1. [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did you
discover the Euphoria programming language?

Let's see... I had just built my first PC compatible computer and I was using
one of those AOL disks to access the Internet over dial up. I was searching AOL
for free programming languages and I came up with both Liberty Basic and

I read the docs on both and it was no contest, really -- I just loved the
simplicity of the language. It kind of reminded me of a language that I had
gotten for my Amiga called 'E' (which I got through a magazine diskette) but more
consistent and powerful.

I know that I still haven't written any kind of Magnum Opus yet, but even after
what -- 10-12 years now? It's still my favorite.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that works.
--John Gall's 15th law of Systemantics.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare


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2. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Jason Gade wrote:
> when and how did you discover the Euphoria programming language?

I don't remember exactly, but I think it was in 1997. I kicked the tyres a bit
but didn't really get involved until 2000.

> my Amiga called 'E' (which I got through a magazine diskette) but more 

Ahhh ... the Amiga - still my favourite computer.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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3. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Jason Gade wrote:
> We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did you
> discover the Euphoria programming language?

For me it was around 2000 time frame.  I had just worked through one of those
"Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" books...where's truth in advertising?  I just
couldn't believe that writing Windows code had to be that difficult.  Of course I
was using Borland's compiler with OWL which at the time was an alternative to
MFC.  And I could crash my computer with just the difference between * and & with
no post-mortem.

So one day I started searching for alternative programming languages and came
across Euhporia on one of those "Programming Language List" web sites.  Reading
the docs it made it sound so easy.  And within 1-2 days I found it was just as
easy as the docs stated.  I played language wars for about 2 days and then I dove
into the language.  Wrote my first DOS program in no time then got Win32Lib and
within 1-2 days I had a working Windows program.  It took me ~6 months to write
one with OWL.  Of course, I must say that by the time I got to Win32Lib I had a
lot of Windows concepts already under my belt because of OWL so it wasn't a
complete waste of time.

And to this day I've never written a Euhporia program that caused my PC to
crash.  When I've made bone-headed programming mistakes at worst an End-Task
would take care of the problem.

My only sadness is the language just hasn't seemed to pick up any steam.  I'm
still going to use it, though.  :)

Jonas Temple

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4. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Jonas Temple wrote:
> Jason Gade wrote:
> > 
> > We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did
> > you
> > discover the Euphoria programming language?
> And to this day I've never written a Euhporia program that caused my PC to
> crash.
>  When I've made bone-headed programming mistakes at worst an End-Task would
> take care of the problem.

You're just not trying hard enough. :)

BTW, back in 1998, I was looking for a simple, free programming language,
and found Euphoria somewhere, probably something like download.com.


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5. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

I was googling for "free programming language", as TP7.0, which I had been using
for years and still enjoy, was becoming outdated (that was in summer 2002). I was
initially happy to find it, and things were apparently on the move, as v2.3 was
just being released.

I have since gotten a more sober view of the language...


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6. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

I first discovered Euphoria around 2000. At this point I had done virtually no
programming on the PC. I had programmed before on the Amiga, Commodore 128 and
Commodore 64, mostly in assembly language. I was looking for a relatively simple
language that was fast and had access to the OS. Euphoria had this plus
sequences. I suppose it was the sequences that impressed me most. I am generally
happy with Euphoria as it is, although there is certainly room for improvement.

Larry Miller

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7. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Jason Gade wrote:
> We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did you
> discover the Euphoria programming language?

In 1998, on CD with the program archive of The University of Vaasa.

It was the 1.4b version. I was programming some big historical
model of one of the xUSSR sonar systems in QB4.5 and ran out
of language limitations (on memory etc).

In EU, there were no problems with one exception - Watcom has
the very strange system of graphics - single latin code page
in pixel modes, so Russian was homemade (and I worked with 300
operators run-time limit, the program was about 30000 operators,
and was mainly translated from QB4.5, there were many gotos
in QB version).

I had translated the documentation into Russian and tried to
publish it as a book in one large Russian computer publishing

"The Euphoria language is too unknown here to publish your book"
- was the answer, they did not know about Euphoria at all.

