1. Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

This is my current (2007-08-07) proposal for a "math.e" standard
include file, according to the recent discussion here on EUforum.

Changes compared to the previous version:
- Now the global constants have maximum available precision ( hopefully smile ).
  E.g.   EULER_NORMAL = 1/sqrt(TWO_PI)    has the same precision as
         EULER_NORMAL = machine_func(47, {81,54,212,51,69,136,217,63})
- Aded two new global constants.
- Added internal constants RADIANS_TO_DEGREES and DEGREES_TO_RADIANS.
- Added a general logarithm function.
- Added functions polar_to_rect() and rect_to_polar().
- Renamed 4 functions, according to this post by Fernando Bauer
  and to the discussion which it triggered.
  - find_least()    ->  find_min()
  - find_greatest() ->  find_max()
  - least()         ->  min()
  - greatest()      ->  max()

global constant
   E            = 2.7182818284590452,
   PI           = 3.1415926535897932,
EULER_GAMMA  = 0.57721566490153286,  -- the Euler-Mascheroni-Soldner gamma
   LN2          = log(2),
   LN10         = log(10),
   SQRT2        = sqrt(2),
   HALF_SQRT2   = SQRT2/2.0,
   HALF_PI      = PI/2.0, 
   QUARTER_PI   = PI/4.0, 
   TWO_PI       = PI*2.0, 
   EULER_NORMAL = 1/sqrt(TWO_PI) 

global function log2 (object x)
   -- logarithm base 2
   -- in : (sequence of) real number(s) > 0
   -- out: (sequence of) real number(s)
   -- Note: This function returns _exact_ results for all integral
   --       powers of 2 in the half-closed interval ]0,#FFFFFFFF]

   if atom(x) then
      if x = #20000000 then
         return 29               -- log(x)/LN2 is imprecise in this case 
      elsif x = #80000000 then
         return 31               -- log(x)/LN2 is imprecise in this case
         return log(x)/LN2
      end if
   end if

   for i = 1 to length(x) do
      x[i] = log2(x[i])
   end for
   return x
end function

global function log10 (object x)
   -- logarithm base 10
   -- in : (sequence of) real number(s) > 0
   -- out: (sequence of) real number(s)

   return log(x)/LN10
end function

type positive_not_1 (object x)
   if atom(x) and x > 0 then
      return x != 1
   end if
   return 0
end type

global function logx (object x, positive_not_1 base)
   -- general logarithm function
   -- in  : x   : (sequence of) atom(s) > 0
   --       base: atom > 0 and != 1
   -- out : (sequence of) atom(s)
   -- Note: If x = 1 then the function returns 0 for any possible base.

   return log(x)/log(base)
end function

global function exp (object x)
   return power(E, x)
end function

global function sinh (object x)
   return (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2
end function

global function cosh (object x)
   return (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2
end function

global function tanh (object x)
   return sinh(x) / cosh(x)
end function

global function arcsinh (object x)
   return log(x + sqrt(x*x+1))
end function

type not_below_1 (object x)
   if atom(x) then
      return x >= 1.0
   end if

   for i = 1 to length(x) do
      if not not_below_1(x[i]) then
         return 0
      end if
   end for
   return 1
end type

global function arccosh (not_below_1 x)
   return log(x + sqrt(x*x-1))
end function

type abs_below_1 (object x)
   if atom(x) then
      return x > -1.0 and x < 1.0
   end if

   for i = 1 to length(x) do
      if not abs_below_1(x[i]) then
         return 0
      end if
   end for
   return 1
end type

global function arctanh (abs_below_1 x)
   return log((1+x)/(1-x)) / 2
end function

global function abs (object x)
   -- return the absolute value of (all elements of) x

   if atom(x) then
      if x < 0 then
         return -x
         return x
      end if
   end if

   for i = 1 to length(x) do
      x[i] = abs(x[i])
   end for
   return x
end function

