1. Text scaling demo

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Got a text scaling demo working, thought I'd share it with y'all.

It will fit the text perfectly inside a given rectangle, and it will support
strings with tab and newline characters, and automatically strip out carriage
return characters.

Patrick Barnes
Information Systems Group
201 Elizabeth St, Sydney
Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au
Ext: 91-3583
Ph:(02) 9284-3583
Mob: 0410 751 044
Below for those people without attachments.
--Title: Automatic text sizing demo
--Author: Patrick Barnes
--Date: 28 / 1 / 2003
--This demo revolves around the
--procedure drawText. It will
--tokenize a given string into lines
--and add tabs to it, then size it
--to fit into a rectangle of given
--size and position.
--Permission is freely granted for 
--anyone to use this library as they 
--see fit, save for misrepresenting 
--it's origin.
--Thanks to: Pete Lomax for his
--binary search, Derek Parnell for

include win32lib.ew
without warning

constant win = create(Window, "Text scaling", 0, Default, Default, 400, 340, 0)

constant text = "This is a test of the automatic\ntext sizing system.\nChange
this text in the source code."
constant TABSIZE = 6
constant TAB = 9

atom dwin

--returns a sequence with the x,y size of the lines of text submitted
global function getMlTextExtent(integer win, sequence mtext)
	integer lnum, maxw
	lnum = length(mtext)
	maxw = 0
	for a = 1 to lnum do
		if getTextWidth(win, mtext[a]) > maxw then
			maxw = getTextWidth(win, mtext[a])
		end if
	end for
	return {maxw  , lnum*getTextHeight(win, "T")}
end function

--Will automatically size and draw the string itext (which may have '\n') to the
desired window.
--It will scale and position to fit inside the rectangle defined by {ulx, uly}
-> {lrx, lry}
--Font is a two-element sequence of the form { "Font name", Style }
global procedure drawText(integer win, sequence itext, integer ulx, integer uly,
integer lrx, integer lry, sequence font )
	sequence text, tsize, wsize, pos
	integer bsize, ssize, fsize
	atom ctr

	--Tokenize the text into lines.
	if not length(itext) then --if no text, then don't bother
elsif itext[length(itext)] = '\n' then --if the last char is a '\n' then get
rid of it.
		itext = itext[1..length(itext) - 1]
	end if

	text = {{}}
	ctr = 1

for a = 1 to length(itext) do --step through every letter, building up the
		if itext[a] = TAB then
text[ctr] &= repeat(' ', remainder( TABSIZE * ( floor( length(text[ctr]) /
TABSIZE) + 1), length(text[ctr]) ) )
		elsif itext[a] = '\n' then
			text &= {{}}
			ctr += 1
		elsif itext[a] = '\r' then
			--ignore that character
		else text[ctr] &= itext[a]
		end if
	end for
	--Find the optimal font size for the window
	fsize = 8	--starting font size
	ssize = 1
	bsize = 0
	wsize = {lrx - ulx, lry - uly}
	while 1 do		--Thanks to Pete Lomax for his binary search.
		--find the size of that text
		setFont(win, font[1], fsize, font[2])	
		tsize = getMlTextExtent(win, text)
		--if it's bigger than the window...
		if tsize[1] >= wsize[1] or tsize[2] >= wsize[2] then
			if fsize=ssize then
			end if
			if bsize=0 then
				if fsize+1=bsize then exit end if
			end if
		end if
	end while	--At this point fsize is the optimal text size.

	--Draw the text to the window
	pos = {ulx, uly}
		--draw the text on the window.

	setFont(win, font[1], fsize, font[2])	
	for a = 1 to length(text) do
			wPuts({win, pos[1], pos[2]}, text[a])
			pos[2] += getTextHeight(win, text[a])
	end for
end procedure
procedure display(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
	sequence sz
	sz = getClientRect(win)
drawText(win, text, 50, 50, sz[3] - 50, sz[4] - 50, {"Times New Roman", Normal}
	drawRectangle(win, 0, 50, 50, sz[3] - 50, sz[4] - 50)
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HPaint, routine_id("display") )
procedure c(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
	sequence sz
	if params[1] != 27 then
		sz = getClientRect(win)
		setClientRect(win, sz[3]+5, sz[4]+5)
	end if
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("c") )
procedure resized(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HResize, routine_id("resized") )
WinMain(win, Normal)



