1. Linux "pre-alpha" Release

The "pre-alpha" release of Euphoria for Linux is now available.

Follow the link from our main Web page to the
"Download Euphoria" page, or simply click on this URL:


We used tar with the -z compression option, so to
uncompress it you must type the following command:

       tar -xvz -f euphor21.tar

If this is a poor choice of format, let us know.

After running tar, you will have a euphoria subdirectory
in the current directory. Inside the euphoria subdirectory
you will find readme.doc and install.doc, plus the usual
Euphoria subdirectories. Read readme.doc and install.doc
right away, so you'll know how to set up your PATH and
EUDIR variables.

We're calling it "pre-alpha" because there's still a lot of
work to do, but it should be solid enough that you can
develop interesting programs with it. The package closely
resembles the Public Domain Edition for DOS32/WIN32.

We'll decide soon on the pricing and packaging
of the Linux Complete Edition. We'll try to make it cheap. smile

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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2. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Robert, my congratulations!


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3. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release


I tried learn.ex under Linux (RedHat 6.0 Kernel 2.2.5).
I have a segmentation fault and a core dumped.
This is just a feedback.


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4. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Robert Craig wrote:

>The "pre-alpha" release of Euphoria for Linux is now available.

Cool - I wondered it you would make it before Pete.

 I hammered away at it for a bit, but I'm too sleep deprived to think
sensibly. Some of the demos ran cleanly, while:


consistantly returned with segment errors. Yes, I set the PATH and EUDIR,
and remembered to export them. Running them under X vs. full screen didn't
seem to make any difference. They all launched, and then choked on some
internal error. Rebooting made no difference.

I'm running the most current version of Linux-Madrake, which is Red Hat +
the K Desktop. It's only a couple weeks old, so I shouldn't be missing
anything terribly important.

On the other hand, ed ran like the speed demon it's alway been Very neat,
except that I'm addicted to ee.

I tried seeing how portable various libraries were, but gave up when it gave
me the 300 statement limit errors. I suspect that most of them were poking
into video memory, although I still got trouble after yanking that code out
and replacing it.

I guess I'll finally have something to shell out my hard-earned Euphoria
dollars on now.


-- David Cuny

PS: How's the Mac port going?

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5. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> The "pre-alpha" release of Euphoria for Linux is now available.

1. Congratulations - you have achieved a Linux first - installation nstructions
    that are in a known human language, and which actually work!

2. There is a segmentation fault when calling rand(), at least on my platform.
    SuSE 6.1. (2.2.7)


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6. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Thanks for the feedback so far.

All programs run ok on my Red Hat 5.2 installation.
Obviously some do not run on other installations.
Please keep the bug reports coming. Send them to this
list or to me personally. Remember that you can run your
program "with trace" / trace(1). That will help to pinpoint
the crash down to a particular statement. Eventually a
pattern should emerge as to which features are unstable.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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7. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release


  I am using Redhat 5.2 Linux also, and had no trouble with any of the
Demo Programs.  Although using AfterStep and running some of the demos
in a term window, some did not show anything, and ed would not scroll
down, but ed ran fine if I did not use AfterStep or Xwindows.  Also as
a quick note hash.ex and tree.ex in the demo use CTRL-Z to exit, in a
unix environment CTRL-Z is used to stop jobs that are running.

Looks good, what little bit I looked at so far, Thanks and keep it


+ + +  Rev. Ferlin Scarborough  -  Centreville, Alabama  -  USA

email: ferlin at sandw.net
email: ferlin at email.com

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8. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback so far.
> All programs run ok on my Red Hat 5.2 installation.
> Obviously some do not run on other installations.
> Please keep the bug reports coming. Send them to this
> list or to me personally. Remember that you can run your
> program "with trace" / trace(1). That will help to pinpoint
> the crash down to a particular statement. Eventually a
> pattern should emerge as to which features are unstable.

Here's one:
exu: error in loading shared libraries: undefined symbol wcolor_set
This happens when I try to use text_color() , and just at frst glance
seems to be more of a permissions or configuration error in my system.
What is Euphoria trying to access at this point?


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9. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release


I just installed the Linux port of Eu on my Red Hat 6.0 machine, and
everything seems to run great.  In fact, I've already written a couple of
CGI programs for Apache 1.3.6!  I'm supposed to be working, so I haven't had
time to play too much, but I wanted to say FANTASTIC JOB! and keep up the
great work!  Thanks a ton!

Brian Jackson
bjackson at 2fargon.hypermart.net

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10. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

   I hope this does not mean that ver. 2.1 will be the last DOS version.

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11. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Bernie Ryan writes:
> I hope this does not mean that ver. 2.1 will be the last
> DOS version.