global function sign (object x)
   --  x < 0  ==>  -1
   --  x = 0  ==>   0
   --  x > 0  ==>  +1

   if atom(x) then
      return compare(x, 0)
   end if

   for i = 1 to length(x) do
      x[i] = sign(x[i])
   end for
   return x
end function

global function ceil (object x)
   -- the opposite of floor()
   -- Examples: ? ceil(3.2)          --> 4
   --           ? ceil({-3.2,7,1.6}) --> {-3,7,2}

   return -floor(-x)
end function

global function sum (sequence list)
   -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
   -- Note: This does not do a recursive sum of sub-sequences.
   atom ret

   ret = 0
   for i = 1 to length(list) do
      ret += list[i]
   end for
   return ret
end function

constant RADIANS_TO_DEGREES = 180.0/PI

global function radians_to_degrees (object x)
   -- in : (sequence of) angle(s) in radians
   -- out: (sequence of) angle(s) in degrees

   return x * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
end function

constant DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = PI/180.0

global function degrees_to_radians (object x)
   -- in : (sequence of) angle(s) in degrees
   -- out: (sequence of) angle(s) in radians

   return x * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
end function

type trig_range (object x)
   --  values passed to arccos and arcsin must be [-1,+1]
   if atom(x) then
      return x >= -1 and x <= 1
   end if

   for i = 1 to length(x) do
      if not trig_range(x[i]) then
         return 0
      end if
   end for
   return 1
end type

global function arcsin (trig_range x)
   -- returns angle in radians
   return 2 * arctan(x / (1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - x * x)))
end function

global function arccos (trig_range x)
   -- returns angle in radians
   return HALF_PI - 2 * arctan(x / (1.0 + sqrt(1.0 - x * x)))
end function

type point_pol (object x)
   if sequence(x) and (length(x) = 2)
   and atom(x[1]) and (x[1] >= 0)
   and atom(x[2]) then
      return 1 
   end if
   return 0
end type

global function polar_to_rect (point_pol p)
   -- convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates
   -- in : sequence of two atoms: {distance, angle};
   --      'distance' must be >= 0, 'angle' is in radians 
   -- out: sequence of two atoms: {x, y}
   atom distance, angle, x, y

   distance = p[1]
   angle = p[2]
   x = distance*cos(angle)
   y = distance*sin(angle)
   return {x, y}
end function

type point_xy (object x)
   if sequence(x) and (length(x) = 2)
   and atom(x[1])
   and atom(x[2]) then
      return 1 
   end if
   return 0
end type

global function rect_to_polar (point_xy p)
   -- convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates
   -- in : sequence of two atoms: {x, y}
   -- out: sequence of two elements: {distance, angle}
   --      - 'distance' is always an atom >= 0
   --      - 'angle' is normally an atom that expresses radians,
   --        and is in the half-closed interval ]-PI,+PI].
   --        If 'distance' equals 0, then 'angle' is {},
   --        meaning that it is undefined in this case.
   object angle
   atom distance, x, y

   x = p[1]
   y = p[2]
   distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
   if x > 0 then
      angle = arctan(y/x) 
   elsif x < 0 then
      if y < 0 then
         angle = arctan(y/x) - PI
         angle = arctan(y/x) + PI
      end if
      if y < 0 then
         angle = -HALF_PI
      elsif y > 0 then
         angle = HALF_PI
         angle = {}            -- The angle is undefined in this case.
      end if
   end if
   return {distance, angle}
end function

global function find_min (sequence list, integer start)
   -- Search for the minimum value in 'list', beginning at index 'start'.
   -- Return the index of that element.
   -- Notes: This does not do a recursive compare on sub-sequences.
   --        An empty sequence will cause a runtime error.
   object temp
   integer ret

   temp = list[start]
   ret = start
   for i = start+1 to length(list) do
      if compare(temp, list[i]) = 1 then
         temp = list[i]
         ret = i
      end if
   end for
   return ret
end function