Then, in 2000, I've translated RDS site to Russian and became
the very first Russian registered user (yes, Rob?)    smile

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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8. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

I really don't know.

I had a Atari 2400 or 1200 (I forget which) and was using Machine Code
Programing and saving the code on tape cassetts. So I knew what speed looked
Then I got an Apple SE with Hypercard. Really cool but slow.
After I got a PC,
I was using Liberty Basic which did all I wanted but was way too slow.
I tried EUPHORIA, at first it only error checked 300 lines of code or less.

So I finally paid the $30 and have been using Eu ever since for everything.
Business, stocks, sports and playing around.

I have tried Watcom and never seem to be able to get started on it. I never
worried too much about that because Eu fits all my needs. I would like to know
how to wrap though. A lot has been writen about it on this board. But I believe
you must have some knowledge of C C++.

Buy the way I just threw all those tapes out 2 days ago.

Don Cole

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9. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

I was looking for a easy and powerful programming language and Euphoria was
the search that came up, after comparing it to to other languages, I found 
euphoria to be the best

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10. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

I don't rebember precilely the year but first version I registered was 1.2 and
at the time RDS was sending a printed manual with registration. I still have it,
although I never consult it.
What attracted me in the language was the hiearchical nature of sequences that
rebembered me of lisp and logo languages. I mostly like the flexibility offered
by sequences and the fact that all memory management was done by the interpreter
Prior I had done programming in turbo pascal an C and it was lot of work just to
write code for mananing memory allocation.

jacques deschĂȘnes

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11. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Memory Lane...  Somewhere around the end of the last millenium I was
reconstituting my non-work mental life after some rude interruptions.  Began to
program again and wanted something good, fast, reasonably cheap.  From QB 4.5,
a smattering of assembler and C, I moved to Euphoria, was impressed with the Eu
forum and archive (still am), am still here, still find it a pleasure.


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12. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

I don't remember the year; it was probably around 1994. I had been looking for
APL interpreters, and saw a reference to Euphoria as
an APL-like language. I appreciate Euphoria simplicity and power.
The list of languages I have worked in is long: starting with IBM 1401 SPS
(an old assembler), I programmed in FORTRAN, IBM /360 Assembler, APL, Pascal,
BASIC, COBOL, Commodore 64 Assembler, C, PC Assembler, and more.

By the way, Jason, in Internet I easily have found references to the Amiga E
language. It seems to have evolved a lot, but apparently it is still only
an Amiga language and a single-man project.


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13. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Ricardo Forno wrote:
> I don't remember the year; it was probably around 1994. I had been looking for
> APL interpreters, and saw a reference to Euphoria as
> an APL-like language. I appreciate Euphoria simplicity and power.
> The list of languages I have worked in is long: starting with IBM 1401 SPS
> (an old assembler), I programmed in FORTRAN, IBM /360 Assembler, APL, Pascal,
> BASIC, COBOL, Commodore 64 Assembler, C, PC Assembler, and more.
> By the way, Jason, in Internet I easily have found references to the Amiga E
> language. It seems to have evolved a lot, but apparently it is still only
> an Amiga language and a single-man project.
> Regards.

Heh, that's cool. I think that Wouter stopped developing it long ago and moved
on to other projects. The source code (originally in 68000 assembler) has been
released freely. There seem to be a couple of projects based on it as well.

Before I found Euphoria, I thought that it was a beautiful language. Now looking
at it again I can see many of its limitations. And yet, I also see a lot of
features that people ask for in Euphoria.

I've never really written a large program although I really like programming
languages. Other than BASIC (I skipped the whole QBASIC thing -- the last BASIC I
programmed in ran on an 8-bit computer and required line numbers), I've studied
and written small programs in C, C++, Java, Javascript (which I love), Awk, shell
script, and a few others.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that works.
--John Gall's 15th law of Systemantics.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
--C.A.R. Hoare


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14. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

