1. wxMDIParentFrame
- Posted by "Brian K. Clark" <bkc02 at health.state.ny.us> Oct 04, 2006
This works:
include wxEuphoria.e constant MainFrame = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Parent", 10, 10, 1000, 720, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE + wxFRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU}) procedure term_inate(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event) abort(1) end procedure set_event_handler(MainFrame, get_id(MainFrame), wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, routine_id( "term_inate" )) wxMain( MainFrame )
But this
include wxEuphoria.e include wxMDI.e constant MainFrame = create( wxMDIParentFrame, {0, -1, "Parent", 10, 10, 1000, 720, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE + wxFRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU}) procedure term_inate(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event) abort(1) end procedure set_event_handler(MainFrame, get_id(MainFrame), wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, routine_id( "term_inate" )) wxMain( MainFrame )
gives me (only on some machines) when closing the window. "The instruction at "0x01065428" referenced memory at "0x01065428". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program." This was happening in a large program, and I parred it down to this. Oddly, it works on my XP and win 2000, but not on other's XP machines. One of which is the exact same hardware and OS version as mine.
2. Re: wxMDIParentFrame
- Posted by Jesse Adkins <Tassadar29 at lycos.com> Oct 04, 2006
- Last edited Oct 05, 2006
This is similar to an issue I had while working with MDIParentFrames. Instead of abort (1) try destroy ( MainFrame ) exit_main() This worked for me when I got an error similar to that upon closing the MDIParentFrame.
3. Re: wxMDIParentFrame
- Posted by "Brian K. Clark" <bkc02 at health.state.ny.us> Oct 05, 2006
Jesse, That did the trick. Thanks, B Jesse Adkins <guest@RapidEupho ria.com> To EUforum at topica.com 10/04/2006 05:14 cc PM Subject Re: wxMDIParentFrame Please respond to EUforum at topica.co m This is similar to an issue I had while working with MDIParentFrames. Instead of abort (1) try destroy ( MainFrame ) exit_main() This worked for me when I got an error similar to that upon closing the MDIParentFrame.