1. Euphoria 2.5 alpha

At long last, 2.5 alpha has been released.

You can read the release notes here:


You can download the code here:


If you are expecting a free upgrade, please
wait 24 hours or so before flooding me with requests.
I have an automated system (written in Euphoria) that
lets me send out the free upgrades, but it's getting late today.
I'll do that tomorrow.

Let me know of any bugs in 2.5, even if it's just documentation.
We'll do a beta release in a month or so.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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2. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 18:47:07 -0800, Robert Craig
<guest at rapideuphoria.com> wrote:
> posted by: Robert Craig <rds at RapidEuphoria.com>
> At long last, 2.5 alpha has been released.
> You can read the release notes here:
>    http://www.rapideuphoria.com/relnotes.htm
> You can download the code here:
>    http://www.rapideuphoria.com/v20.htm

*Breaks out bottle of champagne*


*Rob is buried under a metric tonne of confetti*

Ooops... ah well, we'll dig him out in the morning...


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3. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Robert Craig wrote:
> At long last, 2.5 alpha has been released.

Hey, Rob, when is 2.6 going to be available? Or are you going to go
straight to 3.0? I need to know today.

"Programming in a state of EUPHORIA."

P.S. Just kiddin'!!! sheesh. Can't a guy make a joke about the next 
release without people gettin' all uppity?!

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4. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

cklester wrote:
> Robert Craig wrote:
> > 
> > At long last, 2.5 alpha has been released.
> Hey, Rob, when is 2.6 going to be available? Or are you going to go
> straight to 3.0? I need to know today.
> Thanks!
> -=ck
> "Programming in a state of EUPHORIA."
> <a
> href="http://www.cklester.com/euphoria/">http://www.cklester.com/euphoria/</a>
> P.S. Just kiddin'!!! sheesh. Can't a guy make a joke about the next 
> release without people gettin' all uppity?!

LOL, maybe in a year or longer. Whats the rush?

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5. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

have you looked into NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)? I used
it for Popup Gorilla, and it works great. I believe it has good
compression, and it allows the user to specify which options get
installed. Best of all, its free.

Also, if you go with options in the installer, maybe you could put an
option for every part:

    - DOS32 Interpreter (ex.exe)
    - DOS32 Translator (ec.exe)
    - WIN32 Interpreter (exw.exe)
    - WIN32 Translator (ecw.exe)
    - Euphoria File Associations
    - EUDIR Environment Variable
    - EUINC Environment Variable
    - PATH Environment Variable

NSIS would make this very possible. And did I mention its free?


On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 20:36:00 -0800, Robert Craig
<guest at rapideuphoria.com> wrote:
> posted by: Robert Craig <rds at RapidEuphoria.com>
> Elliott S. de Andrade wrote:
> >   Funstuff, but.... It did it again. The installer changed my associations.
> > I don't want them changed. Can you do something about that, Rob?
> I'm constrained by what the INNO installer allows.
> I'll have a look through the INNO docs to see if
> setting up Euphoria file associations can be made optional.
> By the way, I upgraded to the latest version of INNO,
> and it does a much better job of compression, which is
> good because the install package now includes all the
> Translator files too.
> Thanks,
>   Rob Craig
>   Rapid Deployment Software
>   http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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6. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

R> Let me know of any bugs in 2.5, even if it's just documentation.
R> We'll do a beta release in a month or so.

If you say so, then,
in source/eu.ex
-- usage:
--        ex ex.ex prog.ex     -- run a Euphoria program for DOS
--        exw ex.ex prog.exw   -- run a Euphoria program for Windows
--        exu ex.ex prog.exu   -- run a Euphoria program for Linux/FreeBSD
Should be eu.ex instead of ex.ex, right?

2. Is it right? That the shortcuts in Start Menu refers to ec/ecw, not

3. I'm still confused about .il files. How to produce (unshrouded) .il

4.  How  can we use backend.exe ? For running .il files? Then where is
the  .il  files?  BTW, the size of backendw.exe is 64 KB, not too much
difference with 2.4 exw.exe (72 KB)

5.  How  about  removing  routines  of  position(), put_screen_char(),
clear_screen(), text_color(), etc, etc from backendw.exe and providing
the implementation at the include file, like this:

-- at graphics.e
global procedure text_color(color c)
    if platform() = DOS32 then
        machine_proc(M_SET_T_COLOR, c)
    elsif platform() = WIN32 then
        c_proc(WindowsAPIThatChangesTextColor, {...})
    elsif platform() = LINUX then
        c_proc(NcursesLibThatChangesTextColor, {...})
    end if
end procedure

So backendw.exe doesn't need to implement the
machine_proc(M_SET_T_COLOR, c), including it's error checking.