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--Title: Automatic text sizing demo
--Author: Patrick Barnes
--Date: 28 / 1 / 2003
--This demo revolves around the
--procedure drawText. It will
--tokenize a given string into lines
--and add tabs to it, then size it
--to fit into a rectangle of given
--size and position.
--Permission is freely granted for=20
--anyone to use this library as they=20
--see fit, save for misrepresenting=20
--it's origin.
--Thanks to: Pete Lomax for his
--binary search, Derek Parnell for

include win32lib.ew
without warning

constant win =3D create(Window, "Text scaling", 0, Default, Default, =
400, 340, 0)

constant text =3D "This is a test of the automatic\ntext sizing =
system.\nChange this text in the source code."
constant TABSIZE =3D 6
constant TAB =3D 9

atom dwin

--returns a sequence with the x,y size of the lines of text submitted
global function getMlTextExtent(integer win, sequence mtext)
    integer lnum, maxw
    lnum =3D length(mtext)
    maxw =3D 0
    for a =3D 1 to lnum do
        if getTextWidth(win, mtext[a]) > maxw then
            maxw =3D getTextWidth(win, mtext[a])
        end if
    end for
    return {maxw  , lnum*getTextHeight(win, "T")}
end function

--Will automatically size and draw the string itext (which may have =
'\n') to the desired window.
--It will scale and position to fit inside the rectangle defined by =
{ulx, uly} -> {lrx, lry}
--Font is a two-element sequence of the form { "Font name", Style }
global procedure drawText(integer win, sequence itext, integer ulx, =
integer uly, integer lrx, integer lry, sequence font )
    sequence text, tsize, wsize, pos
    integer bsize, ssize, fsize
    atom ctr

    --Tokenize the text into lines.
    if not length(itext) then --if no text, then don't bother
    elsif itext[length(itext)] =3D '\n' then --if the last char is a =
'\n' then get rid of it.
        itext =3D itext[1..length(itext) - 1]
    end if

    text =3D {{}}
    ctr =3D 1

    for a =3D 1 to length(itext) do --step through every letter, =
building up the lines
        if itext[a] =3D TAB then
            text[ctr] &=3D repeat(' ', remainder( TABSIZE * ( floor( =
length(text[ctr]) / TABSIZE) + 1), length(text[ctr]) ) )
        elsif itext[a] =3D '\n' then
            text &=3D {{}}
            ctr +=3D 1
        elsif itext[a] =3D '\r' then
            --ignore that character
        else text[ctr] &=3D itext[a]
        end if
    end for
    --Find the optimal font size for the window
    fsize =3D 8   --starting font size
    ssize =3D 1
    bsize =3D 0
    wsize =3D {lrx - ulx, lry - uly}
    while 1 do      --Thanks to Pete Lomax for his binary search.
        --find the size of that text
        setFont(win, font[1], fsize, font[2])  =20
        tsize =3D getMlTextExtent(win, text)
        --if it's bigger than the window...
        if tsize[1] >=3D wsize[1] or tsize[2] >=3D wsize[2] then
            if fsize=3Dssize then
            end if
            if bsize=3D0 then
                if fsize+1=3Dbsize then exit end if
            end if
        end if
    end while   --At this point fsize is the optimal text size.

    --Draw the text to the window
    pos =3D {ulx, uly}
        --draw the text on the window.

    setFont(win, font[1], fsize, font[2])  =20
    for a =3D 1 to length(text) do
            wPuts({win, pos[1], pos[2]}, text[a])
            pos[2] +=3D getTextHeight(win, text[a])
    end for
end procedure
procedure display(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
    sequence sz
    sz =3D getClientRect(win)
    drawText(win, text, 50, 50, sz[3] - 50, sz[4] - 50, {"Times New =
Roman", Normal} )
    drawRectangle(win, 0, 50, 50, sz[3] - 50, sz[4] - 50)
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HPaint, routine_id("display") )
procedure c(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
    sequence sz
    if params[1] !=3D 27 then
        sz =3D getClientRect(win)
        setClientRect(win, sz[3]+5, sz[4]+5)
    end if
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("c") )
procedure resized(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
end procedure
setHandler(win, w32HResize, routine_id("resized") )
WinMain(win, Normal)

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2. Re: Text scaling demo

Thanks for this, I'll use it in my own project. I translated it to work
directly with HDCs.
I also thought of another, maybe faster way:
Measure difference of widths of strings which have fonts with different
heights (some random heights). Then measure also difference of font heights.
Then the desired font height should be:

desired_height = desired_width * (width1 - width2) / (height1 - height2)

This would work if width of string is linear to height of font. I don't know
if it is.

