1. Re: War

> Hey, Ralf, what are you doing? Pissing people off again? You shouldn't do
>  that!
>  No, I really I wasn't, but what was meant with this "pointless
>  conversations"
>  Any1 particularly ??

By pointless conversations I meant tons of stuff totally unrelated to
Euphoria, relevant only to a few people. This sort of mail should be sent
privately and not clogg up the Listserv. Obviously anything to do with
Euphoria or related subjects is perfectly reasonable.

Did any1 ever work out what went wrong with the digest processor ? I got some
messages that were meaningless because I did not know what they were about,
having missed the original. Maybe I should not have digested it after all, I
think it made me puke (lousy joke)

>  But before this gets out of hand, I prolly misunderstood that mail (I hope
>  did), but whatever was meant with that isn't word any flaming war again!
>  by this, my apology...

Apology accepted, I was not looking for a fight.

Has anybody written a disk cataloguing prog ? If so, where is it ? If not,
would anybody make use of one ?

With Euphoria now running on NT, does this mean we will be able to write
programs that run on x86 web servers or CGI scripts or mail processors etc ?
This could be an exciting new area, or somebody may have already thought of

Also, somebody ought to write include file that checks the processor and
graphics speed of a computer, and then implements the appropriate level of
graphics and animation according to this. This means you can easily write
games which have real time ray tracing and 3-D sound for the slime with their
PII-300MMX machines yet still run at a reasonable speed on PCs owned by poor
people such as myself. This means people can target a larger audience with
very little extra coding.

You are probably sick of me now, so I'll shut up.

Daniel Johnson, Les Mailles Telesoft, Coventry, England

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