1. doswrap.e etc
- Posted by "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Feb 09, 1997
Note to Jacques Deschenes and to users of his doswrap.e: As Jacques observed, the Euphoria's built-in buffered file i/o is quite slow. His block read/write routines in doswrap.e work fine, but you have to change the type of the NameBuffer variable in DosCreate() (line 20) from sequence to atom, so it becomes the same as lines 45 & 46 in DosOpen(). Or do I have an old/mangled version? Just one more thing: Jamie reported that my Twins game had left his computer display in a mess. I do not know, but I had similar problems several times already, when I tried, through my own stupidity, to access elements of a sequence just outside its legal range. Next time I'll save the ex.err file... Jiri
2. Re: doswrap.e etc
- Posted by Jacques Deschenes <desja at QUEBECTEL.COM> Feb 09, 1997
- Last edited Feb 10, 1997
--=====================_855567699==_ At 11:20 9-02-97 +1200, you wrote: >As Jacques observed, the Euphoria's built-in buffered file i/o is >quite slow. His block read/write routines in doswrap.e work fine, >but you have to change the type of the NameBuffer variable in >DosCreate() (line 20) from sequence to atom, so it becomes the >same as lines 45 & 46 in DosOpen(). > Thanks Jiri, This was my error. this message attach the last revision of Doswrap.e which include two more functions: DosSetDate() and DosSetTime() --=====================_855567699==_ -- Dos function call #21 wrap up. -- by Jacques Deschenes, Baie-Comeau, PQ, Canada, e-mail: Desja at quebectel.com -- Creation date: September 28th, 1996 -- Why to bother about using dos for files I/O when euphoria can do that? -- Because with Euphoria you have to read file to sequence and then to poke -- the sequence in a buffer. -- with Dos file I/O one can read and write direct to buffer which is faster. -- -- revesion history -- february 6th, 1997 -- added 2 functions to set date and time: -- DosSetDate(sequence Date) -- DosSetTime(sequence time) -- February 9th, 1997 -- In DosCreate() redefined type of NameBuffer to atom, was mistakenly -- define as sequence. with trace include machine.e include bitwise.e include ports.e global constant READ = 0, WRITE = 1, READ_WRITE=2 global function DosCreate(sequence Name, integer attributes) -- Create a new file. -- parameters: Name is name of the new file. -- attributes for the new file. -- if succes return File handle else return -1 sequence regs atom NameBuffer regs = repeat(0,10) NameBuffer = allocate_low(length(Name)+1) if not NameBuffer then return -1 end if poke(NameBuffer,Name & 0) regs[REG_AX] = #3C00 regs[REG_CX] = attributes regs[REG_DS] = floor(NameBuffer/16) regs[REG_DX] = remainder(NameBuffer,16) regs = dos_interrupt(#21,regs) if AND(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then return -1 -- fail to open end if return regs[REG_AX] -- return file handle end function -- DosCreate() global function DosOpen(sequence FileName, integer Mode) -- use DOS function #3D to open a file -- return file handle or -1 if error -- mode is 0 = read only -- 1 = write only -- 2 = read/write atom NameBuffer sequence regs regs = repeat(0,10) NameBuffer = allocate_low(length(FileName)+1) if not NameBuffer then return -1 end if poke(NameBuffer,FileName & 0) regs[REG_AX] = #3D00+Mode regs[REG_DS] = floor(NameBuffer/16) regs[REG_DX] = remainder(NameBuffer,16) regs = dos_interrupt(#21,regs) if AND(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then return -1 -- fail to open end if return regs[REG_AX] -- return file handle end function -- DosOpen() global function DosClose(integer Handle) -- close a file open with DosOpen() -- return 1 if success else return 0 sequence regs regs = repeat(0,10) regs[REG_AX] = #3E00 regs[REG_BX] = Handle