1. Re: a PDA for Eu
- Posted by munchr at mac.com Jan 01, 2003
Possibly, on certain models, with certain versions of WinCE, and then only if specifically compiled for compatibility with WinCE. Certain WinCE devices running versions 1 and 2 use Intel x-86 class processors. Those should be able to run Euphoria, if it is specifically targeted for WinCE. All other version 1 and 2 devices use Arm, NEC, or other processors, and would not necessarily work with Euphoria without more than a simple recompile. All version 3 and higher WinCE devices run on Arm/X-Scale derivatives. Andy Cranston recently reported to have a partial port of Euphoria to an HP-UX unix based system, which uses a non x-86 based processor. In theory, a WinCE port should be easier since it is a derivative of the Win-32 system, but one has to keep in mind the extremely limited memory of WinCE devices. None ship with more than 64mb of ram, and the memory expansion is soley for file based storage - the memory cards have a finite read/write life cycle and eventually fail (around 20,000 write cycles or so, IIRC). At 12:54 AM 31/12/2002 -0800, g.haberek wrote: >Would Euphoria (WIN32) run on a WinCE device??