1. RE: so, what's everybody up to?
- Posted by Ferlin Scarborough <ferlin_s at yahoo.com> May 03, 2001
Michael Packard wrote: > Hi all! > I'm curious. What are all you Euphorian's working on in Euphoria? As > many > of you know, I'm hip deep finishing up a pacman game for the Game > Design > Course people to play with as we discuss game design, programming > theory, > AI, graphics processing, animation, etc. I'm having much fun getting > "back > into" Euphoria after 4 years being away from it. > > Other projects I've done recently include a 3d fractal landscape > generator, > and a program to create random realmedia playlists for my show lineups > for > my ministry's NetTv "station" on www.BeRighteous.com. > > what are y'all doing? What do EuWindoze people do with it? EuDos > people? > > Michael Packard > Check out my Euphoria Programming Page www.BeRighteous.com/Euphoria > Michael, I've dusted off 4 of my previously unfinished euphoria projects. Have discovered I need to do a little redesign on some of them. 1) EAGLE - Euporia Adventure Game Language Engine. Right now all I am concentrating on getting EAGLE to work as a Text Based Adventure Game Creator. I have started working on the design for adding sound and graphics to it, later on. I'll be posting my URL here when I get my Web site updated. 2) I currently collect HOT WHEELS and am working on a Program to Catalog my collection. 3) StoryAid - A program that allows a Game Programmer to create a Database of all the details associated with thier game. Such as Object, Characters, Locations, Story Line and So on. 4) VideoLog - A program to Catalog your Video Library. Get a report by Author, Star, Catagory, Tapes Loaned or Title. I added the Tapes Loaned because, I always seem to forget WHO I loaned my tapes to and when or if they returned them. I just started back on these a few days ago. I work on one until I get burned out, or need to contemplate some thing in it. Then I start to work on one of the others for a little while. Also, I'm one of your Crash Course Students. :) Later. + + + Ferlin Scarborough - Centreville, Alabama - USA + + +
2. RE: so, what's everybody up to?
- Posted by sephiroth _ <euman2376 at yahoo.com> May 03, 2001
an x86 virtual machine. i'm probably gonna port it to C soon for speed and ability, but right now it's in euphoria. Michael Packard wrote: > Hi all! > I'm curious. What are all you Euphorian's working on in Euphoria? As > many > of you know, I'm hip deep finishing up a pacman game for the Game > Design > Course people to play with as we discuss game design, programming > theory, > AI, graphics processing, animation, etc. I'm having much fun getting > "back > into" Euphoria after 4 years being away from it. > > Other projects I've done recently include a 3d fractal landscape > generator, > and a program to create random realmedia playlists for my show lineups > for > my ministry's NetTv "station" on www.BeRighteous.com. > > what are y'all doing? What do EuWindoze people do with it? EuDos > people?
3. RE: so, what's everybody up to?
- Posted by John McAdam <johnmcadam at clix.pt> May 04, 2001
>Hi all! >I'm curious. What are all you Euphorian's working on in Euphoria? As many >of you know, I'm hip deep finishing up a pacman game for the Game Design >Course people to play with as we discuss game design, programming theory, >AI, graphics processing, animation, etc. I'm having much fun getting "back >into" Euphoria after 4 years being away from it. >Other projects I've done recently include a 3d fractal landscape generator, >and a program to create random realmedia playlists for my show lineups for >my ministry's NetTv "station" on www.BeRighteous.com. >what are y'all doing? What do EuWindoze people do with it? EuDos people? >Michael Packard >Check out my Euphoria Programming Page www.BeRighteous.com/Euphoria I'm still working on AI and pattern recognition, but its planting season, so my AI project is going pretty slow. - JOHN begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(CL"`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0 at 36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`G $```$````1`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````0P`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0!33510 M`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P M`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```,`%0P!