1. RE: Disk Serial ID

CK Lester wrote:
> Thanks, Irv, but I forgot to specify that I need it for a Windows 
> program...

This it something I posted to the old list.  It does not require 

-- start tested program --
include dll.e
include machine.e
include get.e

   kernel32 = open_dll( "kernel32.dll" ),
   xGetVolumeInfo = define_c_func( kernel32, "GetVolumeInformationA", 

function getVolSerial( sequence root_dir )
-- Input: A string that contains the root directory of the volume to be 
--        A trailing backslash is required. For example, you would 
--        \\MyServer\MyShare as "\\\\MyServer\\MyShare\\", or the C 
drive as "C:\\". 
-- Output: Volume Serial Number

   atom rootPathName, volSerNum
   sequence ret_val

   rootPathName    = allocate_string( root_dir )
   volSerNum       = allocate( 4 )

   if not c_func( xGetVolumeInfo, { rootPathName, NULL, NULL, volSerNum,
                                   NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } ) then
      puts( 1, "xGetVolumeInfo failed in function getVolSerial" )
   end if

   ret_val = { peek4u( volSerNum ) }
   free( rootPathName )
   free( volSerNum )

   return ret_val
end function

sn = sprintf( "%08x", getVolSerial( "C:\\" ) )
printf( 1, "Volume Serial Number is %s-%s", {sn[1..4],sn[5..8]} )
-- this can be verified by typing "vol" at the C: prompt
if wait_key() then end if

-- end tested program --

-- Brian

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2. RE: Disk Serial ID

Brian, big thanks for the code.

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3. RE: Disk Serial ID

Save it as test.exw, and try again..
open_dll() is a windows routine. It's not supported in EX.EXE

By saving the file as test.exw, it will use EXW.EXE, which is for 


Tony Steward wrote:
> Hi all,
> Reading the forum often gives you great ideas. I tried the file supplied 
> by
> Brian and got the following error, any idea why. I saved the file a 
> test.ex
> C:\EUPHORIA\include\dll.e:27 in function open_dll()
> open_dll() is not supported in Euphoria for DOS32
>     file_name = {107'k',101'e',114'r',110'n',101'e',108'l',51'3',50'2',
> 46'.',100'd',108'l',108'l'}
> ... called from C:\PROGRA~2\TEMP\TEST2.EX:7
> Global & Local Variables
>  C:\EUPHORIA\include\machine.e:
>     check_calls = 1
>  C:\EUPHORIA\include\get.e:
>     input_file = <no value>
>     input_string = <no value>
>     string_next = <no value>
>     ch = <no value>
> Thanks
> Tony
> Come Visit Me At www.locksdownunder.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Broker" <bkb at cnw.com>
> To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:33 AM
> Subject: RE: Disk Serial ID
> >
> >
> > CK Lester wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks, Irv, but I forgot to specify that I need it for a Windows
> > > program...
> > >
> >
> > CK,
> >
> > This it something I posted to the old list.  It does not require
> > Win32Lib.
> >
> > -- start tested program --
> > include dll.e
> > include machine.e
> > include get.e
> >
> > constant
> >    kernel32 = open_dll( "kernel32.dll" ),
> >    xGetVolumeInfo = define_c_func( kernel32, "GetVolumeInformationA",
> >                    {C_POINTER, C_POINTER, C_UINT, C_POINTER, C_POINTER,
> >
> > function getVolSerial( sequence root_dir )
> > -- Input: A string that contains the root directory of the volume to be
> > described.
> > --        A trailing backslash is required. For example, you would
> > specify
> > --        \\MyServer\MyShare as "\\\\MyServer\\MyShare\\", or the C
> > drive as "C:\\".
> > -- Output: Volume Serial Number
> >
> >    atom rootPathName, volSerNum
> >    sequence ret_val
> >
> >    rootPathName    = allocate_string( root_dir )
> >    volSerNum       = allocate( 4 )
> >
> >    if not c_func( xGetVolumeInfo, { rootPathName, NULL, NULL, volSerNum,
> >                                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } ) then
> >       puts( 1, "xGetVolumeInfo failed in function getVolSerial" )
> >    end if
> >
> >    ret_val = { peek4u( volSerNum ) }
> >    free( rootPathName )
> >    free( volSerNum )
> >
> >    return ret_val
> >
> > end function
> >
> > sn = sprintf( "%08x", getVolSerial( "C:\\" ) )
> > printf( 1, "Volume Serial Number is %s-%s", {sn[1..4],sn[5..8]} )
> > -- this can be verified by typing "vol" at the C: prompt
> > if wait_key() then end if
> >
> > -- end tested program --
> >
> > -- Brian
> >
> >
> >
> >

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