1. wxBitmap - Linux vs Windows, part 1
- Posted by Jerry Story <jstory at ocii.com> Oct 05, 2006
The wxBitmap in the original program works on Linux but not on Windows. Here is a minimal program to illustrate the problem. I expected it to not work on Windows, but to my surprise it worked on Windows. No clue about the original program. I post this for comparison with the 2nd minimal program, which I succeeded in getting to not work. I will post the 2nd minimal program in a separate message.
-- splash_sample.exw -- Replace "bigkick.bmp" with something you have. ---------------------------------------------------------- global constant PROGRAM_TITLE = "Diet Monger Ass Kicker October 1, 2006 public domain" ---------------------------------------------------------- include wxEuphoria.e include wxSizer.e include wxText.e include wxButton.e include wxGraphics.e global object void global sequence SLASH,path_dmak procedure getSLASH() integer p p = platform() if p = LINUX then SLASH = "/" else SLASH = "\\" end if end procedure getSLASH() function GetPath() -- Get the path that the program is in. sequence cmd,path cmd = command_line() path = "" for stop = length(cmd[2]) to 1 by -1 do if cmd[2][stop] = '/' then path = cmd[2][1..stop] exit end if end for return path end function -- GetPath() path_dmak = GetPath() -------------------------------------------------------------------- global constant splash_width = 600, splash_height = 600, frameWin = create(wxFrame,{0,-1, PROGRAM_TITLE, -1, -1, splash_width, splash_height}), Win = create( wxPanel, {frameWin}), boxMain = create(wxBoxSizer,{wxHORIZONTAL}), frmSplash = create(wxFrame,{0,-1,"Loading USDA data ...",-1,-1,splash_width,splash_height}), pnlSplash = create(wxPanel,{frmSplash}), boxSplash = create(wxBoxSizer,{wxVERTICAL}), lblSplash = create(wxStaticText,{pnlSplash,-1,"..",-1,-1,200,20, wx_or_all({wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE})}), bmpSplash = create(wxBitmap,{BM_FROM_FILE,"bigkick.bmp",wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP}), fontSplash = create(wxFont,{14,wxDEFAULT,wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL,0,"Arial"}) set_default_font(lblSplash,fontSplash) set_sizer(pnlSplash,boxSplash) add_window_to_sizer(boxSplash,lblSplash,0,wxGROW,0) set_sizer(Win,boxMain) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure onPaint_pnlSplash( atom this, atom id, atom event_type, atom event ) sequence extent atom dc,x,y dc = create(wxPaintDC, {this}) extent = get_bitmap_size( bmpSplash ) x = (splash_width - extent[1]) / 2 y = ((splash_height - 100) - extent[2]) /2 y += 100 x = floor(x) y = floor(y) draw_bitmap( dc, bmpSplash, x, y, 0) delete_instance( dc ) end procedure set_event_handler(pnlSplash,get_id(pnlSplash),wxEVT_PAINT,routine_id("onPaint_pnlSplash")) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- global integer win_width,win_height win_width = 800 win_height = 600 constant TIME_TO_READ = 2 set_label(lblSplash,sprintf("%d seconds to read",{TIME_TO_READ})) show_window(frmSplash,1) for i = 1 to 3 do void = call_member( wxApp_Yield, myApp_this, {1}) end for sleep(TIME_TO_READ) delete_instance(frmSplash) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set_size(frameWin,win_width,win_height) wxMain( frameWin )