We are expanding Euphoria into Linux. We are not abandoning
DOS or Windows. In the future, many enhancements will be made
to the "core" language and tools. DOS will always benefit from
those enhancements. In addition, we would not hesitate to
add useful DOS-specific improvements.

DOS is still the best platform for many things, such as
command-line utilities, and action games.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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12. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Just my 2 cents worht, I just downloaded it, but havn't had a chance to play
around yet.  In your instructions you state that the file is compressed
noting the "z" switch, however if you change the extension to ".tgz" that
becomes obvious...just less explaining that has to be done.(IMHO)


On         Thu, 1 Jul 1999 00:55:37 -0400, Robert Craig wrote:

> The "pre-alpha" release of Euphoria for Linux is now available.
> Follow the link from our main Web page to the
> "Download Euphoria" page, or simply click on this URL:
>         http://www.fileseu.addr.com/euphor21.tar
> We used tar with the -z compression option, so to
> uncompress it you must type the following command:
>        tar -xvz -f euphor21.tar
> If this is a poor choice of format, let us know.
> After running tar, you will have a euphoria subdirectory
> in the current directory. Inside the euphoria subdirectory
> you will find readme.doc and install.doc, plus the usual
> Euphoria subdirectories. Read readme.doc and install.doc
> right away, so you'll know how to set up your PATH and
> EUDIR variables.
> We're calling it "pre-alpha" because there's still a lot of
> work to do, but it should be solid enough that you can
> develop interesting programs with it. The package closely
> resembles the Public Domain Edition for DOS32/WIN32.
> We'll decide soon on the pricing and packaging
> of the Linux Complete Edition. We'll try to make it cheap. smile
> Regards,
>    Rob Craig
>    Rapid Deployment Software
>    http://members.aol.com/FilesEu/

What has the near functionality of a PDA at a tenth the cost?

...Give Up?

The Game Boy
DragonEagle's Gameboy Developement Page

Get your free, private email at http://mail.excite.com/

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13. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

E. Allen Soard writes
> In your instructions you state that the file is compressed
> noting the "z" switch, however if you change the extension
> to ".tgz" that becomes obvious...just less explaining that
> has to be done.(IMHO)

Good idea. In the next release we'll name it with the .tgz
extension. Even Winzip on DOS/Windows supports .tgz
- you can rename euphor21.tar as euphor21.tgz,
double-click on it, and Winzip will uncompress it.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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14. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Irv Mullins writes:
> exu: error in loading shared libraries:
> undefined symbol  wcolor_set
> This happens when I try to use text_color() , and just
> at frst glance seems to be more of a permissions or
> configuration error in my system. What is Euphoria trying
> to access at this point?

On my system wcolor_set() seems to be defined in /usr/lib/crti.o

I think it's a routine that the "ncurses" screen I/O package
uses to set the color of text. exu checks to see if your terminal
supports color, but I probably got lazy in a few places and
just assumed that you have color capability, thereby calling
this wcolor_set() routine. Do you normally have color text
capability on your Linux system/monitor ?

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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15. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

On Fri, 02 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Irv Mullins writes:
> > exu: error in loading shared libraries:
> On my system wcolor_set() seems to be defined in /usr/lib/crti.o
> I think it's a routine that the "ncurses" screen I/O package
> uses to set the color of text. exu checks to see if your terminal
> supports color, but I probably got lazy in a few places and
> just assumed that you have color capability, thereby calling
> this wcolor_set() routine. Do you normally have color text
> capability on your Linux system/monitor ?

Yes, I get colored ls listings.
I do have crti.o located in /usr/lib, but I can't find any reference to
wcolor_set anywhere (there or in ncurses docs)


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16. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

"E. Allen Soard" wrote:

> Just my 2 cents worht, I just downloaded it, but havn't had a chance to play
> around yet.  In your instructions you state that the file is compressed
> noting the "z" switch, however if you change the extension to ".tgz" that
> becomes obvious...just less explaining that has to be done.(IMHO)
> -Allen

Probably the billionth email you get about this... but ".tgz" is a tar archive
compressed with gzip. I can't remember who's distro used tgz as a standard
package protocol, but I think its Slackware.

Blessed Be! --"LEVIATHAN"

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17. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Robert Craig wrote:

<snip, cut, hack, slash, kablewy>

Humm.... d/led it twice, and neither Winzip, tar, or ark was able to
open it. (check header?)

Could I get this in another format? (tgz works fer me :)


Blessed Be! --"LEVIATHAN"

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18. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

> Humm.... d/led it twice, and neither Winzip, tar,
> or ark was able to open it. (check header?)

