version .10.1 now available

Yes, this would work as long as the user was using a version of Win32Lib 
that contained Win32LibVersion. I suppose now that version 55.1 is 
stamped, most everyone is moving to it from version .50. I state at my 
home page that version 55.1+ is required for IDE but I'll consider 
adding your suggestion.

BTW my new home page is up, but nothing new, at 
http:\\www2.txcyber.com\~camping\judith.html and please notice the 2 
after www and html instead of htm. If you key htm instead of html you 
will not find the home page.

I've added to Property Icon and Bitmap file names for setIcon and 
setBitmap and fixed the popup for Property and Tool Box to gray out 'on 
top' and 'not ontop' when these windows are docked. I've got a few more 
things to add before I release.



Derek Parnell wrote:
> > Let me know what version of IDE is listed at the top of the PRJ file you
> > are trying to load, what version of win32lib.ew you use and what error
> > you are getting. It could be that there has been a change that is
> > affecting you. I've tried hard to allow older PRJ files to work with
> > each release of IDE but it is inevitable that something might break.
> Just a thought, Judith. In the "about" box, you could list the version 
> of
> win32lib being used. The version is found in the global constant
> Win32LibVersion.
>    dispver = sprintf("using Win32Lib v%d.%d.%d",
>                          {Win32LibVersion[1],
>                           Win32LibVersion[2],
>                           Win32LibVersion[3],
>                          })
> > The latest releases (v.10+) work only with win32lib.ew 55.1 although
> > unless I hear something from Derek/Matt, IDE should work on the next
> > release.
> The IDE v.10 works fine with Win32Lib v0.56-alpha, though I haven't done
> exhaustive testing with it yet.
> ------
> Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia
> "To finish a job quickly, go slower."

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6. RE: IDE version .10.1 now available

Looks like I have a bug trying to find the direct parent of a Group 
control in order to build the Project View.

I tested with Group but not with an old project. Could be something 
there that changed between releases.

Would you mind sending me your PRJ file? I'll send you my e-mail 

Thanks for the bug report.


behaviorself at netzero.net wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Judith <camping at txcyber.com>
> To: EUforum <EUforum at topica.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 6:38 AM
> Subject: RE: IDE version .10.1 now available
> >
> >
> > Let me know what version of IDE is listed at the top of the PRJ file you
> > are trying to load, what version of win32lib.ew you use and what error
> > you are getting. It could be that there has been a change that is
> > affecting you. I've tried hard to allow older PRJ files to work with
> > each release of IDE but it is inevitable that something might break.
> >
> > The latest releases (v.10+) work only with win32lib.ew 55.1 although
> > unless I hear something from Derek/Matt, IDE should work on the next
> > release.
> >
> >
> The IDE version of the PRJ file is 0.9L.4.  I'm using your latest IDE (I
> downloaded it on Sunday, I think), and I'm using version 55.1 of
> Win32lib.ew.  When I try to open my PRJ file, everything stops and I get 
> an
> error message.  I've pasted the first part of it:
> C:\EUPHORIA\Judith's IDE Version 0.10.2\ide_projectview.ew:330 in 
> procedure
> buildProjectFolders()
> subscript value 13 is out of bounds, reading from a sequence of length 7
>     whoIs = {13,{71'G',114'r',111'o',117'u',112'p'}}
>     parent = {87'W',105'i',110'n',100'd',111'o',119'w',50'2'}
>     lastMenuName = {}
>     lastPopUpName = {}
>     text = {}
>     class_ModuleName = {87'W',105'i',110'n',100'd',111'o',119'w',50'2',
> 95'_',111'o',110'n',67'C',108'l',111'o',115's',101'e'}
>     foundIt = 1
>     i = 2
>     j = 2
>     k = 55'7'
>     event = 18
> It's really strange, because some files will open fine, but others 
> won't.
> Thanks.
> Bill
> >
> >

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