1. wxBitmap - Linux vs Windows, part 2
- Posted by Jerry Story <jstory at ocii.com> Oct 05, 2006
This is the 2nd minimal program to illustrate the problem. This time I succeeded in getting it to behave the same way as the original program (ie, to not work on Windows). The 1st minimal program works on Windows, this one does not. There doesn't seem to be any difference between them that would make a difference, but obviously there is.
-- splash_sample2.exw -- Replace "bigkick.bmp" with something you have. ---------------------------------------------------------- global constant PROGRAM_TITLE = "Diet Monger Ass Kicker October 1, 2006 public domain" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include wxEuphoria.e include wxSizer.e include wxText.e include wxGraphics.e global object void global sequence mess ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global sequence SLASH,path_dmak procedure getSLASH() integer p p = platform() if p = LINUX then SLASH = "/" else SLASH = "\\" end if end procedure getSLASH() function GetPath() -- Get the path that the program is in. sequence cmd,path cmd = command_line() path = "" for stop = length(cmd[2]) to 1 by -1 do if cmd[2][stop] = '/' then path = cmd[2][1..stop] exit end if end for return path end function -- GetPath() path_dmak = GetPath() -------------------------------------------------------------------- constant mess1 = "1. Food value depends on digestion and assimilation. \n" & "2. There is more to health than diet. Too much is claimed for diet. \n" & "3. Never eat beyond the power to digest! \n" & "4. The accuracy of food values from USDA has been criticized. \n" & "5. Quality of food depends on quality of soil. \n" & "6. Do not take my *.REQ files as reliable! \n" & "7. Always think for yourself! \n" global constant splash_width = 600, splash_height = 600, frameWin = create(wxFrame,{0,-1, PROGRAM_TITLE, -1, -1, splash_width, splash_height}), Win = create( wxPanel, {frameWin}), boxMain = create(wxBoxSizer,{wxHORIZONTAL}), frmSplash = create(wxFrame,{0,-1,"Loading USDA data ...",-1,-1,splash_width,splash_height}), pnlSplash = create(wxPanel,{frmSplash}), boxSplash = create(wxBoxSizer,{wxVERTICAL}), lblSplash1 = create(wxStaticText,{pnlSplash,-1,mess1,-1,-1,-1,-1,wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL}), lblSplash2 = create(wxStaticText,{pnlSplash,-1,"..",-1,-1,200,20, wx_or_all({wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE})}), lblSplash3 = create(wxStaticText,{pnlSplash,-1,"..",-1,-1,200,20, wx_or_all({wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE})}), bmpSplash = create(wxBitmap,{BM_FROM_FILE,"bigkick.bmp",wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP}), fontSplash = create(wxFont,{14,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Arial"}) set_default_font(lblSplash1,fontSplash) set_default_font(lblSplash2,fontSplash) set_default_font(lblSplash3,fontSplash) set_sizer(pnlSplash,boxSplash) add_window_to_sizer(boxSplash,lblSplash1,1,wxGROW,0) add_window_to_sizer(boxSplash,lblSplash2,0,wxGROW,0) add_window_to_sizer(boxSplash,lblSplash3,0,wxGROW,0) set_sizer(Win,boxMain) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure onPaint_pnlSplash( atom this, atom id, atom event_type, atom event ) sequence extent atom dc,x,y dc = create(wxPaintDC, {this}) extent = get_bitmap_size( bmpSplash ) x = (splash_width - extent[1]) / 2 y = ((splash_height - 100) - extent[2]) /2 y += 100 x = floor(x) y = floor(y) draw_bitmap( dc, bmpSplash, x, y, 0) delete_instance( dc ) end procedure set_event_handler(pnlSplash,get_id(pnlSplash),wxEVT_PAINT,routine_id("onPaint_pnlSplash")) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global integer win_width,win_height win_width = 800 win_height = 600 constant TIME_TO_READ = 2 show_window(frmSplash,1) for i = 1 to 3 do void = call_member( wxApp_Yield, myApp_this, {1}) end for sleep(TIME_TO_READ) delete_instance(frmSplash) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set_size(frameWin,win_width,win_height) wxMain( frameWin )
2. Re: wxBitmap - Linux vs Windows, part 2
- Posted by Jesse Adkins <Tassadar29 at lycos.com> Oct 05, 2006
I did some testing of both of those code pages and I found out that the bitmap is actually printing to the page. However, one of your sizers was immediately going over it which gave the appearance of having never loaded. add_window_to_sizer(boxSplash,lblSplash1,1,wxGROW,0) I changed that 1 in the middle to a 0 and it rendered perfectly.
3. Re: wxBitmap - Linux vs Windows, part 2
- Posted by Jerry Story <jstory at ocii.com> Oct 06, 2006
Jesse Adkins wrote: > > I did some testing of both of those code pages and I found out that the bitmap > is actually printing to the page. > > However, one of your sizers was immediately going over it which gave the > appearance of having never loaded. > > add_window_to_sizer(boxSplash,lblSplash1,1,wxGROW,0) > > I changed that 1 in the middle to a 0 and it rendered perfectly. Thanks.