The Maths teacher at school introduced it to my friend (a student), for =

his year project (to develop a game). I have no idea how he found out  =

about it, but back then in New Zealand home internet wasn't that common,=

and he had unlimited resources at the school connection and downloaded i=
t  =

for us etc. Before that I'd done Basic, I learnt C after I learnt  =

Euphoria. Now I pretty much use euphoria for everything CGI.  =


On Sat, 18 Aug 2007 17:46:33 +1200, DB James <guest at RapidEuphoria.com>  =


> posted by: DB James <larches at com?ast?net>
> Memory Lane...  Somewhere around the end of the last millenium I was
> reconstituting my non-work mental life after some rude interruptions. =

> Began to
> program again and wanted something good, fast, reasonably cheap.  From=

> QB 4.5,
> a smattering of assembler and C, I moved to Euphoria, was impressed wi=
th  =

> the Eu
> forum and archive (still am), am still here, still find it a pleasure.=

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15. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Towards the end of 2001, I stumbled across a site that had "hello world" in
several hundred different languages, probably this one:
The forum and the archive sold it. Two projects and two years later I went back
and had another hunt for something better. Still have not found it, which I
suppose is the best compliment I can give.

I once picked up a book entitled "More Exceptional C++".
In Chapter 1, Item 9 posed the question

    What does f(a++) mean?

The answer as given listed four completely different things that f could be 
and 3 completely different things that a could be. Shortly after realising
that not only could it mean just about anything, there were at least twelve
different ways it could mean just about anything, I put the book down.


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16. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Jason Gade wrote:
> We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did you
> discover the Euphoria programming language?

I think I was the last one to ask that, <A
couple of years ago</A> smile

The only other language I have got into since then is Pixilang (because it's on
PalmOS). http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/pixilang/


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17. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Grrr.  What is up with linking in this forum??


Gary Shingles wrote:
> Jason Gade wrote:
> > 
> > We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did
> > you
> > discover the Euphoria programming language?
> I think I was the last one to ask that, <A HREF="<a
> href="http://www.openeuphoria.org/cgi-bin/esearch.exu?fromMonth=6&fromYear=1&toMonth=8&toYear=C&postedBy=&keywords=discovered+Euphoria">http://www.openeuphoria.org/cgi-bin/esearch.exu?fromMonth=6&fromYear=1&toMonth=8&toYear=C&postedBy=&keywords=discovered+Euphoria</a>">a
> couple of years ago</A> smile
> The only other language I have got into since then is Pixilang (because it's
> on PalmOS). <a
> href="http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/pixilang/">http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/pixilang/</a>
> Gary

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18. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Jason Gade wrote:
> We've probably done this before, but here's the question: when and how did you
> discover the Euphoria programming language?

Sometime in late 2000 I was looking for a replacement for Qbasic.
PowerBasic looked good but was a little pricey, especially the add-ons.
I think my first version of EU was 2.2.

I've done a fair amount of 6502 assembly on the Atari 800 and one program in C.

The C program is I/O bound and written in MS C 5.0.  I rewrote it in EU and
even interpreted it runs about half the speed of the compiled C; not bad, hunh?


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19. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

Around 2000 (2.2 euphoria) I ran into it looking for a replacement for theos
basic language (www.theos-software.com). I'd been trying to get off this OS
for a very long time. My early looks at EU convinced me that it was a very 
good and easy language, although a very basic one (not many functions like
theos basic). Not until Matt submitted his wrapper for ODBC was I able to
really use EU. Since then I've rewritten my app entirely in EU and it's been
a wonderful experience to get out of the giant hole of theos OS. I'm still 
using 2.4 and Win32 (thanks guys). The app now contains 253 separate programs
and all run w/o any problems... even in Vista.

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20. Re: [poll] How did you discover Euphoria?

The oldest source code I can find on my box is 1999, which sounds about right. 
I was looking for just a quick language to rewrite some file archivers that 
would allow long file names in DOS (ok I know I'm dating myself now by
that OS). I then discovered win32lib and I've been doing 99% of my windows 
programming in EU ever since.

I used EU as my "proof of concept" language because it was the easiest and 
fastest to code in and was very forgiving. Once an app was coded in EU, it 
was a breeze to transfer it over to any other language that my IT gurus had 
blessed as legal. Good news. Now my IT department has giving EU its full 
blessing as an officially sanctioned programming language.

Yours, OtterDad

Don't sweat it -- it's not real life. It's only ones and zeroes. Gene Spafford

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