global function find_max (sequence list, integer start)
   -- Search for the maximum value in 'list', beginning at index 'start'.
   -- Return the index of that element.
   -- Notes: This does not do a recursive compare on sub-sequences.
   --        An empty sequence will cause a runtime error.
   object temp
   integer ret

   temp = list[start]
   ret = start
   for i = start+1 to length(list) do
      if compare(temp, list[i]) = -1 then
         temp = list[i]
         ret = i
      end if
   end for
   return ret
end function

global function min (sequence list, integer start)
   -- Search for the minimum value in 'list', beginning at index 'start'.
   -- Return the value of that element.
   -- Notes: This does not do a recursive compare on sub-sequences.
   --        An empty sequence will cause a runtime error.
   object ret

   ret = list[start]
   for i = start+1 to length(list) do
      if compare(ret, list[i]) = 1 then
         ret = list[i]
      end if
   end for
   return ret
end function

global function max (sequence list, integer start)
   -- Search for the maximum value in 'list', beginning at index 'start'.
   -- Return the value of that element.
   -- Notes: This does not do a recursive compare on sub-sequences.
   --        An empty sequence will cause a runtime error.
   object ret

   ret = list[start]
   for i = start+1 to length(list) do
      if compare(ret, list[i]) = -1 then
         ret = list[i]
      end if
   end for
   return ret
end function

global function lesser (object x1, object x2)
   -- Return the argument with the lesser value.
   -- Note: This does not do a recursive compare on sub-sequences.

   if compare(x1, x2) <= 0 then
      return x1
      return x2
   end if
end function

global function greater (object x1, object x2)
   -- Return the argument with the greater value.
   -- Note: This does not do a recursive compare on sub-sequences.

   if compare(x1, x2) >= 0 then
      return x1
      return x2
   end if
end function


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2. Re: Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> This is my current (2007-08-07) proposal for a "math.e" standard
> include file, according to the recent discussion here on EUforum.
> type point_pol (object x)
>    if sequence(x) and (length(x) = 2)
>    and atom(x[1]) and (x[1] >= 0)
>    and atom(x[2]) then
>       return 1 
>    end if
>    return 0
> end type
> global function polar_to_rect (point_pol p)
>    -- convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates
>    -- in : sequence of two atoms: {distance, angle};
>    --      'distance' must be >= 0, 'angle' is in radians 
>    -- out: sequence of two atoms: {x, y}
>    atom distance, angle, x, y
>    distance = p[1]
>    angle = p[2]
>    x = distance*cos(angle)
>    y = distance*sin(angle)
>    return {x, y}
> end function
> type point_xy (object x)
>    if sequence(x) and (length(x) = 2)
>    and atom(x[1])
>    and atom(x[2]) then
>       return 1 
>    end if
>    return 0
> end type
> global function rect_to_polar (point_xy p)
>    -- convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates
>    -- in : sequence of two atoms: {x, y}
>    -- out: sequence of two elements: {distance, angle}
>    --      - 'distance' is always an atom >= 0
>    --      - 'angle' is normally an atom that expresses radians,
>    --        and is in the half-closed interval ]-PI,+PI].
>    --        If 'distance' equals 0, then 'angle' is {},
>    --        meaning that it is undefined in this case.
>    object angle
>    atom distance, x, y
>    x = p[1]
>    y = p[2]
>    distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
>    if x > 0 then
>       angle = arctan(y/x) 
>    elsif x < 0 then
>       if y < 0 then
>          angle = arctan(y/x) - PI
>       else
>          angle = arctan(y/x) + PI
>       end if
>    else
>       if y < 0 then
>          angle = -HALF_PI
>       elsif y > 0 then
>          angle = HALF_PI
>       else
>          angle = {}            -- The angle is undefined in this case.
>       end if
>    end if
>    return {distance, angle}
> end function
> Regards,
>    Juergen

Hi Juergen,

I disagree with your solution to the special case rect_to_polar({0,0}).  By
setting the undefined angle to {}, you create a situation where the result cannot
be translated back to rectangular coordinates.  You are creating a real problem
in order to solve what (imho) is an imagined problem.