`````P#^#P8````> M``$P`0```!4````G155F;W)U;4!T;W!I8V$N8V]M)P`````"`0LP`0```!@` M``!33510.D551D]254U 5$]024-!+D-/30`#```Y``````L`0#H!`````P!Q M.@`````>`/9?`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```(!]U\!```` M0P````````"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O M;0!33510`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0```P#]7P$````#`/]?``````(! M]@\!````! ````````+ 4 at $$@ $`( ```%)%.B!S;RP@=VAA="=S(&5V97)Y M8F]D>2!U<"!T;S\`K0H!!8 #``X```#1!P4`` at `7`"P`#0`#`#(!`2" `P`. M````T0<%``(`%P`F`!$``P`P`0$)@ $`(0```#$Y1C5!,SE%-35$,T,P,3%" M,#0Y-D4R.48W0D9#-T5!`%<'`0.0!@" !@``(0````L``@`!````"P`C```` M```#`"8```````L`*0```````P`N```````#`#8``````$ `.0!@A/]H6=/ M`1X`< `!````( ```%)%.B!S;RP@=VAA="=S(&5V97)Y8F]D>2!U<"!T;S\` M`@%Q``$````6`````<#366@V/@KE83]1$=6&6NFWSS7>+ ``'@`># $````% M````4TU44 `````>`!\,`0```!,```!J;VAN;6-A9&%M0&-L:7@N<'0```,` M!A ]91FM`P`'$*D"```>``@0`0```&4```!(24%,3$E-0U5224]54U=(051! M4D5!3$Q93U5%55!(3U))04Y35T]22TE.1T].24Y%55!(3U))03]!4TU!3EE/ M1EE/54M.3U<L24U(25!$14501DE.25-(24Y'55!!4$%#34%.``````(!"1 ! M````8 ,``%P#``"K!0``3%I&=6FM7'\_``H!`P'W`J0#XP(`8VC!"L!S970P M( <3`H F?0J ",@@.PEO,C7"-1%/93$R. * "H&2=@B0=VL+@&0T#& V8P!0 M"P-C`$$+8&YG$#$P-#8+I30@/JT543(5DP'0-P% < -@1G0%D 5 2&D@!T!L M_B$*H@J!%6(7I0_0%K07IF!))VT@8PAQ"&!S<"X@(%</< 5 "L!E"1A"('D( M8"!%=7"F: 6P!S!N)P0@=P6P:11Q9R "(" + at !R7/VT;<$`"72(C 7H0G )*!M9QVB)2$%L'DL M)A\G+T'.22(P*\$<P&EC!" 7H?YC!Y `D!7 (C `< =P&["W&R K80^P8QMA M(E-A%##-';%M%- IP&9U)'$/L-,PP!VQ(F(`T&LLSRW?>PN *1 B')<80 & M!) @B1:0>64/@2!B91VBG&%W*6$#4AX`="XSE;LSKQF^3R4A!< 7H6H7X?L$ M(!JP=BHA`B <``EP+^#M`C!L*7 +@&,*0 $`(^%\,V0X(0#0`9 #(!6A9'\$ M\"] ' `RP#R0*] I$'+_++\Z'S!A/@`C\"N5*0(%`+\W,!?0/+ ^L3A10R%L M!X!W*D!"02E1; 0`._$DXFW?*7 C8"(0/I + at &4<L$43_S_O0/]%<2P!1.$L MD!TQ!\#X=%1V,S!$\#"S-? =X4)W2M N0F52)>!H=Q?0&S(%H&TXKT=/%[5W M_QNF26 <(CQP':$>P1N3/'#E')%7%(%O>BB'4%$IDV<IH![!'*!$;R^1*+,_ MMTP?32\7Q$TO< ]P90,@_E S80L34[\G3B4P,W =T/9U2*,V%U KJ58P,L!* MS_U+T2\<IE:O#\!<]!JR1/#_`Q #(!UI+N!!\PJP`D $DN\\P2NP`P`PQ&)9 M,2F@+Y'_%:$R\P^@*> PXF+016%<]/]?T3N5'@`JH4^2*X$RT46!`PD`6U @ M+2!*3T@N3AGJ7/0080!GH ,`$! !`````P`1$ `````#`( 0_____T `!S ` MR@R56-/ `4 `"# `R@R56-/ `0,``( (( 8``````, ```````!&`````!"% M````````"P`#@ @@!@``````P ```````$8``````X4````````#``2 "" & M``````# ````````1@````!2A0``\ X``!X`!8 (( 8``````, ```````!& M`````%2%```!````! ```#@N, `#``: "" &``````# ````````1@`````! MA0````````L`!X (( 8``````, ```````!&``````Z%`````````P`(@ @@ M!@``````P ```````$8`````$84````````#``F "" &``````# ```````` M1@`````8A0```````!X`"H (( 8``````, ```````!&`````#:%```!```` M`0`````````>``N "" &``````# ````````1@`````WA0```0````$````` M````'@`,@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````.(4```$````!`````````!X` </0`!````!0```%)%.B ``````P`--/TW``"LC84` ` end
4. RE: so, what's everybody up to?
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> May 04, 2001
On 2 May 2001, at 23:44, John McAdam wrote: > I'm still working on AI and pattern recognition, but its planting season, so > my > AI project is going pretty slow. - JOHN I am too. At the moment tho, the puter is so bogged down with other code running that i haveto pause what i am doing to see if the cursor will still be moving in 10 seconds where i want to type something. I don't suppose you'd come over and plow about 1/2 acre for me? Kat
5. RE: so, what's everybody up to?
- Posted by rforno at tutopia.com May 05, 2001
I am working on an algorithmic composer program, using an approach very different of the existing ones. The user merely feeds an integer to the program, and the computer generates a .mid file as it pleases. The result is polyphonic and includes stereo effect (pan), expression (dynamics in volume and tempo), etc.