No one else has complained so far.

After you download it, check that euphor21.tar
is 426101 bytes.

> Could I get this in another format? (tgz works fer me :)

It should really have been called euphor21.tgz,
and that's what we'll call it next time.

Rename it with the .tgz extension.
Winzip will recognize it (if you want to look at it
under DOS/Windows).

On Linux, you should be able to type:
              tar -xvz -f euphor21.tar

tar will (very quickly) create a "euphoria" directory
in the directory where you run the command.
The 'v' option causes it to display all the file names
as it creates the euphoria directory.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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19. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

On Fri, 02 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Irv Mullins writes:
> > exu: error in loading shared libraries:
> > undefined symbol  wcolor_set
> > This happens when I try to use text_color() , and just
> > at frst glance seems to be more of a permissions or
> > configuration error in my system. What is Euphoria trying
> > to access at this point?
> On my system wcolor_set() seems to be defined in /usr/lib/crti.o
Rob: My crti.o file has noI mention of this. In my ncurses.h file I find:

extern int wclrtobot(WINDOW *);                 /* implemented */
extern int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *);                 /* implemented */
extern int wcolor_set(WINDOW*,short,void*);     /*missing */            <==
extern void wcursyncup(WINDOW *);               /* implemented*/
extern int wdelch(WINDOW *);                    /* implemented */
extern int wdeleteln(WINDOW *);                 /* generated */
extern int wechochar(WINDOW *, const chtype);   /* implemented */

Reading the man pages for ncurses gives me the impression that wcolor_set is not
a standard part of ncurses - at least I could find no mention of it other than
the line above.  Are you using addch for character/color attribute output ? Or
some other method altogether?


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20. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Robert Craig wrote:


> It should really have been called euphor21.tgz,
> and that's what we'll call it next time.
> Rename it with the .tgz extension.
> Winzip will recognize it (if you want to look at it
> under DOS/Windows).

eheh... Exactly what I got to have ark and winzip reconize it... d'oh!

Thanx much!

Blessed Be! --"LEVIATHAN"

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21. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Irv Mullins writes:
> extern int wcolor_set(WINDOW*,short,void*);     /*missing */

> Are you using addch for character/color attribute output ?
> Or some other method altogether?

I'm using the normal ncurses routines for output, but there are
also some ncurses routines for defining colors, and setting the
foreground/background color attributes for text.

Since exu is using dynamic linking, I may be able to
detect that your system does not support color
(with ncurses at least) and avoid making any calls
to color-related routines.

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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22. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

On Sat, 03 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Irv Mullins writes:
> > extern int wcolor_set(WINDOW*,short,void*);     /*missing */
> > Are you using addch for character/color attribute output ?
> > Or some other method altogether?
> I'm using the normal ncurses routines for output, but there are
> also some ncurses routines for defining colors, and setting the
> foreground/background color attributes for text.
> Since exu is using dynamic linking, I may be able to
> detect that your system does not support color
> (with ncurses at least) and avoid making any calls
> to color-related routines.

I must have been unclear with my last message: my system definately
does support color. All the various installations use ncurses, and all are in
glorious color on a text screen.

Euphoria, however, bombs whenever you try a text_color() or bk_color()
function. EXU is looking for a routine "wcolor_set."  which is not defined. The
reason being, as far as I can tell, is that wcolor_set  is only available with
ncurses 5.0 which comes with RedHat. All the other versions of Linux  that I
have (SuSE 6.1, Slack 4.0) only refer to wcolor_set as a "prototype" for future

Two things seem obvious:
1. I will have to update ncurses to 5.0 (and hope it doesn't break anything) in
   order to get Euphoria to work.
2. Color text is possible without the use of wcolor_set - using some older,
   more universally available ncurses call.



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23. Re: Linux "pre-alpha" Release

Irv Mullins writes:
> EXU is looking for a routine "wcolor_set."  which is
> not defined. The reason being, as far as I can tell, is
> that wcolor_set  is only available with ncurses 5.0 which
> comes with RedHat. All the other versions of Linux
> that I have (SuSE 6.1, Slack 4.0) only refer to wcolor_set
> as a "prototype" for future use.

I checked the copyright restrictions on ncurses, and found that
unlike some other GNU libraries, this one is not subject
to the usual GNU Library Licence. That means I can statically
link it into exu without having to satisfy GNU's usual requirements
for statically linked code. It makes exu about 90K larger, but
it would probably allow exu to run correctly on many more
Linux distributions. I have also found a compressor for
Linux executables that I will try. Currently exu is not compressed.
I expect exu will end up smaller than
ex.exe (which is compressed).

     Rob Craig
     Rapid Deployment Software

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