1. gt1 and gt2
- Posted by Robert Craig <robert_craig at COMPUSERVE.COM> Feb 09, 1997
David Mosley writes: > I am running the gt1 and gt2 outside the program. > Could that be the problem? I took a closer look at David Gay's gt1 and gt2 demos. He is testing a long list of graphics modes to see if graphics_mode() will report success or not. I have found that on many machines there are graphics modes (typically SVGA) that will simply hang up the system if you try to switch into them. The program won't be able to recover and try a different mode. I bet this is the case on your machine when you run these demos. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software
2. Re: gt1 and gt2
- Posted by David Mosley <ampenter at SISNA.COM> Feb 09, 1997
Thanks guys for all the help.Robert I do have a SVGA montor also David and Michael I get it now I did not know that you had put a vaule to c before you can use it.Just one of those BASIC jump up and bite you things.Thanks David for the sample program that really helps
3. Re: gt1 and gt2
- Posted by David Alan Gay <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Feb 09, 1997
> I took a closer look at David Gay's gt1 and gt2 demos. > He is testing a long list of graphics modes to see if > graphics_mode() will report success or not. > > I have found that on many machines there are graphics > modes (typically SVGA) that will simply hang up the system > if you try to switch into them. The program won't be able to recover > and try a different mode. I bet this is the case on your machine > when you run these demos. > Hi Robert Is there anything I can add to or change in these programs to prevent such a lockup from happening? Thanks David Gay
4. Re: gt1 and gt2
- Posted by Robert Craig <robert_craig at COMPUSERVE.COM> Feb 09, 1997
David Gay writes: > Is there anything I can add to or change in these programs to prevent such > a lockup from happening? On one machine here your gt1 works fine but your gt2 causes a problem in mode 256. So I fiddled around with gt2 and found I could eliminate the problem by removing the statement that switches back to graphics_mode(-1) before displaying the video parameters. I moved it to the end of the program. Here's my new version: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- include graphics.e sequence screen_modes, video_settings atom counter integer screen_set_status screen_modes = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,256,257,258,259,260, 261,262,263,-999} counter = 1 while screen_modes[counter] != -999 do screen_set_status = graphics_mode(screen_modes[counter]) if screen_set_status = 0 then video_settings = video_config() --screen_set_status = graphics_mode(-1) -- REMOVED printf(1, "Mode %d supports the following attributes:\n\n", {screen_modes[counter]}) if video_settings[1] = 1 then puts(1, " Has Colour\n") else puts(1, " Has No Colour\n") end if printf(1, " Has %d text rows and %d text columns\n", {video_settings[3], video_settings[4]}) if video_settings[5] + video_settings[6] > 0 then printf(1, " Has %d pixels across and %d pixels down\n", {video_settings[5], video_settings[6]}) end if printf(1, " Has %d colours available\n", {video_settings[7]}) printf(1, " Has %d display pages accessible\n\n", {video_settings[8]}) puts(1, "Press Any Key To Continue\n") while get_key() = -1 do end while end if counter = counter + 1 end while puts(1, "\n\nProgram Example Completed. Press Any Key To End\n") while get_key() = -1 do end while if graphics_mode(-1) then -- moved it HERE end if ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm not sure why this works, but mode 256 has always given me problems in a DOS window under Windows 95 on one machine here. Mode 256 works fine if I reboot Win95 in DOS mode. I don't know if this change will help on other machines. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software
5. Re: gt1 and gt2
- Posted by David Alan Gay <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Feb 09, 1997
- Last edited Feb 10, 1997
Hi Robert > On one machine here your gt1 works fine but your gt2 causes a problem > in mode 256. So I fiddled around with gt2 and found I could eliminate > the problem by removing the statement that switches back to > graphics_mode(-1) before displaying the video parameters. I moved it > to the end of the program. Here's my new version: (cutting with cyberscissors....*vhrrrrrrrrrrr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!!!!*) > I'm not sure why this works, but mode 256 has always given me problems > in a DOS window under Windows 95 on one machine here. > Mode 256 works fine if I reboot Win95 in DOS mode. > I don't know if this change will help on other machines. I'll make the revised source available on my web page as a GT2.EX patch. Thank you :) David Gay