Regards,  Colin

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3. Re: Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

Colin Taylor wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
> > 
> > This is my current (2007-08-07) proposal for a "math.e" standard
> > include file, according to the recent discussion here on EUforum.
> > 
> ...
> > 
> > type point_pol (object x)
> >    if sequence(x) and (length(x) = 2)
> >    and atom(x[1]) and (x[1] >= 0)
> >    and atom(x[2]) then
> >       return 1 
> >    end if
> >    return 0
> > end type
> > 
> > global function polar_to_rect (point_pol p)
> >    -- convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates
> >    -- in : sequence of two atoms: {distance, angle};
> >    --      'distance' must be >= 0, 'angle' is in radians 
> >    -- out: sequence of two atoms: {x, y}
> >    atom distance, angle, x, y
> > 
> >    distance = p[1]
> >    angle = p[2]
> >    x = distance*cos(angle)
> >    y = distance*sin(angle)
> >    return {x, y}
> > end function
> > 
> > type point_xy (object x)
> >    if sequence(x) and (length(x) = 2)
> >    and atom(x[1])
> >    and atom(x[2]) then
> >       return 1 
> >    end if
> >    return 0
> > end type
> > 
> > global function rect_to_polar (point_xy p)
> >    -- convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates
> >    -- in : sequence of two atoms: {x, y}
> >    -- out: sequence of two elements: {distance, angle}
> >    --      - 'distance' is always an atom >= 0
> >    --      - 'angle' is normally an atom that expresses radians,
> >    --        and is in the half-closed interval ]-PI,+PI].
> >    --        If 'distance' equals 0, then 'angle' is {},
> >    --        meaning that it is undefined in this case.
> >    object angle
> >    atom distance, x, y
> > 
> >    x = p[1]
> >    y = p[2]
> >    distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
> >    if x > 0 then
> >       angle = arctan(y/x) 
> >    elsif x < 0 then
> >       if y < 0 then
> >          angle = arctan(y/x) - PI
> >       else
> >          angle = arctan(y/x) + PI
> >       end if
> >    else
> >       if y < 0 then
> >          angle = -HALF_PI
> >       elsif y > 0 then
> >          angle = HALF_PI
> >       else
> >          angle = {}            -- The angle is undefined in this case.
> >       end if
> >    end if
> >    return {distance, angle}
> > end function
> > 
> ...
> >
> > Regards,
> >    Juergen
> Hi Juergen,
> I disagree with your solution to the special case rect_to_polar({0,0}).  By
> setting the undefined angle to {}, you create a situation where the result
> cannot
> be translated back to rectangular coordinates.

Hi Colin,

sorry, I overlooked that.

> You are creating a real problem
> in order to solve what (imho) is an imagined problem.

I think you are right. smile
So I propose that rect_to_polar({0,0}) should return {0,0}.
Do you agree with that?


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4. Re: Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> sorry, I overlooked that.
> > You are creating a real problem
> > in order to solve what (imho) is an imagined problem.
> I think you are right. smile
> So I propose that rect_to_polar({0,0}) should return {0,0}.
> Do you agree with that?
> Regards,
>    Juergen

Yes, I agree.  You can document that when distance = 0, the angle is undefined. 
Any program that relies on the value of angle can test for the distance = 0 case.

Regards,  Colin

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5. Re: Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

Hello all,

I'd like to suggest to change the sum() function in the future 'math.e'
standard include file. The current proposal is:
global function sum (sequence list)
   -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
   atom ret

   ret = 0
   for i = 1 to length(list) do
      ret += list[i]Rob's opinion: 
   end for
   return ret
end function

That means, 'list' currently can only contain atoms.

