1. matrix rotation.
- Posted by Liquid-Nitrogen Software <nitrogen_069 at HOTMAIL.COM> Mar 22, 1999
Hi, can anyone help me out with some 3d rotation? I've got a direction vector {x,y,z} for a 1st person perspective thing, and i need to be able to rotate it around th 3 axis. i can use the following to make it turn left/right: new_direction[x] = direction[x] * sin(angle) + direction[z] * cos(angle) new_direction[z] = direction[z] * sin(angle) - direction[x] * cos(angle) That works fine, but from past experience, that method causes incorrect rotation when you apply it 3 times, one for each axis of rotation. I've read that matrix rotation produced correct results, but I'm not sure how to do it. Can anyone help? The 3d engine that I've created should alow you to point the camera in any position, any angle. It can't do objects yet tho, it only allows a flat grid mapped ground and a textured 2 layer moving cloud sky. It also has fog. I'm currently working on speeding it up so it will beable to run real-time. at the moment it takes 35 minutes on a 486 to generate 45 frames. when i add the speedup to it it should run at about 2 frames per second, and it's still in pure euphoria code. assembly code can speed it up even more. Thanks for any help! Mark.
2. Re: matrix rotation.
- Posted by WeedenSoft Technologies <theskaman at MINDSPRING.COM> Jan 05, 1997
I quote this from the Black Art of 3D Game Programming by Andrew LaMothe (great book, highly recomended)...to adjust angle along z axis (up/down) new_direction[x] = direction[x]*cos(angle) - direction[y]*sin(angle) new_direction[y] = direction[x]*sin(angle) + direction[y]*cos(angle) to adjust along the x axis (forward/backward) new_direction[y] = direction[y]*cos(angle) - direction[z]*sin(angle) new_direction[z] = direction[y]*sin(angle) + direction[z]*cos(angle) Hope this helps, Adam Weeden WeedenSoft Technologies