1. Reading Source code
- Posted by Jason Gade <jaygade at yahoo.com> Nov 26, 2004
I think this is a problem that has kept me stuck at the beginning to intermediate level. How do you read the source code of a medium to large-size program? How do you get a sense for how the whole system works together? j.
2. Re: Reading Source code
- Posted by Greg Haberek <ghaberek at gmail.com> Nov 26, 2004
I use trace, then I just kinda follow along through the program flow. It gets a little slow at times, but jumping back and forth with F1 and F2 to see whats going on works quite well. That's what helped me figure out the Interperter source and add in 8 new routines in a couple days. And a programmer's style really helps, too. I find Derek's coding style and commenting habits to be quite on par. I've learned to read makedoc commands, so I can filter through Win32Lib and pickup what everything does. Others, however, can get a bit messy. I had to re-write a couple of Aku's libraries simply because English isn't his native language. It's not his fault, but I don't know what "dllBaru" means, do you? Mostly, its just practice. I'm still at the 'intermediate' level, and I've been here since version 2.2, or maybe 2.1, I can't remember. It's been about five years now. Just stick with it. ~Greg Quote: "Did you ever stop thinking and forget to start again?" On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 07:23:29 -0800, Jason Gade <guest at rapideuphoria.com> wrote: > > posted by: Jason Gade <jaygade at yahoo.com> > > I think this is a problem that has kept me stuck at the beginning to > intermediate level. How do you read the source code of a medium to large-size > program? How do you get a sense for how the whole system works together? > > j. > > > >