regs = dos_interrupt(#21,regs) if AND(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then return 0 end if return 1 end function -- DosClose() global function BlockRead(integer Handle, atom buffer, atom NbBytes) -- Read a given number of bytes from a file open with DosOpen() to a buffer -- if success return Number of bytes actually read else return -1 -- parameters: -- Handle -> the file Handle returned by DosOpen() -- buffer -> is a pointer returned byt allocate_low() where the data will be -- read. -- NbBytes -> is the number of bytes to read. sequence regs regs = repeat(0,10) regs[REG_AX] = #3F00 regs[REG_BX] = Handle regs[REG_CX] = NbBytes regs[REG_DS] = floor(buffer/16) regs[REG_DX] = remainder(buffer,16) regs = dos_interrupt(#21,regs) if AND(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then return -1 -- failed to read end if return regs[REG_AX] end function --BlockRead() global function BlockWrite(integer Handle, atom buffer, atom NbBytes) -- Write to a file open with DosOpen() from a buffer. -- if succes return number of bytes actually written else return 0 -- parameters: Handle -> handle returned by DosOpen() -- buffer -> buffer pointer returned by allocate_low() where data -- to write is stored. -- NbBytes -> Number of bytes to write sequence regs regs = repeat(0,10) regs[REG_AX] = #4000 regs[REG_BX] = Handle regs[REG_CX] = NbBytes regs[REG_DS] = floor(buffer/16) regs[REG_DX] = remainder(buffer,16) regs = dos_interrupt(#21,regs) if AND(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then return -1 -- failed to read end if return regs[REG_AX] end function -- BlockWrite() global function DosSeek(integer Handle, integer Distance, integer Origin) -- Move the file read/write pointer to specified position -- return new pointer position or -1 if error. -- parameters: Handle is DosOpen() handle -- Distance is distance to move to -- Origin from where Distance is added -- Origin = 0 beginning of file + Distance -- Origin = 1 current location + Distance -- Origin = 2 end of file + Distance sequence regs regs = repeat(0,10) regs[REG_AX] = #4200+Origin regs[REG_BX] = Handle regs[REG_CX] = floor(Distance/256) regs[REG_DX] = remainder(Distance,256) regs = dos_interrupt(#21,regs) if AND(regs[REG_FLAGS],1) then return -1 -- failed end if return regs[REG_AX] end function --DosSeek() global function GetVector(byte VecNb) -- get the pointer of a given interrupt vector VecNb -- return sequence {segment,offset} sequence r r = repeat(0,10) r[REG_AX] = #3500 + VecNb r = dos_interrupt(#21,r) return {r[REG_ES],r[REG_BX]} end function -- GetVector() global procedure SetVector(byte VecNb, integer pointer) -- set a new interrupt vector. -- pointer is the new ISR address and VecNb is then interrupt vector number. -- from a linear address one get a normalised vector by: -- segment = floor(linear_address_vector/16) i.e. integer division -- offset = remainder(linear_address_vector,16) i.e. modulo 16 sequence r r = repeat(0,10) r[REG_AX] = #2500 + VecNb r[REG_DS] = floor(pointer/16) r[REG_DX] = remainder(pointer,16) r = dos_interrupt(#21,r) end procedure -- SetVector() global procedure DosSetDate(sequence Date) -- Date format is {year, month, day) sequence r r = repeat(0,10) r[REG_AX] = #2B00 r[REG_CX] = Date[1] r[REG_DX] = Date[2]*256+Date[3] r = dos_interrupt(#21,r) end procedure -- DosSetDate() global procedure DosSetTime(sequence Time) -- Time format is {Hours, minutes, secondes} -- 24 hours format used. sequence r r = repeat(0,10) r[REG_AX] = #2D00 r[REG_CX] = Time[1]*256+Time[2] r[REG_DX] = Time[3]*256 r = dos_interrupt(#21,r) end procedure -- DosSetTime() --=====================_855567699==_ Jacques Deschenes Baie-Comeau, Quebec Canada desja at quebectel.com --=====================_855567699==_--