1. My Email tool
- Posted by "Unkmar" <L3Euphoria at bellsouth.net> Nov 23, 2004
I'd submit this tool to the Euphoria Archives but I don't feel like battling the "Guess my Random password by cookie" system. http://empire.iwireweb.com/forums/index.php?download=36 This description is from the Resend Email.txt file. unkmar ------------------- WARNING: This program will crash on excessively large files. For use with Outlook Express email messages. Contents: unkmar/unkfile.e -- Long Filename and file open handlers. Resend Email.txt Resend Email.exw Resend Email.exe -- bound with Euphoria for Windows v2.3 sample.eml -- A Sample email file for resending. Quick setup and usage: Put "Resend Email.exe" on the desktop Open the email Click "Save as..." Save the email to the desktop. Drag the saved email that is on the Desktop onto the "Resend Email" program. Open the file that is created. You can now change the To: field of the email message. unkmar PS: I'd explain it better but I don't feel like spending any more of my time on this puny tool.