6. RE: so, what's everybody up to?
- Posted by John McAdam <johnmcadam at clix.pt> May 07, 2001
>On 2 May 2001, at 23:44, John McAdam wrote: >> I'm still working on AI and pattern recognition, but its planting season, so >> my >> AI project is going pretty slow. - JOHN >I am too. At the moment tho, the puter is so bogged down with other code >running that i haveto pause what i am doing to see if the cursor will still be >moving in 10 seconds where i want to type something. I don't suppose you'd >come over and plow about 1/2 acre for me? >Kat Just as soon as I finish discovering the secret for robot self consiouness. And, of course, if it doesn't rain. he he JOHN begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(AT'`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0 at 36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`G $```$````1`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````0P`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0!33510 M`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P M`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```,`%0P!`````P#^#P8````> M``$P`0```!4````G155F;W)U;4!T;W!I8V$N8V]M)P`````"`0LP`0```!@` M``!33510.D551D]254U 5$]024-!+D-/30`#```Y``````L`0#H!`````P!Q M.@`````>`/9?`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```(!]U\!```` M0P````````"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O M;0!33510`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0```P#]7P$````#`/]?``````(! M]@\!````! ````````+ 4 at $$@ $`( ```%)%.B!S;RP@=VAA="=S(&5V97)Y M8F]D>2!U<"!T;S\`K0H!!8 #``X```#1!P4``P`1`" `$ at `$`"<!`2" `P`. M````T0<%``,`$0`:`!(`! `A`0$)@ $`(0```#$Y-34Q-3-%13E$,T,P,3%" M,#0Y-D4R.48W0D9#-T5!`$8'`0.0!@#<!0``(0````L``@`!````"P`C```` M```#`"8```````L`*0```````P`N```````#`#8``````$ `.0#@) 2?[M/ M`1X`< `!````( ```%)%.B!S;RP@=VAA="=S(&5V97)Y8F]D>2!U<"!T;S\` M`@%Q``$````6`````<#3[IWWW7Q%83_D$=6&6JQ!W;FZ+0``'@`># $````% M````4TU44 `````>`!\,`0```!,```!J;VAN;6-A9&%M0&-L:7@N<'0```,` M!A#)3WGA`P`'$+@!```>``@0`0```&4```!/3C)-05DR,# Q+$%4,C,Z-#0L M2D](3DU#041!35=23U1%.DE-4U1)3$Q73U)+24Y'3TY!24%.1%!!5%1%4DY2 M14-/1TY)5$E/3BQ"551)5%-03$%.5$E.1U-%05-/3BQ33TU9``````(!"1 ! M````N@(``+8"```;! ``3%I&=;'RI7<_``H!`P'W`J0#XP(`8VC!"L!S970P M( <3`H F?0J ",@@.PEO,C7"-1%/93$R. * "H&2=@B0=VL+@&0T#& V8P!0 M"P-C`$$+8&YG$#$P-#8+I30@/JT543(5DP'0-P% < - at 5G0%D 5 3P.@,@70 M80)Y&$ P,#$L(&%!!4 R,SHT-!CP2 at 1O: .@36-!9&'H;2!W%[(Z"J(*A J! M'Q5B%Z4/T!:T%Z8^($FR)QI0<W0#$ ,@=P6PV11Q9R "( _@21D`%)"^( JP M`D $D@EP!:!G`P#G'< "(!CP8G4%0" 0!"#/"U$",!Y2#Z!A<R!"(<#X(&UY M&S\<3QU0'L$7H<9J%^($`"!G;QY2%Z 5#[!T&)!S"0!W+B#B+1F at 3TA.&M\C M'Q?$HQ[1&E!T;V\FD$$%0'AT:&4B, -P"? J0F_[&/ J8G @D 20)4(B$0;@ MY&=G"8 @9"9P`Z #\/\J8!Z *F$%P 6@`0`*XR>_\1R+<G5N`P`>82I@&1%T M:2 /<'8/L"(@"K!U_P^@&F PU!I!+- P@R(@#Z#W*H &D"I38PAP(< %P /P M^QWA';1B+@\O'P5 !& 4,/L>80N (!7@(8$%H!20!"!_,@`$D#-1&F A(3+R M)B!P_RJ (< '@"I@'E$FD![0+- $;B<%0'-U<'!O]3'1>0A@)Q\0-3\V3P6@ M_P> 'H Q4 7 'O,F81D`!N#Y()$Q+QA0`- XT0(0!<#=!X _)Q\\OQ?$2QD0 M01_[#\! M$HQP 5 (; B`1Z1NT5!'M!F"X $`"U09 0`_P6@/H$PA#G1!9 E M\4 S`V#S!N [`65L,X X00"0"&!:;@>0<RH1%) L0+1O^TC",_%E&/ S<2 0 M+,$'D/TZXG(+<2:0*G$J<425)N(7')E M!!A`$Z@```#`! 0`0````,`$1 ` M`````P" $/____] ``<P($?MQ^W3P % ``@P($?MQ^W3P $#``" "" &```` M``# ````````1@`````0A0````````L``X (( 8``````, ```````!&```` M``.%`````````P`$@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````4H4``/ .```>``6 M"" &``````# ````````1@````!4A0```0````0````X+C ``P`&@ @@!@`` M````P ```````$8``````84````````+``> "" &``````# ````````1@`` M```.A0````````,`"( (( 8``````, ```````!&`````!&%`````````P`) M@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````&(4````````>``J "" &``````# ```` M````1@`````VA0```0````$`````````'@`+@ @@!@``````P ```````$8` M````-X4```$````!`````````!X`#( (( 8``````, ```````!&`````#B% L```!`````0`````````>`#T``0````4```!213H@``````,`#33]-P``:%:% ` end