1. wxEuphoria - bitmap works on Linux but not Windows

The following code works on Linux but not on Windows.
On Linux it works: shows a picture while the data is loading.
On Windows there is no picture.
Same source code Linux and Windows.

 bmpSplash = create(wxBitmap,{BM_FROM_FILE,"bigkick.bmp",wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP})

procedure onPaint_pnlSplash( atom this, atom id, atom event_type, atom event )
sequence extent
atom dc,x,y

  dc = create(wxPaintDC, {this})

  extent = get_bitmap_size( bmpSplash )

  x = (splash_width - extent[1]) / 2
  y = ((splash_height - 100) - extent[2]) /2
  y += 100
  x = floor(x)
  y = floor(y)
  draw_bitmap( dc, bmpSplash, x, y, 0)

  delete_instance( dc )
end procedure

This code works on Linux, but not Windows.
I want it to work on both Linux and Windows.
How can I get it to work on Windows?

I tried refresh_window(pnlSplash). That made it not work on Linux.
I tried refresh_window(pnlSplash) after delete_instance(dc) and before.
No good either place.

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2. Re: wxEuphoria - bitmap works on Linux but not Windows

Jerry Story wrote:
> The following code works on Linux but not on Windows.
> On Linux it works: shows a picture while the data is loading.
> On Windows there is no picture.
> Same source code Linux and Windows.

I guess you're putting up a spash screen?  Could you post a minimal example
that works in linux but not windows (i.e., create the windows)?

Matt Lewis

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