1. RE: Setting a button image - Help Please

No problem,

You provide the bitmaps for the following example.  My test images were 
32x32 pixels, 16 colors.

-- bmp_btn.exw --
include win32lib.ew


   Win = create( Window, "Simple Window", 0, Default, Default, 200, 200, 
0 ),
   Btn = create( PushButton, "", Win, 20, 20, 40, 40, BS_BITMAP )

atom hBmp1, hBmp2, result
integer btn_state


procedure onClick_Btn()
   if btn_state = 1 then
      result = sendMessage( Btn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, hBmp2 )
      btn_state = 2
      result = sendMessage( Btn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, hBmp1 )
      btn_state = 1
   end if
end procedure
onClick[Btn] = routine_id( "onClick_Btn" )


procedure onOpen_Win()
   hBmp1 = loadBitmapFromFile( "btn1.bmp" )
   hBmp2 = loadBitmapFromFile( "btn2.bmp" )
   result = sendMessage( Btn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, hBmp1 )
   btn_state = 1
end procedure
onOpen[Win] = routine_id( "onOpen_Win" )

WinMain( Win, Normal )

Tony Steward wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using WIN32LIB and I would like to know if it is possible to 
> set/change a buttons image after it has been created.
> In WIN32Help I found the following but do not understand how to use it.
> -- Cut WIN32Help
> wParam = 0;                         // not used, must be zero
> lParam = (LPARAM) (HANDLE) hImage;  // handle of the image
> An application sends a BM_SETIMAGE message to associate a new image 
> (icon 
> or bitmap) with the button.
> Parameters
> hImage
> Value of lParam. Identifies the image to associate with the button.
> Return Value
> The return value is the handle of the image previously associated with 
> the 
> button, if any; otherwise, it is NULL.
> Regards
> Tony Steward
> Come Visit Me At www.locksdownunder.com
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> as they will find the easiest way to complete it.

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