But it can also be useful to calculate the sum of several sequences
(taking advantage of Euphoria's built-in sequence operations).
Say we have 3 points, given by their x- and y-coordinates, and we want
to get the center of gravity of these points:
object A, B, C, G

A = {-2, 1}
B = { 5, 0}
C = { 0, 5}

G = sum({A,B,C}) / 3    -- calculate center of gravity
? G                     -- prints {1,2}; Cool, no? smile

IMHO there is a problem with this suggestion, though.
If by accident one of the variables is an atom, say
   C = 7
then the program will not crash, but the sum() function will return
a result that is probably not intended. In order to avoid such a silent
bug, my proposal is to use an appropriate type-check for the parameter
of sum(). So my new proposal is:
type sequence_of_a_xor_s (object x)
   -- A sequence whose top-level elements are either only atoms or only
   -- sequences (or which is empty).
   integer object_type

   if atom(x) then
      return 0
   end if

   if length(x) = 0 then
      return 1
   end if

   object_type = atom(x[1])
   for i = 2 to length(x) do
      if object_type != atom(x[i]) then
         return 0
      end if
   end for
   return 1
end type

global function sum (sequence_of_a_xor_s list)
   -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
   -- Note: This does not do a recursive sum of sub-sequences.
   object ret

   if length(list) = 0 then
      return 0
   end if

   ret = list[1]
   for i = 2 to length(list) do
      ret += list[i]
   end for
   return ret
end function


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6. Re: Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

Juergen Luethje wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'd like to suggest to change the sum() function in the future 'math.e'
> standard include file. The current proposal is:
> }}}
> global function sum (sequence list)
>    -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
>    atom ret
>    ret = 0
>    for i = 1 to length(list) do
>       ret += list[i]Rob's opinion: 
>    end for
>    return ret
> end function
> </eucode>

> That means, 'list' currently can only contain atoms.
> But it can also be useful to calculate the sum of several sequences
> (taking advantage of Euphoria's built-in sequence operations).
> Say we have 3 points, given by their x- and y-coordinates, and we want
> to get the center of gravity of these points:
> }}}
> object A, B, C, G
> A = {-2, 1}
> B = { 5, 0}
> C = { 0, 5}
> G = sum({A,B,C}) / 3    -- calculate center of gravity
> ? G                     -- prints {1,2}; Cool, no? smile
> </eucode>

> IMHO there is a problem with this suggestion, though.
> If by accident one of the variables is an atom, say
>    C = 7
> then the program will not crash, but the sum() function will return
> a result that is probably not intended. In order to avoid such a silent
> bug, my proposal is to use an appropriate type-check for the parameter
> of sum(). So my new proposal is:
> }}}
> type sequence_of_a_xor_s (object x)
>    -- A sequence whose top-level elements are either only atoms or only
>    -- sequences (or which is empty).
>    integer object_type
>    if atom(x) then
>       return 0
>    end if
>    if length(x) = 0 then
>       return 1
>    end if
>    object_type = atom(x[1])
>    for i = 2 to length(x) do
>       if object_type != atom(x[i]) then
>          return 0
>       end if
>    end for
>    return 1
> end type
> global function sum (sequence_of_a_xor_s list)
>    -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
>    -- Note: This does not do a recursive sum of sub-sequences.
>    object ret
>    if length(list) = 0 then
>       return 0
>    end if
>    ret = list[1]
>    for i = 2 to length(list) do
>       ret += list[i]
>    end for
>    return ret
> end function
> </eucode>

> Regards,
>    Juergen

The above doesn't address the case where, not less accidentally, some of the
sequences being added have different lengths.
I'd suggest the following replacement for the type check:
function lengt(object x)
    if atom(x) then 
        return -1 -- not a length
        return length(x)
    end if
end function

type sequence_of_addables (object x)
   -- A sequence whose top-level elements are either only atoms or only
   -- sequences (or which is empty); the sequences should have the same length.
   integer object_type

   object_type = compare(x,{})
   if object_type < 1 then
       return not object_type -- atom -> 0, {} -> 1
   end if

   object_type = lengt(x[1])
   for i = 2 to length(x) do
      if object_type != lengt(x[i]) then
         return 0
      end if
   end for
   return 1
end type

and change the argument type in sum() of course.