The reason is that win32 programming usually doesn't deal with

6. Bug: 2.5 exw.exe doesn't close the source file after parsing
program, while 2.4 does. For example exw.exe program.exw. While
program.exw is running, file program.exw is still open!

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7. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

On 17 Nov 2004, at 15:16, aku saya wrote:


> 6. Bug: 2.5 exw.exe doesn't close the source file after parsing
> program, while 2.4 does. For example exw.exe program.exw. While
> program.exw is running, file program.exw is still open!

I've been complaining of that for years in 2.3.


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8. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Greg Haberek wrote:

> have you looked into NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)? I used
> it for Popup Gorilla, and it works great. I believe it has good
> compression, and it allows the user to specify which options get
> installed. Best of all, its free.


Interesting hint ...
I don't need it currently, but it's good to know that there is another
free recommendable Windows installer besides INNO Setup.


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9. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Robert Craig wrote:

> Elliott S. de Andrade wrote:
>>   Funstuff, but.... It did it again. The installer changed my associatio=
>> I don't want them changed. Can you do something about that, Rob?
> I'm constrained by what the INNO installer allows.
> I'll have a look through the INNO docs to see if
> setting up Euphoria file associations can be made optional.

It can. I don't consider Inno Setup user friendly, so it's not easy to
know how particular tasks can be achieved. Additionally to the "naked"
Inno Setup I can recommend ISTool, but it doesn't make the sitiation
much better. (Talking about version 4.0.9 of both programs, don't know
the latest versions.)

> By the way, I upgraded to the latest version of INNO,
> and it does a much better job of compression, which is
> good because the install package now includes all the
> Translator files too.

Here is a sample script for Inno Setup 4.0.9, that does (hopefully) what
Elliot wants (some lines are wrapping!):

; for Inno Setup 4.0.9
AppVerName=JL 0.01
AppPublisher=J=FCrgen L=FCthje

Source: jl_show.exe; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: jl_show.exw; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: sample.jl; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion

Name: {group}\JL show; Filename: {app}\jl_show.exe; Parameters: {app}\sampl=
e.jl; IconIndex: 0

Name: associate; Description: Associate JL files with this program (recomme=

Root: HKCR; SubKey: .jl; ValueType: string; ValueData: JLfile; Flags: unins=
deletekey; Tasks: associate
Root: HKCR; SubKey: JLfile; ValueType: string; ValueData: Cool files; Flags=
: uninsdeletekey; Tasks: associate
Root: HKCR; SubKey: JLfile\Shell\Open\Command; ValueType: string; ValueData=
: """{app}\jl_show.exe"" ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Tasks: associate=

Root: HKCR; Subkey: JLfile\DefaultIcon; ValueType: string; ValueData: {app}=
\jl_show.exe,0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Tasks: associate

Because of the entry in the [Tasks] section, at the end of the
installation a checkbox with the text "Associate JL files with this
program (recommended)." will appear. Only if the user checks the box,
files with the extension .jl will be associated with the program

The complete regarding Windows installation file can be downloaded here -
for the next week or so (about 0.4 MB):


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10. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Akusaya wrote:
> in source/eu.ex
> -- usage:
> --        ex ex.ex prog.ex     -- run a Euphoria program for DOS
> --        exw ex.ex prog.exw   -- run a Euphoria program for Windows
> --        exu ex.ex prog.exu   -- run a Euphoria program for Linux/FreeBSD
> Should be eu.ex instead of ex.ex, right?

Right. It's correct in source.doc
> 2. Is it right? That the shortcuts in Start Menu refers to ec/ecw, not
> ex/exw.

No, I made a last-minute typo in the INNO script.
I'm not sure how useful these shortcuts are anyway.
> 3. I'm still confused about .il files. How to produce (unshrouded) .il
> files?

The binder/shrouder will produce shrouded .il files
that can be read by backend.exe etc.
There is no way to produce an unshrouded .il file.
> 4.  How  can we use backend.exe ? For running .il files? Then where is
> the  .il  files?  BTW, the size of backendw.exe is 64 KB, not too much
> difference with 2.4 exw.exe (72 KB)

backend.exe etc are there so you can run .il files
created by RDS or registered users of the Binder.
In 2.5, exw.exe is 103K. exw can now be enlarged in various ways
without necessarily enlarging backendw.exe.
> 5.  How  about  removing  routines  of  position(), put_screen_char(),
> clear_screen(), text_color(), etc, etc from backendw.exe and providing
> the implementation at the include file, like this:
> -- at graphics.e
> global procedure text_color(color c)
>     if platform() = DOS32 then
>         machine_proc(M_SET_T_COLOR, c)
>     elsif platform() = WIN32 then
>         c_proc(WindowsAPIThatChangesTextColor, {...})
>     elsif platform() = LINUX then
>         c_proc(NcursesLibThatChangesTextColor, {...})
>     end if
> end procedure
> So backendw.exe doesn't need to implement the
> machine_proc(M_SET_T_COLOR, c), including it's error checking.
> The reason is that win32 programming usually doesn't deal with
> consoles.

