1. ee/Linux released

I've sent Robert my port of ee to Linux. Actually, it runs under both DOS
and Linux.

It took a bit longer than the couple of hours he predicted, and I'm sure
that I introduced a couple of bugs in the process. As you can imagine, I
haven't had a chance to really hammer on the code, so if you decide to use
it, save early and often.

ee made use of a couple of specialized DOS routines that are not available
under Linux, so a number of features are missing:

   - no mouse support
   - shift+arrow keys do not work
   - ctrl+c and ctrl+z *will* halt the program
   - ctrl+home, ctrl+end, ctrl+arrow are not supported
   - certain color combinations don't work
   - not aware of Linux drive names
   - certainly no printing
   - multiple screen resolutions not supported (yet)
   - other things I can't think of

Other features work, but they are not well tested. For more details, take a
look in the readme file. Hopefully, these features will come back as Robert
adds to the Linux edition.

The Alt+B key toggles block selection mode, similar to Robert's ed. It's
compatible with the old key combinations and the menu. Don't choose Ctrl+C
to cut text, however - it'll shut down the application!

The escape key is a bit funky under Linux. If you get 'stuck' in the menu,
just choose 'About...' or some other equally harmless option.

Bug reports are welcome.

-- David Cuny

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2. Re: ee/Linux released

Ralf wrote:

> I really didn't mean to offend you or anything.

I've figured that out by now. smile

> You should try [Cyrek's version of the editor].

Yeah, I know, and...

> Just as you should have a look at Jaquesch update
> of your design-tool.

... I think I did download it when it first came out.


>Such as the ascii-table just a few key-presses away,

Which unfortunately is not useful in the Linux environment - you can't
display IBM graphic characters - which is why all the cool box-drawing
characters had to be yanked out.

> and the color-codes are a little better.

This caused an inordinate amount of grief with ee/linux. Highlit background
colors don't work (for the moment). The current colors are a compromise -
not beatiful, but OK. The pushbutton shadows went away (more graphic
characters), and  a lot of the clean lines and cues disappear.

But I'm pretty pleased with the editor. I knew it was getting close to
release when I'd forget which one I was using. In the latest version that's
posted, the corrections were made under Linux using the ee - pretty cool.

>The reason I asked was just because I knew he optimized
> it at a few places.

I added one optimization, where I removed a screen refresh when a file
loads. A lot of that sort of stuff is a lot more obvious with the slower
screen writes. There are some places where you can see the cursor flying
around, but I'm pretty impressed by the speed, since I don't have hardware
writes. Then again, I'm running it on a Pentium.

> It's just that [ed is] not really standarized and sometimes
> I'm using the wrong keys for things, etc.

For the moment, it's a bit spartan under Linux. That's because you can't
read the keyboard or mouse stated. Robert has mentioned that he'll try to
add some more keyboard and mouse support. Woe to those who make it a habit
of typing Ctrl+C to cut text!

>Its not a matter of better or worse or David vs. some one else. Its still
>your code, but some body invested some more time into it and improved it
>while you were out working on any of the most used libraries of Euphoria.

And I am grateful that other people have put the time and effort into making
them better.

> Hmm, I prefer English releases, it much 'standard' ..

The KDE folks have been pretty good about internationalizing *all* their
applications. I  mention this primarily because it reminds me that I have
yet to add internationalization support to Llama. sad

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: ee/Linux released

On Sun, 04 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Ralf wrote:
> >Such as the ascii-table just a few key-presses away,
> Which unfortunately is not useful in the Linux environment - you can't
> display IBM graphic characters - which is why all the cool box-drawing
> characters had to be yanked out.

I'm puzzled: when I install SuSE, which uses a text-mode installation
(via ncurses, AFAIK) it has all the usual DOS box characters, corners, borders,
etc.  Shadows as well, but not very well implemented (just black, no

> The KDE folks have been pretty good about internationalizing *all* their
> applications. I  mention this primarily because it reminds me that I have
> yet to add internationalization support to Llama. sad

I'm surprised at the number of programs that do handle the internationalization.
Some don't, and others don't support all 25 languages, but it's a good start.
My understanding is that Turbo Linux is pretty much "state of the art" in this
area, especially in regards to asian languages.


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4. Re: ee/Linux released

David you wrote:

>> Which unfortunately is not useful in the Linux environment - you can't
>> display IBM graphic characters - which is why all the cool box-drawing
>> characters had to be yanked out.

Can't you create your own IBM graphic character set with FONT.E and
use that for your editor so that you don't need to rewrite your code ?

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5. Re: ee/Linux released

Irv wrote:

> I'm puzzled: when I install SuSE, which uses a
> text-mode installation (via ncurses, AFAIK) it has
> all the usual DOS box characters, corners, borders,
> etc.  Shadows as well, but not very well implemented
> (just black, no "transparency")

I've seen the same thing in other Linux installations as well. Maybe Robert
chose the more portable options (IBM character set it obviously not).

Bernie Ryan wrote:

>Can't you create your own IBM graphic character
> set with FONT.E and use that for your editor so
> that you don't need to rewrite your code ?

No, for the same reason I can't use the routines that read the keyboard and
the mouse. They are dependant on DOS calls, and Linux, not being DOS,
doesn't support them.

-- David Cuny

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6. Re: ee/Linux released

 Is EE being used in text mode or in Xwindows on linux.
 If it is using text mode and your terminal is setup as a TTY then
 the IBM extended character set would not be present so Why can't
 change your terminal type in linux's /etc/termcap file to select a
 terminal emulate type that does support IBM extended character set.

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7. Re: ee/Linux released

David Cuny wrote:
> - you can't display IBM graphic characters - which is
> why all the cool box-drawing characters had to be
> yanked out.

> Irv wrote:
> I'm puzzled: when I install SuSE, which uses a
> text-mode installation (via ncurses, AFAIK) it has
> all the usual DOS box characters, corners, borders,
> etc.  Shadows as well, but not very well implemented

David Cuny wrote:
> Maybe Robert chose the more portable options
> (IBM character set it obviously not).

Try running the executable file: euphoria/bin/ascii
On my system, many of the characters under ASCII 32
look different, but the ones above ASCII 127 all look the
same as DOS.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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