1. font.ref
- Posted by "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Feb 18, 1997
- Last edited Feb 19, 1997
To all, who already downloaded my new font package from the Offical Euphoria page, this the note I have just sent to Rob: first corrections, already! I have just realized that I had made the fci and fsi functions more sophisticated than I indicated in the font.ref file: if the paper (background) color fpc is negative (-1), then the whole char/string's space at the current position of the text pointer is taken as its background, and not just the color at the text pointer! - This is important for all sorts of tricks. Sorry. I am also taking some time off, far away from work and computers. So I a m not going to respond to anything until about the 4th March, not even to further nasties from the grim Reaper. Jiri