That code is pretty small. I wouldn't worry about it. 
> 6. Bug: 2.5 exw.exe doesn't close the source file after parsing
> program, while 2.4 does. For example exw.exe program.exw. While
> program.exw is running, file program.exw is still open!

2.4 and earlier read the source in chunks. They closed the main source
file after reading the last chunk. This let you do things
like edit ed.ex using itself. I'll look into closing the
source after the front-end has completed. I guess it closes now
after execution. That will make 2.5 even better than 2.4 or earlier, 
in this respect (though how many people want to modify the
very source file they are currently running?)

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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11. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 13:02:11 -0800, Robert Craig
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>(though how many people want to modify the
>very source file they are currently running?)

I do that all the time. If I'm running, for example, a test version of
MEditor, I don't shut it down just because I felt a field could be
slightly better placed, or there was a typo in a label, menu, or help
text, ... Mind you, MEditor does not seem to complain about opening
shared files as often as say Crimson and CodeGenie do, so I suspect
historically I've got away with that style of working more than most.
Probably ed.ex is equally unfussy about that.


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12. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Robert Craig wrote:
> 2.4 and earlier read the source in chunks. They closed the main source
> file after reading the last chunk. This let you do things
> like edit ed.ex using itself. I'll look into closing the
> source after the front-end has completed. I guess it closes now
> after execution. That will make 2.5 even better than 2.4 or earlier, 
> in this respect (though how many people want to modify the
> very source file they are currently running?)
Me. All the time.  Everyday -- editing the file I am currently running is
something I do constantly.  If it were to read in the entire source and then
close it at start-up of the interpreter that would be great...

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13. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Robert Craig wrote:

>> who will be first that will write windows debugger? (is it allowed to share
>> it?)
>I've been assuming that someone will create a spiffy Windows debugger
>for the PD source. Of course it can be shared if the author wants to.
>There are probably a lot of interesting debugging tools that
>could be created without too much trouble. Not to mention
>source code analysis tools, symbol table dumps, etc.

Shame that eu.ex omits any trace functionality, whatsoever..
Was that a time constraint thing, or a deliberate omission?


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14. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Craig"
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

>> 6. Bug: 2.5 exw.exe doesn't close the source file after parsing
>> program, while 2.4 does. For example exw.exe program.exw. While
>> program.exw is running, file program.exw is still open!
> 2.4 and earlier read the source in chunks. They closed the main source
> file after reading the last chunk. This let you do things
> like edit ed.ex using itself. I'll look into closing the
> source after the front-end has completed. I guess it closes now
> after execution. That will make 2.5 even better than 2.4 or earlier, 
> in this respect (though how many people want to modify the
> very source file they are currently running?)

    I've been known to many times.  I'm running perfectly functional
code and want to make some modifications that display more of an
analysis of what it is doing.  Also, I designed said program so that it
picks up where it left off.  That means the program can be getting
some work done while I make the modifications.  Then I simply
stop and restart the program to view more details.

  This isn't hypothetical.  I've created and run code of that nature.

> Regards,
>   Rob Craig
>   Rapid Deployment Software
>   http://www.RapidEuphoria.com

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15. Re: Euphoria 2.5 alpha

Pete Lomax wrote:
> Robert Craig wrote:
> >> who will be first that will write windows debugger? (is it allowed to share
> >> it?)
> >
> >I've been assuming that someone will create a spiffy Windows debugger
> >for the PD source. Of course it can be shared if the author wants to.
> >There are probably a lot of interesting debugging tools that
> >could be created without too much trouble. Not to mention
> >source code analysis tools, symbol table dumps, etc.
> Shame that eu.ex omits any trace functionality, whatsoever..

It supports trace(3).

> Was that a time constraint thing, or a deliberate omission?

I decided to leave it out. It would have been a lot of extra
code to write and maintain. It would have duplicated what you can do
with trace(1) in the official fast interpreter (of course the whole
thing duplicates the official interpreter), and I figured someone
might want to do their own fancy Windows debugger anyway.

   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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