----- Original Message -----
From: <Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:28 PM
Subject: Text scaling demo

> Got a text scaling demo working, thought I'd share it with y'all.
> It will fit the text perfectly inside a given rectangle, and it will
support strings with tab and newline characters, and automatically strip out
carriage return characters.
> =======================
> Patrick Barnes
> Information Systems Group
> 201 Elizabeth St, Sydney
> Patrick.Barnes at transgrid.com.au
> Ext: 91-3583
> Ph:(02) 9284-3583
> Mob: 0410 751 044
> =======================
> Below for those people without attachments.
> =======================
> ------------------------------------
> --Title: Automatic text sizing demo
> --Author: Patrick Barnes
> --Date: 28 / 1 / 2003
> ------------------------------------
> --This demo revolves around the
> --procedure drawText. It will
> --tokenize a given string into lines
> --and add tabs to it, then size it
> --to fit into a rectangle of given
> --size and position.
> ------------------------------------
> --Permission is freely granted for
> --anyone to use this library as they
> --see fit, save for misrepresenting
> --it's origin.
> ------------------------------------
> --Thanks to: Pete Lomax for his
> --binary search, Derek Parnell for
> --win32lib.
> ------------------------------------
> include win32lib.ew
> without warning
> constant win = create(Window, "Text scaling", 0, Default, Default, 400,
340, 0)
> constant text = "This is a test of the automatic\ntext sizing
system.\nChange this text in the source code."
> constant TABSIZE = 6
> constant TAB = 9
> atom dwin
> --returns a sequence with the x,y size of the lines of text submitted
> global function getMlTextExtent(integer win, sequence mtext)
> integer lnum, maxw
> lnum = length(mtext)
> maxw = 0
> for a = 1 to lnum do
> if getTextWidth(win, mtext[a]) > maxw then
> maxw = getTextWidth(win, mtext[a])
> end if
> end for
> return {maxw  , lnum*getTextHeight(win, "T")}
> end function
> --Will automatically size and draw the string itext (which may have '\n')
to the desired window.
> --It will scale and position to fit inside the rectangle defined by {ulx,
uly} -> {lrx, lry}
> --Font is a two-element sequence of the form { "Font name", Style }
> global procedure drawText(integer win, sequence itext, integer ulx,
integer uly, integer lrx, integer lry, sequence font )
> sequence text, tsize, wsize, pos
> integer bsize, ssize, fsize
> atom ctr
> --Tokenize the text into lines.
> --*****************************
> if not length(itext) then --if no text, then don't bother
> return
> elsif itext[length(itext)] = '\n' then --if the last char is a '\n' then
get rid of it.
> itext = itext[1..length(itext) - 1]
> end if
> text = {{}}
> ctr = 1
> for a = 1 to length(itext) do --step through every letter, building up the
> if itext[a] = TAB then
> text[ctr] &= repeat(' ', remainder( TABSIZE * ( floor( length(text[ctr]) /
TABSIZE) + 1), length(text[ctr]) ) )
> elsif itext[a] = '\n' then
> text &= {{}}
> ctr += 1
> elsif itext[a] = '\r' then
> --ignore that character
> else text[ctr] &= itext[a]
> end if
> end for
> --Find the optimal font size for the window
> --*****************************************
> fsize = 8 --starting font size
> ssize = 1
> bsize = 0
> wsize = {lrx - ulx, lry - uly}
> while 1 do --Thanks to Pete Lomax for his binary search.
> --find the size of that text
> setFont(win, font[1], fsize, font[2])
> tsize = getMlTextExtent(win, text)
> --if it's bigger than the window...
> if tsize[1] >= wsize[1] or tsize[2] >= wsize[2] then
> bsize=fsize
> fsize=ssize+floor((fsize-ssize)/2)
> if fsize=ssize then
> exit
> end if
> else
> ssize=fsize
> if bsize=0 then
> fsize*=2
> else
> if fsize+1=bsize then exit end if
> fsize+=floor((bsize-fsize)/2)
> end if
> end if
> end while --At this point fsize is the optimal text size.
> --Draw the text to the window
> --***************************
> pos = {ulx, uly}
> --draw the text on the window.
> setFont(win, font[1], fsize, font[2])
> for a = 1 to length(text) do
> wPuts({win, pos[1], pos[2]}, text[a])
> pos[2] += getTextHeight(win, text[a])
> end for
> end procedure
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> procedure display(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
> sequence sz
> sz = getClientRect(win)
> drawText(win, text, 50, 50, sz[3] - 50, sz[4] - 50, {"Times New Roman",
Normal} )
> drawRectangle(win, 0, 50, 50, sz[3] - 50, sz[4] - 50)
> end procedure
> setHandler(win, w32HPaint, routine_id("display") )
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> procedure c(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
> sequence sz
> if params[1] != 27 then
> sz = getClientRect(win)
> setClientRect(win, sz[3]+5, sz[4]+5)
> else
> closeWindow(win)
> end if
> end procedure
> setHandler(win, w32HKeyDown, routine_id("c") )
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> procedure resized(integer ID, integer Event, sequence params)
> repaintWindow(win)
> end procedure
> setHandler(win, w32HResize, routine_id("resized") )
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> WinMain(win, Normal)
>  <<textscaletest.exw>>
> ***********************************************************************
> ***********************************************************************
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