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7. Re: Proposal for 'math.e' (2007-08-07)

CChris wrote:

> Juergen Luethje wrote:
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I'd like to suggest to change the sum() function in the future 'math.e'
> > standard include file. The current proposal is:
> > }}}
> > global function sum (sequence list)
> >    -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
> >    atom ret
> > 
> >    ret = 0
> >    for i = 1 to length(list) do
> >       ret += list[i]Rob's opinion: 
> >    end for
> >    return ret
> > end function
> > </eucode>

> > That means, 'list' currently can only contain atoms.
> > 
> > But it can also be useful to calculate the sum of several sequences
> > (taking advantage of Euphoria's built-in sequence operations).
> > Say we have 3 points, given by their x- and y-coordinates, and we want
> > to get the center of gravity of these points:
> > }}}
> > object A, B, C, G
> > 
> > A = {-2, 1}
> > B = { 5, 0}
> > C = { 0, 5}
> > 
> > G = sum({A,B,C}) / 3    -- calculate center of gravity
> > ? G                     -- prints {1,2}; Cool, no? smile
> > </eucode>

> > IMHO there is a problem with this suggestion, though.
> > If by accident one of the variables is an atom, say
> >    C = 7
> > then the program will not crash, but the sum() function will return
> > a result that is probably not intended. In order to avoid such a silent
> > bug, my proposal is to use an appropriate type-check for the parameter
> > of sum(). So my new proposal is:
> > }}}
> > type sequence_of_a_xor_s (object x)
> >    -- A sequence whose top-level elements are either only atoms or only
> >    -- sequences (or which is empty).
> >    integer object_type
> > 
> >    if atom(x) then
> >       return 0
> >    end if
> > 
> >    if length(x) = 0 then
> >       return 1
> >    end if
> > 
> >    object_type = atom(x[1])
> >    for i = 2 to length(x) do
> >       if object_type != atom(x[i]) then
> >          return 0
> >       end if
> >    end for
> >    
> >    return 1
> > end type
> > 
> > global function sum (sequence_of_a_xor_s list)
> >    -- Return the sum of all elements in 'list'.
> >    -- Note: This does not do a recursive sum of sub-sequences.
> >    object ret
> > 
> >    if length(list) = 0 then
> >       return 0
> >    end if
> > 
> >    ret = list[1]
> >    for i = 2 to length(list) do
> >       ret += list[i]
> >    end for
> >    return ret
> > end function
> > </eucode>

> > Regards,
> >    Juergen
> The above doesn't address the case where, not less accidentally, some of the
> sequences being added have different lengths.

That's intended.
At first I wanted to include this in the type-check, that's why I
developed the type 'homogeneous_sequence'. Later I realized that
it's not necessary to check the sequence lengths explicitely, because
Euphoria does check that anyway, when it performs sequence operations.
Please try it. Use something like
    ? sum({ {1}, {2,3} })
with my proposed type-cheking. The program will crash. If we'll
explicitely type-check for different sequence lengths, then the
program won't do anything else but crash.


> I'd suggest the following replacement for the type check:
> }}}
> function lengt(object x)
>     if atom(x) then 
>         return -1 -- not a length
>     else 
>         return length(x)
>     end if
> end function
> type sequence_of_addables (object x)
>    -- A sequence whose top-level elements are either only atoms or only
>    -- sequences (or which is empty); the sequences should have the same
>    length.
>    integer object_type
>    object_type = compare(x,{})
>    if object_type < 1 then
>        return not object_type -- atom -> 0, {} -> 1
>    end if
>    object_type = lengt(x[1])
>    for i = 2 to length(x) do
>       if object_type != lengt(x[i]) then
>          return 0
>       end if
>    end for
>    return 1
> end type
> </eucode>

> and change the argument type in sum() of course.
> CChris

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