1. energized
- Posted by Monty King <kinm at MAILHOST.CYBERHIGHWAY.NET> Sep 27, 1996
Hi Michael and fellow Euphoriaites, I was thinking (and haven'yt read all of today's mail yet ((the amount is growing)) that maybe some batteries for the energization of our super muncher. When he eats it, he turnes into a little bunny with a drum? Yes I hear lawsuits wailing in the distance with this idea too, but couldn't resist sending it out since Michael keeps calling them "energizers". Have some other suggestions/ideas that are being written, but thought since it was "so quiet out here" I would throw in my nickel. Monty, Bambi, and Bart, Sprinfield, Oregon, USA ----------------------------------------------------- Check out my Home Page! Just added a Euphoria page with links and a couple of small programs. It is off of my main page (Webspace Gateway) and easy to see. http://www.cyberhighway.net/~kinm -----------------------------------------------------
2. Re: energized
- Posted by Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 27, 1996
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - > > Hi Michael and fellow Euphoriaites, > I was thinking (and haven'yt read all of today's mail yet ((the > amount is growing)) that maybe some batteries for the energization of our > super muncher. When he eats it, he turnes into a little bunny with a drum? > Yes I hear lawsuits wailing in the distance with this idea too, but > couldn't resist sending it out since Michael keeps calling them "energizers". > Have some other suggestions/ideas that are being written, but > thought since it was "so quiet out here" I would throw in my nickel. > Monty, Bambi, and Bart, Sprinfield, Oregon, USA > I mentioned a similar idea in the NOTE: right after the Energizer description, I was thinking of turning the Ghosts pink and growing ears on them. The Sprites are too small, but you never know... =) My nephew gave me a great idea for another PowerDown: Beef Jerky - makes Packy stop and chew for awhile to get it down. Bahahahaha! We need more PowerUP ideas Maybe a "Wandering Energizer?" I'd HAVE to make it a bunny! I would LOVE to eat the bunny! It's FREEWARE, what could they do? BTW I didn't have a section on Easter Eggs in the General Description, I'll do a special section on it this weekend. We HAVE to have at least one in the game. Michael