1. crash but no error message

Hi.  I'm fiddling around with powerups for OZ and now while I'm in ed,
using the registered Euphoria 1.5alpha, I'm having the program fail, but
I'm not getting any error message.  It just seems to quit.  If I hit a key
I get dropped back to ed with no explanation.  When I bind the code, it
crashes to dos with no error message, and no ex.err generated.

I'm running dos 6.22, emm386 with ems, 64 megs ram, no windoze or anything
like that, I'm using Jacques sound routines extensively though.

Any ideas what I can do?  The stuff I added should have no system affect,
just moving some numbers around.

Michael Packard
Lord Generic Productions
lgp at exo.com http://exo.com/~lgp
A Crash Course in Game Design and Production

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2. crash but no error message

Michael Packard writes:
> Hi.  I'm fiddling around with powerups for OZ and now while I'm in ed,
> using the registered Euphoria 1.5alpha, I'm having the program fail, but
> I'm not getting any error message.  It just seems to quit.  If I hit a key

A bug was fixed recently where rather large programs (many thousands of lines)
such as yours might have invalid line number info on the error trace-back,
or might even crash without any error traceback (ex.err file) in some cases.

Make sure you are using the very latest 1.5 alpha-3 Complete Edition
ex.exe that I put on the Web two days ago. Type: ex
to see the version number. All earlier versions of Euphoria have the bug.

Now, if you bind your program, you will bind with the alpha-1 PD ex.exe
which still has the bug. So if you get a Euphoria error running your .exe
you might get the problem anyway. I will upload a new PD 1.5 alpha release
to the Euphoria Web page later today (Saturday) containing a new PD ex.exe for
you to bind with.

This should all be cleared up on approximately Feb 14. when a full
1.5 *beta* release, both PD and Complete is released.

  Rob Craig
  Rapid Deployment Software

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